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PS5 VR Games

Tired of real life? Yeah, us too. Thankfully, VR is here to save the day! These are the games we’ll see teleport us to new and exciting worlds..

Our Top Picks For Virtual Reality (VR) Games on The PS5

1. First Person Shooters

Thanks to Farpoint and the PlayStation VR Aim Controller, first person shooters have found a home in VR. While Farpoint may not be perfect, it’s an excellent example of how shooters that we know and love can find new life in VR.

While it will take a while for mainstream franchises to fully commit to VR, experiments are happening, and if Farpoint is any indication, hopefully other developers will bring their experiences into the virtual world.

2. Horror in VR

Horror games have found a brand new life in virtual reality. What used to kind of scare you on a TV, will now terrify you in VR. When the horror is in your face and all around you, there’s no escape.

Resident Evil VII proved that this could be done, and done very well. Other titles like Until Dawn: Rush of Blood, and even Here They Lie have all shown promise for how horror can truly reach new heights of terror in virtual reality.

3. Wave Shooters

Another genre that has seen a resurrection from VR, is the wave shooter. Games like Pixel Gear, Dick Wilde, and Lethal VR have all proved that wave shooters can take different approaches and utilize the immersive nature of VR to great effect.

Even horror games like The Brookhaven Experiment have gotten in on the wave shooter craze. I think we’ll see these types of titles on the PS5 as well, but perhaps with more mobility.

4. VR Fitness

The stereotypical VR gamer is one that sits inside the headset and never moves, but that’s really not the case. While it can be hard to move around a lot in VR with the wired headset we currently have, a wireless headset on the PS5 could solve this issue.

There was a brief rush of fitness games when motion controls first became a thing, but I think a more capable and wireless headset on the PS5 could easily bring about immersive and fun fitness titles.

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