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2020 Gamer Resolutions

Here we are again. It’s the last day of the year and what a year 2019 has been. For us Gamers, we have a lot to look forward to. But before we begin looking forward to 2020, some of us need to get our New Year resolutions in order. To help, I have compiled 10 New Year Resolutions for Gamers! 

1 Enjoy what you’re playing…

This is at the top for good reason. I talk with different Gamers daily. All too often, I find that many of them aren’t enjoying video games the way they should be. The anger that seems to consume many, is a real problem and I’m not saying to just let things go, but maybe try and redirect how you think about it. Instead of saying you hate the game you’re playing, say something like “I hope this gets fixed.” Or maybe try switching to another game that you know you will enjoy. 


2 Handle the toxicity or don’t deal with it at all…

This goes in hand with number 1, but I decided to recognize it as a separate category. The one thing that seems to be inevitable on the web these days, is toxic people. It’s as if insulting, trolling and simply treating others like crap, is somehow okay. It’s not, but it is everywhere. Try not to let these things get in the way of having a good time. Most of the people we come across on the web, we will never meet and their salty attitudes belong them. You have to either just  laugh it off and maybe feel bad for these miserable people or mute everyone that is bothering you. Maybe find some friends to party up with to replace the noise. 


3 Make some new friends…

It’s a crazy new concept that a lot of people need to try. Making new friends makes the world go round and the same goes for the gaming community. It may seem like a difficult task when trying to find new Gamers to play with when you’re playing with randoms in lobbies and so many people seem to want to start arguments out the gate, but all is not a loss. There are tons of social media groups and pages for Gamers meet like minded people to play with. You will of course run into trolls here and there, but you’ll also get the chance to meet lots of cool peeps to game with. 


4 Try something new…

I am sure you can imagine, I love video games. If you’re reading this list, you probably love video games too. With such a large scope of choice, it’s easy to overlook games we might really enjoy playing. I know money is no object and not everyone can just buy a new game when they want, but if given the chance, maybe try getting a game that wasn’t on the hype radar? I know there is risk in getting something you might end up disliking, but I’m not saying to go in blindly. Check out some sales and read reviews before you buy. If it sounds like it might be appealing to you, give it a try!


5 Finish your backlog…

I say this every year and I will probably say it until the end of my days. Go back and finish those uncompleted games on your list. I won’t even try and count my backlog, but it is enormous. I find myself caught up in the new games that come out regularly and sometimes I don’t play a game as much as I would like. It sometimes haunts me to load up a new games when I really want to finish the last one. It might take some time, but maybe we should take one day a week and try to catch up on that backlog. I’m not saying take a whole day, but use your time as you see fit. 

6 Be kind…

Not saying everyone is a jerk, but let’s face it, there are a lot of them. I tend to consider myself to be a pretty nice person, but I certainly have my moments where I could have handled things better. It’s easy to get sucked into an argument online and off. For those of us with quick wit, we really know how to bring someone off their pedestal, but sometimes we say unnecessary things. I know I don’t want people treating me like crap and you probably don’t either. I’m not trying to be unrealistic when I say, we should consider other people’s feelings before we go off on them. Someone has to be kind first, it might as well start with us and let’s hope it spreads. 


7 Spend some of that game time with family…

Not everyone has a family or kids for that matter, but for those that do, sometimes we forget to invite them along to game with us. Not all the games we play will be appropriate for everyone, but there is a slew of family friendly games from several genres that will surely fit the bill. If the family isn’t interested in gaming with you, maybe find something to do with them you’ll all enjoy and sacrifice some of that personal game time for the fam. 


8 Quit smoking…

This is one that can be applied to all people, but a lot of Gamers too. Sometimes we get comfortable with our habits and don’t think much of it. For those of us that smoke cigarettes, it is something most of us think about quitting, but don’t execute a plan. I admit I am a smoke. Between every other match or gaming moment I play, I find myself taking a pause for 5 minutes, to go outside and smoke. I am going to quit this year on January 1st, and if you are a fellow smoker, I suggest you do the same. Good luck and stick with it. 


9 Eat better and exercise more…

Another one that can go out Gamers and non-Gamers alike. As Gamers, we tend to eat things that might be more convenient than beneficial. With all the bad food items that advertise specifically to Gamers, it’s easy to get caught in a vicious cycle of bad food and not getting enough exercise. I suggest making a few meals or snacks ahead of time. You’ll have the convenience of something that will be quick in the moment and better for your mind and body. Also try adding 30 minutes a few days a week to exercise. We don’t want to get too comfortable in our gaming chairs and forget the importance of overall fitness and health. 


10 Git Gud…

Git Gud or Get Good if you will, is a favorite gaming term of mine. In general, it means you need to get better at the video game you’re playing. There are some games that are more difficult than others and sometimes we just want to complain about it. Well, instead of complaining that a game sucks, try to Git Gud! I have been almost turned off from several games I loved, before I even tried them. The complaints of difficulty could be overwhelming, but the rewards of actually getting good at a difficult game are worth every ounce. You’ll feel good about it by the end, trust me. 


There we have it. 10 New Year’s Resolutions for Gamers in 2020. The isn’t tailored to any specific person, but it might help someone out there compile their resolution list. Thank you for reading and I hope you have an absolutely wonderful New Year! I will see you in 2020!


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