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The First PS5 Pre-Order News Surfaces Online

PS5 Leak on Twitter

image via Best Buy

While you may not be someone who typically worries about pre-ordering new games, there’s no arguing that consoles are a different beast entirely. Each generation they sell out immediately at launch, so we want to make sure you get one!

You can sign up for pre-order alerts right here, but we’re here to discuss some news that just surfaced! Sign up for our alerts, then read on to see what new info has surfaced!

Best Buy Opens up Email List For PS5 Pre-orders

The PS5 is public knowledge by now, and Sony has even confirmed the release date for holiday of 2020, but we still don’t know the price or when we can pre-order it. That may change very soon, if Best Buy’s new email list is anything to go by.

That’s right, the company has opened up an official email list for people who want to know when the PS5 is open for pre-order. You can find the form here, but we recommend also signing up for our email list, which covers all the major retailers!

This is the first time a major company has mentioned PS5 pre-orders, and with 2020 approaching very soon, I wouldn’t be surprised if they went live sooner rather than later. While you wait, consider these tips from someone who has pre-ordered a few consoles in his day:

What about you? Are you going to lock in a pre-order right away? Let us know in the comments!

Article by – Bradley Ramsey
Insert date – 12/11/19

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