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PS5 Release Date, Pre-Order, Specs, Price

PS5 Release Date

PS5 Release Date – Yessssss!

It is finally here! The PS5 Release Date was November 12, 2020, for all major regions, followed by November 19th for other parts of the world. We first accurately predicted this exact date back in 2014! We are the only website in the world to do this. PS5 Order info here.

Playstation Release Date History
PS1 Release Date Saturday – December 3, 1994
Time Between 5 Years 3 months – 1918 days
PS2 Release Date Saturday – March 4, 2000
Time Between 6 years and 8 months – 2444 days
PS3 Release Date Saturday – November 11, 2006
Time Between 7 Years, 5 days – 2562 days
PS4 Release Date Friday – Nov 15, 2013 (XBox beat – 7 days)
PS4 Pro Release Thursday, Nov 10, 2016 (XBox 1X beat – 362 days)
Time Between Since PS4 – 7 years & 1 day – 2558 days total
Time Between Since PS4 Pro – 2 years, 11 months, 28 days – 1093 days total
PS5 Release Date Thursday, November 12, 2020

When did the PS5 Come Out?

The Playstation 5 was officially released on November 12, 2020. Sony officially confirmed a prediction we made back in 2014! That’s right we knew before Sony even made the final decision! On September 16th, 2020, Sony confirmed the PS5’s release date as November 12th, 2020!. Just like with the pre-order the PS5 sold out immediately, leaving fans across the world totally devastated.

We also accurately predicted the official PS5 announcement would be in 2019. We also accurately predicted the PS4 release date on our other site but that is another story. Now let’s look at the history shall we. The PS2 came 5 years 3 months after the PS1, the PS3 came 6 years 8 months after the PS2 and the PS4 came 7 years and 5 days after the PS3. Following this trend 2020 should have been no surprise to gamers world wide and yet many people argued 2018, 2019 and even still 2021.

We were not the only ones who thought so either. According to WinFuture, a report from Ace Research Institute’s analyst Hideki Yasuda predicted that the PS5 release in November of 2020 as well for a price of $499.

The analyst also went on to predict that Sony would sell six million consoles before the end of the fiscal year, which would be March 2021, along with another 15 million sold in the following year. The analyst said that Microsoft’s next-gen console would be the main competitor, but went so far as to say that Google Stadia wouldn’t be a serious competitor. Ouch!

The Latest PS5 Release Date News

Did Call of Duty Modern Warfare Reveal the Release Date!?

In a report in the Wall Street Journal, Sony hinted at the PS5’s release date during an investor call in April of 2019. WSJ tech reporter, Takashi Mochizuki, tweeted the details:

It’s very unlikely that Sony will release the PS5 in the middle of the summer, so everything points to the historical strategy of releasing in November to hit the holiday season. This all but confirms that the PS5 is coming in November of 2020! Read on to see other evidence we’ve found in the past.

The announcement that Sony wouldn’t be attending E3 2019, along with the cancellation of PSX 2018, shocked everyone. Sony was stepping out of the spotlight. It’s fair to say that some fans (myself included) were wondering what Sony’s plan was. While it’s certainly odd for Sony to be cancelling events and pulling out of major conferences, all of this falls in line with the major leak on Reddit that revealed several major revelations about the PS5. Some of the predictions have already come to pass.

Shawn Layden, Sony Interactive Entertainment World Studios Chairman, responded to a fan’s tweet in early December 2018 with something very interesting:

We all knew that Sony wasn’t bowing out of the gaming sphere, but it’s nice to know that Shawn is listening and that plans are in place for the new year.

In May of 2018 there was confirmation from Sony’s CEO that the PS4 had entered the final stage of its lifecycle, which meant that Sony was planning ahead for the PS5. Sony had said that they would spend the next three years preparing for the next big step forward. This put the PS5 release date sometime in 2020.

In late December of 2018, Sony also provided fans with a free holiday theme for email subscribers, to commemorate the end of the year. A nice gesture for sure, but one gamer quickly spotted something interesting. Take a look:

Now, that “S” certainly looked like a 5. It could be a tongue-in-cheek way to teasing a PS5 reveal in the new year. Some have also said that it could represent five years that the PS4 has been out. It could also just be an “S,” but that’s no fun.

Besides, we know Sony is working on the PS5. In fact, Sony also posted a position on LinkedIn looking for a Sr. Product Manager. This position went up in mid-October 2018.

Check out this excerpt from the job description:

“You will own the roadmap for the next generation PlayStation campaign.”

Whichever lucky soul gets this job is going to be working on the PS5 campaign, that’s crystal clear. It also shows that things are ramping up towards the next generation faster than we thought, which is why we have decided to move our prediction up to fall 2019.

We also need to consider the possibility that the PS5 may not be what we’re expecting, hence the mysterious wording used by John Kodera. In the full report from the Wall Street Journal, Kodera said something very interesting to reporters:

“We need to depart from the traditional way of looking at the console life cycle. We’re no longer in a time when you can think just about the console or just about the network like they’re two different things.”

So, if Sony waits until 2021, it could be because they’re going to change the way we think about consoles. new information from Bloomberg suggests that Sony is going to lean more into their subscriptions and entertainment sectors.

Things like PlayStation Now, PS+, and of course, great games, are fueling profits more than hardware lately. As internet becomes more widespread, it’s possible Sony is considering a streaming console instead of a traditional PS5.

It’s still up in the air as to what the console will look like, but there’s still plenty of evidence showing that the release date is most likely still in flux.

Two of the most outspoken voices in this argument, are Ubisoft’s CEO Yves Guillemot, and Wedbush Securities research analyst Michael Pachter. Both of these individuals have spoken publically about the PS5, and their remarks support our predictions. Let’s start with Ubisoft’s own CEO, Yves Guillemot. During an investor’s call, he had this to say:

“As Sony launched PlayStation 4 Pro last year and Microsoft Xbox One X this year, we think we still have a minimum of two years in front of us before something new is coming. But that’s our perception, we don’t have any confidential information on that front.”

The crux of the argument here lies in the fact that the PS4 Pro only released in 2016, and Microsoft’s own Xbox One X released in 2017. As a result, these new consoles will need to have time to breathe before anything else comes out. Even so, that only leaves 2 years for the Xbox One X before a new competitor comes out.

It would be an opportune time to announce or release the PS5, especially once the PS4 Pro is more than three years old. Anything sooner, and gamers could feel like they were swindled if they bought a PS4 Pro at launch.

If we turn our attention to Michael Pachter, his predictions have previously pointed to a release date around 2019. Sorry Mike you got it wrong, should have listed to us. He believed that Sony would wait until the 4K TV market reached 50% in the US and 35% in the rest of the world.

He then reconsidered his prediction, offering a later release date in 2020 (Nice one). When speaking to the 1099 podcast, he had this to say:

“If I had to bet, it’s 2020. Sony’s making so much money with the PS5 that I think they’ll continue to milk it as long as they can milk it. The PS5 is probably going to be their real 4K device, and so it just feels to me that they’re not going to launch the PS5 until sales momentum for the PS4 slows, and it just hasn’t. it if slows in 2019, they’re probably launching in 2020.”

Looking at the massive sales of the PS4, it’s reasonable to agree with Pachter’s prediction. Sony will want to maintain the PS4’s strength as long as they can before they move on to something else. This is perhaps, the reasoning behind Lewis Ward’s prediction. As the IDC research director for gaming and VR/AR, Lewis spoke with Gaming Bolt and shared his own prediction for the PS5’s release:

“Right now I think PS5 and the next-gen Xbox will arrive in 2021, but that’s really just a tentative placeholder in my forecast.”

In the same discussion, Lewis also predicted that the PS4 would hit the coveted 100 million sales milestone by 2019. With over 70 million PS4 consoles sold as of December 2017, it seems like a reasonable goal. If could happen even sooner! One thing is for certain: Sony won’t be releasing the PS5 until the PS4 has finished its ascent in the sales charts. There’s too much money to be had with this current generation still.

When did Sony start working on the PS4?

If you guessed 5 years before the launch of the PS4 you are correct. Mark Cerny the lead system architect for the PS4 was once quoted as saying “the development of a next-gen platform started about five years ago.” The concepts began swirling around as early as 2008! This was only a mere two years into the PS3 life cycle. Interestingly enough, Sony partnered with Bungie, the developers of Halo and Destiny, to design the PS4 controller so that it would be more beneficial when being used in first person shooters.

In 2012 development kits started going out to developers. These were bare bones PC rigs with the new AMD Accelerated Processing Unit chipset included. They were codenamed “Orbis.” Sony officially announced the PS4 in February of 2013 at a special event, thus revealing its existence to the world.

How Does PS4 Pro Factor into This?

The PS4 Pro is one of two consoles that are redefining the way we think about generations of gaming consoles. Between this and the Xbox One X, we’re seeing new consoles that bring us increased power and performance, but they’re not consider next generation machines.

That’s a confusing concept for gamers, and it’s one that we’re all still trying to collectively wrap our heads around. The PS4 Pro released in November of 2016 to positive reviews, but everyone was left asking how this affects the future of gaming, and where original PS4 owners stand.

The chief architect for Sony, Mark Cerny, sat down with The Verge to talk about the system in more detail. During this interview we got some hints about how Sony is moving forward into the future of gaming.

For starters, we found out that, while the PS4 Pro is indeed 2.28 times more powerful than the PS4, it doesn’t have a new GPU. Instead, it’s a double-sized version of the original which can be turned on an off depending on the support for Pro’s extra power on PS4 games.

The biggest qualms with the PS4 Pro lie within it’s lack of UHD Blu-Ray support, and the fact that games don’t always render in native 4K. In many cases, they come very close, but enthusiasts want nothing less then native support. We all assume that 4K should be the focus, but what if VR is the future? We always assume that televisions are the way we’ll play games forever, but anyone who has played VR knows that this could change.

As of now, Sony is very steadfast in their decision to not have any PS4 Pro exclusive titles. In fact, if a game isn’t patched or made with PS4 Pro support, then it plays just like it did on the PS4 since the extra GPU is shut down in these instances.

Cerny said that Sony has put “a very high premium on not splitting the user base in that fashion.” What happens in the future when a game is made for Pro, but doesn’t run well on the original PS4? Cerny didn’t speak to that scenario, but suffice to say, we’re already seeing performance gaps.

Here are some of the top examples of games that leverage the PS4 Pro’s power:

Then we look at something like PlayStation VR. Having played VR titles on both the PS4 and PS4 Pro, I can say that there’s a noticeable difference between the two. People were shocked when Sony was able to get VR working on a PS4’s hardware, but with Pro, we’re looking at much more suitable hardware for virtual reality games.

Sony’s lofty ideas, combined with the creative vision of developers, results in a need for more and more power. That, combined with console gamers wanting something similar to PC quality, is why the PS4 Pro exists in the first place.

Of course, Mark Cerny said in the aforementioned interview that the Pro wasn’t designed solely for VR. Instead, he said that Sony is simply asking developers to “take advantage. We’d like for them to take a look at what the hardware can do, and do something with it. Developers can easily increase the refresh rate, add more detail, and also increase the resolution of the image to an extent.”

In addition, Cerny said that Sony left out the 4K Blu-Ray player because they believe that “streaming is the future.” As of right now, this applies solely to video content, but could this mean that Sony wants to stream games as well? This would support our theories on PS5 possibly incorporating a game streaming solution.

Now that the PS4 Pro is here, it will be interesting to see how this changes the landscape of the industry. Now that Xbox One X is released, we’ll see even more about what this competition could mean for the industry.

One thing is certain, Sony will use this system to inform their decisions for PS5 and ensure that the PS5 will do what the PS4 Pro won’t or couldn’t.

Finally, let’s not forget that in an interview between Shuhei Yoshia and Gameswelt.TV, the President of Sony’s Worldwide Studios said that the “new high-end PS4 is still PS4, so the life cycle is not going to be shorter.”

This is yet another piece of evidence that points to our 2020 release date.

The Price of the PS5 Revealed

I know we’re all excited here, but if there’s one thing people want to know about new consoles, it’s the price. Between the PS3 and the PS4, Sony changed their minds to the tune of $200 dollars. It’s clear that gamers don’t want consoles to spike in price, but they also want power, so where does the balance lie? Join us as we examine the price of the PS5!

Are Shorter Console Life Cycles The Future?

Game consoles represent huge investments for consumers. Between the games, the accessories, and the subscriptions, it’s no wonder people get angry when we bring up the concept of yet another console. Boy oh boy, though, do people get angry! If you try to bring up the subject on forums like Reddit, expect to get sufficiently “ripped a new one,” as it were.

People are protective of their investments, which results in kind of a hostile and hush-hush environment for people like us who dare to dream. What’s interesting though is the double standard that exists in the world of technology. Bear with me for a moment here, let’s consider something:

What’s the deal? I get that these two examples cater to different types of consumers, but seriously? The level of acceptance versus the level of hostility is just insane. Here’s the problem though: technology outpaces consoles insanely fast. Anyone who is a PC gamer will know, just when you think you have the greatest rig, a new GPU or CPU comes out and suddenly you’re obsolete again.

The PS4’s hardware is amazing compared to the PS3, but it’s already outdated by a long shot when you compare it to modern gaming PC’s. Since you can’t swap out parts in the PS4 or in any home console for that matter, you need to replace it sooner to keep up with technology.

That’s the hard way of looking at it, but Sony has a more level-headed approach. I’m of course referring to Shuhei Yoshida’s quote regarding the PS5 when he said that developers will decide the right time to release it. If they don’t have the power they need, then it’s time for PS5. Classic cryptic Sony talk, but a solid outlook.

Of course, if you ask the Sony President on the American side, Andrew House, he has a different quote: “Not giving hard numbers, but the best guidance that I think I can offer based on the landscape we see right now, is that we have high hopes that the PlayStation 4 will exceed the overall life cycle of the PlayStation 3. It remains a significant question mark as to whether this will approach or exceed that of PlayStation 2.”

That’s going to be a tall order with the way technology is progressing. Taking the two quotes from each of these Sony executives, they almost sound like they’re at odds with one another as to what they want from the PS4 life cycle. Obviously they want their product to remain relevant, but it’s only a matter of time before developers will want that extra power.

So what’s the alternative? Build a better console faster than before? No, probably not. Instead, it’s likely that Sony will need to adapt to a more service-oriented future that turns the home console into more of a set-top box like Amazon Fire TV or Roku, or even Apple TV.

If games took the form of apps and streamed to your television from cloud servers, then Sony would have no need to release new consoles. Instead they would sell the games through these streaming boxes and possibly offer a subscription like PlayStation Now as well.

As it stands, the PS4 is selling extremely well and beating out the competition. With factors like PlayStation VR and the rising tide of new technology though, it’s going to run out of runway sooner than later. The developers will need more power and angry fans or not, we’ll need to start talking about the PS5.

Playstation Life Cycles

Looking at the cycles of past PlayStations can we begin to chart a course of when we should expect to see the PlayStation 5! Back in 1994, Sony unleashed the PlayStation on the world, a bastion of high-end technology that changed gaming as we know it forever. It was only six years later that it outdid itself with the PlayStation 2, a system that many still believe is the crowning pinnacle of the PlayStation brand. It made history as one of the best-selling video game consoles ever.

Following a pattern, six years later the PlayStation 3 was released, ushering in an era of online games and networks that once again changed the face of gaming forever. Then came the PS4, which blew its rival the Xbox One out of the water. PS4 sales going into 2017 were looking awesome with an almost 2-to-1 ratio in Sony’s favor.

And then of course, you have the PS4 Pro, which sends everything into uncertainty. For the first time, a new and more powerful console has entered the fold in the middle of a generation. Thus far, it seems like fans are adopting it pretty quickly for the graphical boosts and 4K support, not to mention the enhanced PlayStation VR experience.

Our PS5 Release Date Predictions

We are continually updating this page with new information as it breaks that could alter our current predictions. In 2013 we came within a few days of predicting the actual PS4 release date, no one else came closer. We plan on having the same high accuracy for the PS5 release date. Thus far we’ve been hitting you with hard facts and rumors from other news sources, but we as gamers feel the need to throw in our own predictions as well. At this stage in the game, the more ideas we have, the better, because that drives us towards the ultimate goal of pinpointing the exact date of the PS5 release.

Currently, the PS4 has sold over 60 million units worldwide and is leading over Microsoft by a large margin. There’s no signs that it’s slowing down either.

While we do acknowledge the fact that the PS4 hardware is going to run out quickly because of its inability to be upgraded, we also point to the growth that he PS3 experienced in its final years. Compare a launch title like Resistance: Fall of Man to the original release of The Last of Us and you’ll see that developers clearly saw ways to get more horsepower out of the system as the years went on.

Game developers are innovative and creative people. Yes, there will be a demand for power, but no, that won’t stop them from finding ways to use what they have. What I’m saying is that our 2020 release date prediction for the PS5 is far more accurate that 2017 because the PS4 Pro was released in holiday of 2016 and Sony plans to have it become the standard for the foreseeable future.

I think Sony is already running tests on the PS5 and I think it will be ready, or at least playable by 2018, but I also think Sony is going to play their cards close to their chest.

If the PS4 sales plummet or developers simply can’t do what they want with the hardware available, then yes, Sony will unveil the PS5 to invigorate the market and build hype, but without the need for a new console in terms of business and innovation, Sony will keep things under wraps until the time is right.

For now, we have the PS4 Pro and PlayStation VR, both of which are riding high in the eyes of the consumer. They are both young, with a lot of games ahead of them.

I would like to play devil’s advocate for a moment though. What if the PS5 is coming as soon as 2018? We’ve already discussed how the PS5 will most likely be a cloud-based on console so what if Sony is already testing the market for such a product?

We all know about PlayStation Now and if you don’t, it’s a streaming service like Netflix, but for games. Sony could be using this service as a testing ground to see not only if the public would support a cloud-based system, but if the demand is there. It’s not an entirely far-fetched concept.

As it stands, we’re going to keep scouring the internet for more clues, rumors, and news to keep this page as accurate as possible.

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When do you think the PS5 is coming? Why? Join others in the comments below!

Article by – Bradley Ramsey
Posted: February 19, 2014 (That’s correct we predicted the PS5 Release Date 6 years before it’s release date! So far we are not wrong.)
We also accurately predicted the PS4 (within a few days) 5 years before its release.

Article updated – 4/26/19 (Our release date prediction grows more accurate by the day…)

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