You Secured a PS5 Launch Day Order: 8 Things to Do While You Wait

PS5 Launch Day

The PS5 launch day was always going to be insane, if the preorders were anything to go by. Retailers are promising some stock on November 12th, but we’re already seeing places sell out immediately and websites go down once again.

Among all of this, if you did secure a PS5 order for yourself, congratulations! While you wait for it to ship out, let’s get you started on some considerations and steps so you’re ready to go when it arrives.

8 Things to Consider (Or Buy) While You Wait For Your PS5 to Arrive

These are the things that went through my head while I anxiously stared out my window waiting for the FedEx truck. Hopefully they can help you figure out your next steps as well:

#1 – Space (both digital and physical)

The PS5 is massive, way bigger than even the PS4 Pro. You’re going to need space in the real world, while also considering the somewhat limited space on the SSD, but more on that in a moment.

The PS5 includes a stand that you can use for both horizontal and vertical placement. I personally have opted for the vertical option, but keep in mind that the stand is needed even if you’re laying it down, in order to keep things stable.

Now, on the subject of the SSD. We’re looking at 667.2 GB of usable space after the OS, so more than the PS4 had at launch, but less than what we’re used to. Now, there aren’t any expansion options for PS5 games at launch, but external drives are supported for PS4 games. I will say that, as of this writing, I’ve been hearing about some issues with crashing and using Rest Mode with an external drive plugged in, so it may be beneficial to keep things simple until another firmware update or two comes in.

Beyond keeping downloads managed, you can also do things like keep your recordings to a minimum to save space, and disabling trophy videos that capture when you unlock a trophy could help as well. Head to settings > captures and broadcasts and disable trophy videos and screenshots if you want to avoid having these take up space.

#2 – Digital or physical for the games you want?

The PS5 is coming in two versions, which is something I predicted well before the announcement in this article that also goes a little too crazy with the possibilities.

Even so, if you get the digital version of the system for $399, you’re going all-digital and that’s totally cool! Keep in mind that you’ll need to buy games like Watch Dogs: Legion and Assassin’s Creed Valhalla digital as well if you plan to move them from PS4 to PS5, you won’t be able to upgrade a disc with a disc-less system.

I personally go back-and-forth on digital and physical games, but keep this in mind as you stock up on your chosen titles.

#3 – Grab an extra controller

It’s an age-old tradition, but game systems still have titles that feature local co-op, and even if you’re not playing those games, having a backup means you can swap them out while one is charging. Speaking of charging…

#4 – A Charging station isn’t required, but helpful for keeping the DualSense juiced up

I’ve had a charging station throughout the PS4’s generation and I don’t know how I would have functioned without it. Yes, you can plug the controller into the system, but it’s just so much easier to pop it onto a dock and get back to what you’re doing. It also prevents the need to leave the system in rest mode so you can charge your DualSense.

#5 – Do you have a nice headset for 3D Audio (anything will work, but Sony has a new Pulse 3D headset)

The Tempest Engine in the PS5 sports 3D audio powered by dedicated hardware, and while it will work with any headphones at launch, a nice headset can really boost that audio quality. I personally rock the Platinum PS4 headset, but Sony also has a sleek Pulse 3D audio headset you can see on our PS5 Sound and TV Page.

#6 – Is your TV HDMI 2.1 compatible / 4K? The former is required to properly display 120Hz content this gen

This one is a little harder to solve as TVs can be expensive, but something to consider is whether yours has HDMI 2.1 ports. These types of ports and the cables that come with the PS5 are needed to display a 120Hz refresh rate, which is required for 120FPS content that we’re already seeing in launch titles like Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition.

If you’re upgrading your TV to 4K anyway, keep an eye out for this feature. I personally recommend the LG CX OLED, but it can be pricey if you don’t catch on it on sale.

#7 – Do you plan on retiring your PS4? If so, do you have an external drive to store those games on since the PS5’s drive is somewhat small?

I bring up this point again because you should really consider external storage once they figure out some of the kinks with the PS5’s firmware. You can’t store PS5 games on an external drive, but PS4 games can be stored this way and played from there to save space.

#8 How’s your PS+ looking?

You need an active PS+ subscription to download cloud saves from PS4 games, and Bugsnax is free for PS5 owners who are subscribed, along with the collection they promised of PS4 games for subscribers.

Any other points of consideration I’m missing for PS5 launch day orders? Let me know in the comments!

Article by – Bradley Ramsey
Insert date – 11/12/2020

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