What you need for your new PS5!

Here we are again. The holidays are in full swing, video games and accessories are on sale everywhere you turn. For many gamers out there, this is the best time of year and there are plenty of good reasons for that. Wake up to some brand new video games, stockings stuffed with accessories, candy and possibly some energy drinks to help get us through an extended amount of play time, if all goes well. Of course there’s that major gaming purchase that a lot of people are still hoping for, a brand new PlayStation 5! Sadly the pandemic rages on and is still causing a microchip shortage across the globe, which leaves a lot of less consoles available to purchase. Not to mention the scalpers are still out there scalping… it doesn’t help matters any. Pandemic woes aside, what would you want to go with your PS5? A few games, a headset? A new screen, maybe? To get things going, here are a few things I recommend this holiday season for your PS5! I’m going to avoid recommending game titles this year. There isn’t a huge selection to pick from just yet and if I’m being quite frank, a lot the games so far have been disappointing. Looking at you CoD. You too, Battlefield… Headset! The PlayStation 5 has 3D audio and will work without a headset, but for any avid gamer, a headset should be on their list. I highly recommend Sony’s PS5 headset. It sits at a great price of $99.99 (USD) and has excellent surround 3D audio that was designed for this console. It’s a comfortable headset that has a wide range of features to pair up with your new PS5. An extra Dual Sense controller. This might not seem like an important accessory with today’s gaming market. Couch co-op still exists, but it isn’t very common, so why the need for an extra Dual Sense? Well, the Dual Sense doesn’t have the longest battery life when you’re deep in long gaming sessions. Having a spare charged up and ready to play is definitely a good way to go. Sure you could plug in the controller and use it that way, but not everyone wants to do that. While the PlayStation 5 controller is quite durable, it’s also nice to have a backup just in case something goes wrong. The biggest accessory I’m going to throw out there is a pretty big deal. It’s also the most expensive one, but worth the money. I’m talking about curved monitors. Grabbing a curved monitor that is 1ms and is at least 144hz, you’re in a pretty position. I recommend going with a 27 inch curve and as far as graphics go, I think that’s more up to you. The 1080p monitors are cheaper and offer the above features I mentioned, but if you really like your graphics to be pretty, shelling out a little extra will give you the 4k experience you’re craving. As far as the little things … Read More

Back 4 Blood open beta, Death loop has gone gold and more in this weeks drop!

It’s been a pretty good week for gaming news and it’s about that time we look back at some of the highlights. On top of the news recap this weekend, keep your eyes out for my impressions of Back 4 Blood as well as live-streaming the same title this week. Without further ado, let’s get to the news!    Back 4 Blood is currently in an open beta stage for everyone to try. Not gonna say too much about the title just yet, but I will say it has more elements than I expected, so that’s a good sign for what’s in the full game. I have found it to be quite fun so far, but not without its share of issues.  I can’t wait to learn more and give you my first impressions next week. Fear not, it opens to everyone, not just preorders, so we’re clear.    Another game I am excited for this month as should most PlayStation owners, is Ghost of Tsushima. With the big update on its way that adds an extension to the game, a multiplayer variant and for a few extra dollars you get a PS5 upgrade, it’s almost time for me to hop back on and revisit the game.    Someone listed a couple of PS5 developer kits on eBay the other day. The bidding reached over $3000 USD before the listing was taken down by eBay without explanation. We’re guessing that Sony got involved and had the listing removed, but without an official statement from either eBay or Sony, there is no way to confirm Sony’s involvement. Personally, if I was in the market for a PS5, I wouldn’t be interested in buying a dev kit. It might have some collector’s value down the road, but it’s still a hard pass for me. Would you buy one?    In other news, Sony has seen a decline in PlayStation plus subscribers, but the company isn’t worried about it as the PlayStation brand continues to be the biggest money maker for Sony right now. Which really makes me wounded where Sony would be right now if they had passed on the console business. It is my understanding that PlayStation is the company’s flagship right now, so it is quite possible that Sony could have gone bankrupt had it not gotten into gaming. Interesting thought to mull over. What do you think would have happened?    Deathloop has gone gold! PS5’s timed exclusive that was originally planned to release back in May of this year, has finally been completed and is ready for gamers to play. Unfortunately for me and other Gamers that can’t wait to play this game, going gold now doesn’t move the release date any closer. September 14th, it is! Microsoft now owns the developer and publisher behind Deathloop, but prior to MS making the purchase of Zenimax and everything under its umbrella, the deal had already been struck with Sony and the companies had to follow through with the terms. … Read More

PS5 gets a system update, possible upcoming PlayStation experience and more in last weeks new update today!

A good amount of gaming news has dropped over that last week or so and while I don’t have anything game changing for you today (pun intended), but there will definitely be something big coming later this month from EA and hopefully Sony will give us something more than the State of Plays they have been dropping for us. Without further ado, let’s get to the gaming news drop, shall we?    The PS5 got another firmware update the other day. It doesn’t bring anything heavy hitting to the console, but performance improvements are always a good thing. Here’s a look at the notes:   This system software update improves system performance. We’ve updated the DualSense wireless controller device software to improve stability. We’ve fixed an issue that restricted the functionality of some screens when the screen reader was enabled. We’ve fixed an issue where games that you’ve hidden on PS4 were not hidden on PS5. We’ve made the process of copying games from USB extended storage to console storage in the game library more stable   All useful improvements in the end. Hopefully something big is coming soon.  Thinking august we will get the PlayStation Experience.    In other news, Cyberpunk 2077 is back in the PSN store. The heads over at Projekt CD Red say they are satisfied with how the game plays on last Gen consoles, although I still hear a lot of complaints from players that say the game is in just as bad of shape as it was before. I mean, Sony gave it the greenlight so it must be improved somewhat, but I haven’t played it on last Gen consoles, so I cannot attest to either. Fingers crossed the majority are happy with it.    Ghost of Tsushima directors cut for PS4 and PS5 has a price tag on it that isn’t appeasing fans. If you already own the game on PS4, the upgrade will run you $19.99 USD and the PS5 version will cost 29.99 USD. PS5 owners seem to be the most upset because the upgrade is obviously $10 more. Fans are upset because an upgrade between last and next Gen consoles is usually free, but the extra $10 just for PS5 features does seem kinda shiesty on Sony’s part. I know it’s a business, but that doesn’t mean businesses don’t get petty at times.   Sony hosted another State of Play stream a few days ago. They announced some upcoming games, but it wasn’t even close to the show everyone is hoping will happen soon. I mentioned in the last article that Sony did trademark PlayStation Experience this year which is a sure sign that there is a yet to be announced show coming up. I’m guessing it’ll take place in late August and I would be surprised if the show didn’t take place at all.. State of Play was ok, but does little for those waiting to hear some hard hitting news.    If you’re looking for a bargain on … Read More

E3 is over, but the news never stops! Check out this weeks drop!

After a long week of E3, it’s time to get back to regular news updates here at PS5 Gamers. Of course there will be more shows coming up like EA’s Play Live, which will take place on July 22. So, without further ado, let’s get you updated on this week’s news drops!   Sony has been back at it again with PlayStation Direct, which entails an invite to buy a PS5 directly from Sony. While the service is great for those hoping to get on the list of invitees, it seems that Sony needs to tweak the system a little bit as the company had seemingly sent invites to Gamers that already own the PS5 console. I don’t know if Sony just doesn’t care or if they plan to fix the invite system, but it seems pretty disappointing to players waiting on getting a console. Of course Sony hasn’t answered any questions in regards to what happened and probably won’t. If by chance the company speaks up, I’ll let you know what they have to say for themselves.    On another note, Sony might be treating fans to an upcoming PlayStation Experience (PSX)! The company filed a trademark application for PSX on June 11th, 2021. While this doesn’t guarantee a showing, it seems like a waste of time to trademark the show if there isn’t going to be one and it’s not a situation where they have to renew the trademark in order to keep it. I wouldn’t be surprised if we hear an announcement for August or September. Sony has a lot to talk about sooner than later i.e. their answer the Xbox Gamepass and upcoming plans for the holiday. In the meantime, I’ll just keep holding my breath until we hear some dirt.   Have you been getting excited for Battlefield 2024? Well, it would seem that many players are getting ready for the upcoming title by playing Battlefield 4. In fact, so many players have hopped back on BF4 from all platforms, EA is having the devs increase server capacity to accommodate the traffic. BF4 is 8 years old and I am telling you now, playing that game is not going to prepare you for Battlefield 2024. Play the game because you like it and are excited to see the servers light up once again, but don’t think this is going to “warm you up” for the next entry. Nothing will prepare us for it aside from a beta, I assure you.    Speaking of EA (again), there is a pretty heavy rumor that the company is going to be bringing back an “established” IP. A journalist from Venture Beat by the name of Jeff Grubb seems to believe this is happening. He stated in a tweet that we should expect the reveal next month “if we’re not dead first.” This has of course gotten speculators to believe he is referencing the Dead Space series. While we have to take the rumors with a grain of salt, … Read More

Pre-E3 Game News Update

E3 is kicking off today and before all of that excitement begins, I need to drop the rest of this week’s gaming updates and then start covering the big show! Without further ado, let’s get to it!    As stated above, E3 is kicking off soon, but there have been plenty of things going on prior to the show such as Summer Game Fest, which was absolutely great, by the way! I’m not going to recap everything here, but I am going to give you the tidbits! One of those tidbits and it’s a pretty big deal to me, is that Elden Ring has finally got a release date. Yes, you read that correctly, Elden Ring has a release date!!!    Elden Ring was announced back in 2019 and it’s been on the minds of gamers everywhere. We have seen and heard very little about this title and honestly, I didn’t expect a release date to be as close as it is and I am smitten. Dropping on January 21, 2022, Elden Ring will finally be in the hands of all that have been awaiting its arrival. To top it off, there is a decent trailer that has also been released! Check it out below!!  Elden Ring Official Trailer from Summer Game Fest For us Call of Duty fans, season 3 of Warzone and Black Ops Cold War is about to end and with that begins season 4! PSA, if you want to get your hands on the Rambo and or John Mclane skins, grab them before season 3 ends! Season 3 aside, we know there is going to be a road map revealed for season 4 on June 14th, but we do know a little bit about what’s to come.    Black Ops Cold War is getting some new game modes and of course maps. There is also the promise of another round based zombies mode in season 4. And while I can’t really be sure of map changes coming to Verdansk in Warzone, we do know the satellites will come crashing down onto the city and likely change a few things. I just don’t know what those changes will be just yet. Come on June 14, I’m getting antsy here! Also on June 14th, we’ll be treated to double XP and double Battle Pass XP to finish up season 3. Season 4 begins on June 17th and I can’t wait!    Remember Death Stranding? The game that was a critical hit, but also seemed to be critically confusing for some? Well, Hideo Kojima is releasing a director’s cut for the PS5. What the director’s cut will include isn’t readily available for us at this time, but once Kojima releases let us know, we’ll let you know as well! I’m sure we can expect to see upgraded frames per second, maybe a boost in graphics and its details, possibly some extra storyline content and who knows else? I’m sure that PS4 owners of the game won’t be getting a … Read More

Gaming news this week!

It is the end of the week and as promised, I’m dropping my second news update this week to catch us all up on what’s happened in the last few days and what’s coming up! Let’s go!   First and foremost we need touch base in two highly anticipated games. I am talking about God of War Ragnarok and Horizon: Forbidden West. Easily two of the most anticipated titles in the Playstation franchise and I have some good news all around and maybe just little not so good news, but nothing all that bad either.    God of War Ragnarok is officially releasing on both the PS4 and PS5! Some were concerned this title would skip the PS4 altogether, but alas, Sony is smarter than losing a ton of sales and I respect that. If I didn’t have a PS5, but this game was coming soon and I wasn’t able to play on PS4, I would be bummed as would any other fan. On another note, the title has been pushed into early 2022 rather than the expected holiday 2021 release date. We never actually had a release date to begin with, so it’s not so bad . It’s just great to hear both gen consoles will get a chance to play!   And news about Horizon: Forbidden West that is sure to make us all happy! Horizon, just like GOW, will also be dropping on both the PS4 and PS5! Another concern for some has been laid to rest and it’s pretty awesome! I cannot wait to get my hands on the next entry and see where this one takes me. It was a great game as it was, so it will be interesting to see what the developers make changes to and add. To sweeten the pot a little, Horizon: Forbidden West is targeted to release this holiday season in 2021! While there is no exact date as of yet and there is always the cancer of a delay, but yes, they are hoping/expecting to release it this year and I hope they do! One last thing. Horizon has been confirmed to run at 60 fps on the PS5. Could a push for 120 actually happen?    In other game news, the head of Playstation Studios claims there are 25 games in development and half of them are new IP’s! While that doesn’t really give us a birds eye view of what will actually come out or when, it is nice to hear that Sony has a good number of working titles on the way. I am still holding out for a Bloodborne sequel or even a full remake, but that is only a PlayStation exclusive and not from the companies first part studios unless of course Bluepoint does the remake. Then it is inhouse, so there’s that. What are you hoping is on the way?   Are you getting excited for the cancelled then uncancelled, canceled and uncancelled again E3 show this year? It is right around … Read More

Last weeks gaming news Today!

I typically drop news updates a little later in the week, but I made the mistake of not publishing last week’s update, so this week will be jam packed with some highly anticipated info such as Dying Light getting a release date, gameplay from Horizon Forbidden West, Sony’s development of AI companionship and more! So, without further ado, let’s go over the latest news updates in PlayStation gaming!    Mentioned above, we finally have a release date for Dying Light 2: Stay Human!  I have to admit, I was beginning to get a little concerned that this game was going to be another couple of years or possibly longer. Dying Light 2: Stay Human is slated to release on December 7th, 2021. Super fans (such as myself) have been waiting for this for a long time! Those of us on PS5 should be extra excited to finally play the long awaited sequel on next/current Gen consoles. I think it’s gonna be great!    Last year I wrote an article about Sony having a patent for an AI companion that could play PlayStation games with you. Like a little robot you sit next to you on the couch and it becomes your player 2. Not only that, it can learn how to play games better, root you on, play with or against you and probably a lot more that I’m unaware of. Sony wants to help make things a little more social in part due to the world pandemic. Where I scratch my head is, isn’t replacing a human with an AI companion kind of antisocial in itself? Who am I to ask such daft questions? I’ll buy it anyway.    In other news, Sony’s network sales are up nearly “10 fold” over the last seven years. The biggest contributor being PS Plus with more than 47 million subscribers in March of 2021, I’m sure they’re pretty smitten right now. While that is great news, you really have to wonder what’s up Sony’s sleeve to fight back against Microsoft’s Gamepass. We heard very little about what the future holds for PS Plus, but we do know that Sony is working on something as they have said, we just have to wait a little longer and see.   We were treated to some Horizon: Forbidden West gameplay yesterday during PlayStations State of Play and I’m not gonna say much more than wow. It was beautiful and while we know demos are polished extra shiny for these events, I can’t wait to see the full product. I loved the first entry in the series and I am sure the second one will offer just as much if not more satisfaction. This is another title us PS5 owners need to be extra hyped about, but we still don’t have a release date, so hopefully we’ll be hearing about a holiday drop, but there is a good chance it could land in the Spring of 2022. Guerrilla Games has confirmed release date info is coming … Read More

New PS5 model coming 2021?

Word on the web is that Sony is in fact working on a redesign of the PS5 console for 2022. From the sounds of things, it isn’t going to be a slim or pro model of the console, but it is being redesigned to host a different AMD to cut costs and there’s a good reason for that.    As you probably know, there is a major shortage of next gen consoles available and that isn’t really because of scalpers as much as it is because there is a world wide Microchip shortage that has not only made it difficult to build the consoles, but it also caused the cost to skyrocket. It’s to the best of my understanding that the chip shortage is the reason for the console shortage, but there are other things to calculate.    So, the PS5 is currently using a 5nm AMD microchip and the plan is to switch over to a 6nm for a cheaper cost. I can’t honestly tell you how this will make a difference aside from a lower manufacturing cost. I don’t know much about these chips and in my mind, a 6 sounds like an upgrade over a 5, so I’m not even sure if that’s a fact.    Moving forward, this isn’t confirmed by Sony and word came out first from news site based in Taiwan called DigiTimes, and info essentially comes from someone claiming they have this info as they have a subscription for a paywall, which gives its subscribers classified info on certain companies. I don’t know a lot about paywalls, I do know that a lot of insider information has been correct when leaked, but there are also a lot of false claims from people claiming to leak info from a paywall and it’s really just a hoax to grab some new followers on social media’s platforms.    Now, I wouldn’t be surprised if Sony is working on a new model of the console. It seems way too early for a slim and definitely too early for a pro upgrade and I really hope they don’t pull the “pro” console out anytime soon if at all, but let’s be honest here, the Xbox Series X is capable of giving a ton of older games 120 FPS when playing. We’re not seeing the same advances on the PS5 just yet. I’m not sure if this will come as an update, but I am positive Sony is watching and working on an answer for this.    Sony is dominating the console scene right now, but they have a lot to look at. The Xbox Gamepass is an absolutely amazing service for a low cost. Sony has PS Now, but that doesn’t give us game drops upon release and if you consider the fact that Microsoft owns Bethesda games, I mean, ouch! That’s a huge loss for us as a gaming community if things go exclusive and they likely will, but there was that one day that Phil Spencer … Read More

First major PS5 firmware update drops tomorrow

While the next gen console shortage rages on, there are still plenty of PS5 owners (and soon to be owners) out there. Enough owners in order for Sony to drop the first major firmware update. Not gonna lie here, I’m a little worried. We’re still very early into this console and sometimes when we get these updates we also get a headache from unforeseen issues that can cause performance issues to put it nicely. So, worries aside, let’s go down what is currently listed for the update.   Store PS5 Games on Compatible External USB Drives.* With this feature, you can now transfer your PS5 games to USB extended storage from your console’s internal storage. It’s a great way to extend the storage capabilities of your PS5 console, and you can seamlessly copy your PS5 games back to the console’s internal storage when you’re ready to play. It is faster to reinstall PS5 games from USB extended storage than to re-download or copy them from a disc   Because PS5 games are designed to take advantage of the console’s ultra high-speed SSD, PS5 titles can’t be played from USB extended storage. PS5 titles also cannot be directly downloaded to USB extended storage. However, games that you transfer or copy back to internal storage will automatically update when applicable. In addition, you can select which game modes you want to install (such as campaign or multiplayer) for select titles that support the option. Cross-generation Share Play. PS4 and PS5 players can now Share Play together while chatting in parties. This means PS5 console users can let their friends on PS4 consoles view their game screen, or even try out the PS5 games through Share Play, and vice versa. Options include the ability to share your screen with a friend, pass your controller virtually to a friend, or pass a second controller virtually to play co-op games together. Request to Join Game Session. A selection of your friends’ joinable game sessions will now appear on both PS5 and PS4 consoles, allowing for more gameplay opportunities together. The “Request to Join” option also serves as a shortcut to sending a game invite, reducing the time it takes for you to get into games with friends. Through the Privacy Settings menu, you can modify who can interact with you through parties, games and messages. Improved Game Base. The Game Base menu has been improved for quicker access to important content and features. You can now easily switch between Parties and Friends to start chatting with your existing parties or see what each of your online friends is up to. In addition, you can turn notifications on or off for each of the parties you’re in. Disable Game Chat or Adjust Players’ Volume. You can now quickly disable in-game chat, which turns off your mic audio and the voice audio of other players. Additionally, you can easily adjust the individual voice chat volume of other players in the same chat so you don’t have to … Read More

Sony shutting down PlayStation Store for PS4 in 2022

Well, we already knew and expected the PSN stores to close for the PS3 and PS Vita this summer, but at a surprising turn of events, Sony has announced that the PS4 store will close down in January, 2022.    This comes as a shock because the PS5 is barely in the hands of consumers right now. I’m no sales marketing expert, but if this is in some way a plan to push PS5 sales, this has gotta be the wrong way to go about it.    Right now, everyone I know is buying extra external hard drives and downloading everything they own to try and keep their precious digital content safe. I am at loss for words, other than April Fools! Ahaha! I’m sure you knew this was a farce and I appreciate you reading along! I hope you enjoyed my short April Fools articles today. I tried to spread them about and hopefully everyone had a few good chuckles with me.