Fake PS5 Photos Take The Internet by Storm

The image above looks pretty real, doesn’t it? When this and a few other images surfaced on Russian tech site Rozetked, people lost their minds. The first images of a PS5 prototype would certainly be a juicy leak, but don’t judge this book by its cover. The same site reported shortly after that they were fakes. It wouldn’t be outside the realm of possibility, especially given the fact that multiple sources have claimed PS5 development kits are out in the wild. Despite the hoax, there’s no denying that they’re pretty convincing. Would these images have fooled you? Let’s take a look and see. Fake PS5 Prototype Images Look Like The Real Thing This Russian site has been the source of tech leaks in the past. Their last credible leak was prior to the release of the Google Pixel 3 smartphone. When the site posted these fake PS5 images, their source claimed the console was running in bootloader mode. The same source also said the console’s appearance would change before it ships. Both these things are true of development kits for past consoles. Typically, a development kit has a simple design and looks more like a PC tower than anything. It’s simply the guts of a console in a standard housing. Combine that fact with the source’s provided firmware screenshot (pictured below), and it’s easy to see how this could have fooled anyone. For a hoax, the anonymous source went through a lot of trouble to make it look real. From the PlayStation logo, to the glossy design, it looks like something would produce. Then again, it’s a lot of work to put into a dev kit, so there were probably some red flags from the beginning here. What do you think of these images? Would you have fallen for this hoax, or could you see right through the illusion here? If you were able to spot the red flags, let us know what tipped you off in the comments! Article by – Bradley Ramsey Posted: 11/29/18 Recent Articles: Sony is Skipping E3 2019 PS5 is a “Monster” According to Reddit Leak Sony May Overhaul the PSN For PS5’s Release

Despite Rumors, The PS5 Won’t Be Here Until 2020

How much would you pay for an exclusive look at the actual specs of the PS5? Would you pay $1000? That’s exactly what news outlet, Semiaccurate is asking for a look at their exclusive post. If you’re not a subscriber, you’re left wondering what’s hidden behind that paywall. A few details have slipped through the cracks, but this once again begs the question of when we’ll see the PS5. Some rumors have said we could see it as early as 2018. We here at PS5 Gamers have always leaned towards a 2020 release date, and new evidence seems to solidify our claims. Join us as we break everything down. Semiaccurate Claims Exclusive PS5 Details While we have multiple rumors to discuss, the latest development is the claim that semiaccurate has obtained PS5 specs information. In the past, this outlet has been right about a few details regarding console specs for the Switch before it was released. The actual article is hidden behind a $1,000 paywall, but thankfully the folks over at resetera have compiled some information from the post. Here is a breakdown of the information contained within: The PS5 may use AMD’s Navi as its base architecture, but it won’t be using it specifically The CPU is a custom Zen A large amount of dev kits have been sent out The author suggests a 2018 release based on the number of dev kits VR support is a priority at the foundation level of the system These claims should be taken with a grain of salt as both rumor and a summary of a post that most people will not be able to read (myself included). Even so, many of these things are in line with some of our predictions regarding the PS5’s potential CPU structure. Taking all of this into account, would it be wise to release the PS5 as soon as 2018, or is it more likely that Sony will wait. You already know our opinion on the matter, but let’s look at the facts. The PS5 Release Date: 2018, 2019, or 2020? The rumor mill has been working overtime lately. Just a few weeks ago, we heard that PS5 dev kits were already in the hands of developers. This pointed to a possible release date that was sooner than we originally thought. Now, with another 2018 prediction courtesy of the Semiaccurate article’s author, we have to address this possibility. We outlined our major arguments against this release date in our development kit post (linked above), but the most compelling piece of evidence is the current lineup of titles still to release for PS4. Why would Sony release a new console when they still have several major first-party titles yet to release? It doesn’t make sense. This point and several others are mirrored in Kotaku’s latest PS5 article, which claims that the PS5 is still a ways off, according to reputable sources. In this piece, Jason Schreier mirrors my opinion that the PS5 isn’t coming until 2020. While … Read More

PS5 Confirmed – Sony has Confirmed the PS5 is Coming

PS5 Concept Design By Danny Haymond Jr In April of 2019 Mark Cerny officially announced the PS5. The day we all hoped for! Before that Sony’s president and CEO, Kenichiro Yoshida has confirmed that there are plans for a successor to the PS4. Sony Interactive Entertainment America boss, Shawn Layden, officially confirmed that PS4 Pro won’t be the last we see of the PlayStation brand. Sony Interactive Entertainment chief exec John Kodera announced in May 2018 that the “PlayStation 4 is entering ‘final phase’ of its lifecycle.” And of course numerous sources have indicated to us the same. The PS5 is coming, it is going to happen and it will be the best damn gaming console the gaming world as ever seen! For years we predicted a 2020 release date. Let’s find out what Sony’s planning, shall we? PS5 Confirmed, 2019 or 2020? Speaking with the Financial Times, Sony president and CEO, Kenichiro Yoshida, confirmed that the company has plans for a successor to the PS4. In response to questions surrounding the growing smartphone gaming market, he said quote: “At this point, what I can say is it’s necessary to have a next-generation hardware.” While at the time he didn’t confirm the name “PlayStation 5,” this type of confirmation from a high-level executive is really all we needed to remove any remaining doubts about the future of the PlayStation brand. Another update from Sony in regards to the PS5 came from the head of Sony Interactive Entertainment, John Kodera. During a 2018 Sony Corporate Strategy meeting, he told reporters that the PS4 was in the “final stage” of its lifecycle. This could have meant a lot of things, but he went on to clarify some of Sony’s intentions when it comes to the future of the PlayStation brand. Wall Street Journalist reporter Takashi Mochizuki offered everyone a hint with a tweet from the event: SIE head Kodera told analysts and investors that the period until March 2021 would be when PlayStation to "crouch down once" to grow further in the future. hmmmmmm. — Takashi Mochizuki (@mochi_wsj) May 22, 2018 Sony is planning on biding their time so they can really come out with something spectacular. The amount of time seems to be about three years from 2018, leading up to March 2021. It’s impressive that Sony is showing restraint and not rushing the PS5, but 2021 seems like a long time to wait for a new console. Since consoles typically release in the holiday months, we believe the PS5 will come out in November of 2020. This would be slightly before the period described by John Kodera, but it’s less likely that Sony would wait until holiday of 2021 to release a new console. Of course, there’s always the chance that the PS5 comes out in March of 2021. The Nintendo Switch had a similar release date in the beginning of the year and has since enjoyed impressive sales. This would be a major change from prior releases, but it’s … Read More

PS4.5 Rumors: Is Sony Suddenly Stalling For Time?

Recently, gaming outlet Kotaku revealed that their developer sources told them Sony is working on an enhanced version of the PS4 known as the PS4.5 (no word if this is an official title or not). This upgraded PS4 is supposed to have 4K support and more powerful hardware. Kotaku seems to think these sources are legitimate and that Sony is actually working on this project. Assuming it’s true, do these PS4.5 rumors suggest that Sony is stalling for time in the face of rapidly advancing technology? Does this news delay or hasten the arrival of the PS5? Let’s discuss! What is the PlayStation 4.5? At face-value, the PS4.5 is supposed to be an enhanced PS4 console with a more powerful graphics processing unit (GPU) that would allow it to play games in 4K resolution and offer more power for PlayStation VR and games in general. Think of it like the “New” 3DS Nintendo did that was more powerful. Of course, in the case of the 3DS, there were games that could only be played on the new system and even multiplatform games suffered on the old hardware. On the one hand, a system like PS4.5 could give Sony the edge they need to stay relevant into the future while they no doubt plan PS5, but introducing another console this early into the cycle that’s more powerful will also fracture the market. Two separate sources have confirmed the existence of such a machine, while several other writers on the Kotaku staff also confirmed with their sources. Odds are looking pretty good that Sony is considering this or downright working on it. The question that come to light are whether it will be an upgrade you can install into your current PS4, or an entirely new console. As it stands, the sources suggest that Sony is still exploring the idea and hasn’t committed to anything. Even so, critics have said that the PS4’s hardware doesn’t have legs for an entire generation, let alone support for virtual reality. This may be Sony’s only chance at staying relevant until the time is right for release PS5. What do Gamers Think? These rumors have caught fire around the web with multiple PS4 outlets reporting on the suspected console upgrade. I went to Facebook to take a look at some of the reactions from gamers. Let’s see what they had to say before I offer my opinion: No, I would be annoyed, we accept a new console I.e ps5 in another 5 years or so is inevitable, but a ps4.5 is an insult to all those who went out and bought the ps4 which as yet has failed to live up to all the hype, Sony are only doing this to make more money and copying Microsoft with their xboxone variations they have announced. – Sean Homar It’s a good idea only if they release a cheap upgrade that can be installed in our own consoles. Otherwise, users – including myself- will be very disappointed. – … Read More