What to Expect From The PS5: 5 Cutting-Edge Features

With the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X out in the wild, we’re back to the waiting game. When will Sony discuss the PS5 in detail? When will it release? These questions remain in the back of our minds as we move into the future of gaming. While we wait, it’s time to level our expectations. What can we realistically expect from the PS5? Join us as we separate reality from fantasy. 5 Things You Can Expect From The PlayStation 5 When we dream about the PS5, it’s easy to let our imaginations get away from us. It’s always fun to dream big, but what should we expect from the next PlayStation? Where do we draw the line between what is realistic and what is not? Below are five things we believe you can expect from the PS5 1. Native 4K Resolution (And Higher) The battle for 4K is a hot topic right now in gaming. Both the Xbox One X and the PS4 Pro have a strong focus on 4K resolution. The Xbox promises true 4K, but it doesn’t always hit that mark. While Microsoft will make it a focus on their games, other titles may not opt for a 4K enhancement. Other games like Overwatch use a dynamic scaler to change the resolution based on the situation. In action-heavy sequences, the resolution drops below 4K and then rises back to that threshold when the action dies down. Meanwhile, PS4 Pro is using a technique called Checkerboard Rendering that can push resolutions much higher than 1080p, but it still doesn’t hit 4K all the time. Here’s the takeaway: 4K gaming is an illusion right now unless you’re a PC gamer with a powerful rig. No one is getting all 4K all the time, regardless of the console. You can expect this to change on the PS5. Sony and Microsoft are talking about teraflops more than ever. The higher the number, the more likely that the console can support 4K gaming. Microsoft is in the lead with Xbox One X, which boasts 6 teraflops. Many analysts, including Michael Pachter of Wedbush Morgan Securities, believe that Sony will push as many teraflops as possible to beat Microsoft’s console. A reasonable range would be 8-10 teraflops for the PS5. This would be sufficient to facilitate 4K gaming far more often than current consoles. With the entire industry obsessed with 4K, you can bet this will be a major feature on the new system. 2. Next Generation Virtual Reality (PSVR 2) Virtual reality was nothing more than a pipe dream for the longest time, but in 2017 it finally hit the mainstream in a big way. Oculus Rift and HTC Vive were slowly picking up steam, but it wasn’t until PlayStation VR launched that we really saw a lot of discussion surrounding the technology. In the first year, Sony moved over 2 million VR headsets and sold 10 million VR games. Those are some seriously impressive numbers for a new peripheral that costs … Read More

Gran Turismo Creator: ‘GT Sport Could Run at 8K on PS5’

Right now, the industry seems to be focused on 4K resolution, but that’s just the beginning. Developers and manufacturers are already looking to the future with 8K resolutions! One such developer is Kazunori Yamauchi, creator of the Gran Turismo series. He seems to think the PS5 will blow right past 4K and offer 8K resolutions. Let’s take a look at his predictions, and what the future of 8K resolutions might be like when the PS5 releases! The PS5 Could Run GT Sport at 8K The developer of GT Sport is Polyphony Digital, a studio in Tokyo. Finder.com enjoyed a tour of the studio recently and reported on some very interesting facts from their interview with the series creator Kazunori Yamauchi. During their tour, they saw the incredible amount detail that goes into each car. Even fine print on the tires like the PSI was right where it should be and perfectly legible when zoomed in. What he said next was very interesting: “It takes six months to create a single car. It’s over-specced for PS4 Pro. So we are building for future versions of the console rather than the one we see today. I think it would be no problem to run it at 8K even” This was an interesting quote, as it suggested that Polyphony is already planning on creating a version of GT Sport for the PS5. It’s not too often that you hear about developers over-speccing games for the current generation. It makes sense from a future-proofing standpoint, but only if the developer knows something new is on the horizon. While there wasn’t any direct discussion on the subject of PS5, it’s clear that the developer is preparing for the future by overshooting for the specs of the PS4 and PS4 pro. Is it possible that PS5 will target 8K resolution? Let’s see where the technology stands. The Future of Resolution Beyond 4K is Happening Right Now You’re probably wondering what game on the market right now is going to offer 8K resolution. After all, we’re still growing into the 4K concept. It may surprise you to know that Final Fantasy XV is coming to PC in 2018, and it’s going to support 8K…if your PC can handle it. That’s right, PC Gamer confirmed that the game is coming to PC in 2018, and that the game will support native 4K and up to 8K, along with HDR 10 support. They didn’t reveal any minimum specs because, as Square Enix puts it, “we can’t really define it with current standards now.” If we break it down, 8K resolution is 7680 x 4320 pixels. It’s 16 times more detailed than 1080p. Even mere inches from a massive screen, you wouldn’t be able to make out the individual pixels. The current pioneer of this technology is a Japanese broadcasting company called NHK, which has its Super Hi-Vision video format. This format can provide 8K resolution video and 22.2 channels of audio. While it’s not reasonable to say that 8K … Read More

Most PlayStation Fans Prefer to Wait for the PS5

Gamers are used to have console generations, but all of that has changed. Now, we have the PS4 Pro, along with the standard PS4, to choose from. While this new option is 4K enabled and more powerful, it’s not the PS5. The PS5 is still coming, which leaves gamers with a decision to make: should they wait for the PS5? We ran a poll to ask that very question, and the results were very interesting. Join us as we look at the answers our fans gave us, and how you can decide for yourself. We Asked and The Fans Answered We were curious about how our fans thought of the PS4 Pro. Was it something they had to have, or would they rather keep their PS4 systems and await the inevitable PS5? It was an interesting question to ask. After all, wouldn’t PlayStation fans leap on the opportunity to try out a new console? Well, since the PS4 is more of an upgraded PS4 Pro, the difference wasn’t as striking as a next generation console would be. So, we went to work to see what the fans wanted. As part of our poll, we gave gamers three different choices: Buy the PS4 Pro Wait on the PS5 Neither As of this writing, the poll shows a whopping 60% prefer to wait for the PS5! It’s followed up by those who will buy the PS4 Pro, and the neither crowd came in the last place. So, it’s clear that the majority want to wait on the PS5. It makes sense, given the fact that PS4 Pro is simply an upgraded PS4. The fact that it exists within the same generation as the PS4 means that it will play all of the same games and that all future games will have to work on the PS4 as well. That means that the difference, while noticeable, won’t ever be the generational leap that the PS5 could provide. Sony has also focused intensely on the 4K aspect of the system. While it doesn’t always hit native 4K resolution, the checkerboard rendering it uses does give resolutions well above 1080p. The problem with this is that this is only something that 4K TV owners can have. 1080p owners can get benefits like supersampling, higher frame rates, and better graphics, but these features are rarely advertised or used to their fullest potential. Exceptions include games like Rise of the Tomb Raider, which offers multiple modes for PS4 Pro owners to choose, including higher frame rates or improved graphics. Beyond cases like this, the PS4 Pro hasn’t managed to really offer a major leap. It offers a lot for 4K TV owners, but the incentive for 1080p owners isn’t as high. That being said, if you’ve opted for PlayStation VR, the additional power of the Pro does create noticeably better experiences fairly consistently. Even with these things in mind, the PS4 Pro is still a $400 console. With Microsoft selling the Xbox One X for $499, it’s … Read More

PS5 vs Xbox One X: How Sony Will Dominate

The gaming industry is in a weird place right now. With the release of PS4 Pro and the Xbox One X, we received new consoles that exist in the same generation as their brethren. The power of the Xbox One X could easily be touted as “next-gen,” and yet, Microsoft prefers to keep it in this generation. We already know that Sony is planning to release a PS5 in the future. How will the PS5 compete with the Xbox One X, if at all? Is it all about power and 4K, or are there some key features that should be included in Sony’s next generation console? Join us as we look at how Sony is going to put Microsoft in their place with the PS5. Microsoft Talks Big About Xbox One X Microsoft has been extremely proud of themselves since E3 2017. They often refer to Xbox One X as the “most powerful console ever built” and, while they’re not wrong, it seems to be going to their heads. Even the Microsoft E3 2017 press briefing saw the entire staff wearing t-shirts that stated “I witnessed the most powerful console ever.” They should be proud, though, because the specs on Xbox One X are certainly impressive. Where they should be careful, however, is how they stoke the flames of competition. They’ve poked the bear that is Sony before, and it didn’t go well for them. We all remember the unveiling of the Xbox One and Sony’s excellent rebuttal. Despite this, Phil Spencer still sent some warning shots across Sony’s bow in an interview with Eurogamer. During this interview, he was asked if the $100 price difference between PS4 Pro and Xbox One X concerned him. His response: “I look at Pro as more of a competitor to the Xbox One S, than I do to the Xbox One X. This is a true 4K console. If you just look at the specs of what this box is, it’s in a different league than any other console that’s out there.” He doesn’t even acknowledge the PS4 Pro as a competitor! It’s true that Xbox One X does have more power than the Pro, but if it’s not going to compete with Sony’s current lineup, then the only other option is to compete with the PS5. Should Sony be Worried About Xbox One X? Phil Spencer’s comments about the PS4 Pro were certainly more harsh than one would normally expect from corporate banter, but if he truly believes the PS4 Pro isn’t in the same league as the Xbox One X, does that mean Sony should be worried about the gap in hardware while we all wait for the PS5? Since there is a large gap in the hardware, it’s hard not to wonder if Sony is worried about Xbox One X games looking or playing significantly better. The interviewer mentioned titles where Sony has a marketing deal with them, and asked if Sony anticipates a major difference in image quality for … Read More

The 4K Obsession: Why The Gaming Industry Should Change Focus

For the first time in the history of gaming, we’ve received consoles that are more powerful, but still exist in the same generation. These iterative consoles are known as the PS4 Pro and the Xbox One X, and both of them have a similar focus: 4K resolution. You may remember the switch from standard to 1080p resolution, but is this the same kind of leap? Should we be focusing so much time and hardware on hitting 4K? Join us as we look into the 4K obsession that is currently running through the industry, and why we should be focusing on other things instead. A Broad Overview of 4K Resolution Resolution refers to the size of an image, and how many pixels are being displayed on the screen. It is written out as width times height. That’s why you see things like 1920 x 1080p when we’re talking about HD resolution. The “P” stands for progressive scan, which is a technique where each frame is drawn from stop to bottom on the screen during a single refresh cycle. When we get to 4K, the term isn’t completely accurate. It refers to an image that is roughly 4,096 x 2160, or exactly twice the height and width of the film industry’s 2K film standard. We also hear 4K referred to as “UHD” or “Ultra High Definition.” So, essentially you’re getting double the resolution of 1080p. If we do the math, a 1080p image gets 2,073,600 pixels when you multiply the height and width. Meanwhile, 4K gets 8,294,400 pixels, which is four times as many. That’s the math of it all, and it sounds impressive, but there’s one problem. We’re getting into so much fine detail, that we need to ask if this is even perceptible. Can you put an HD television and a 4K television side-by-side and really notice the difference? The answer, like most things in the world of technology, is complicated. Can We Actually See The Difference? Before we open up the playing field to other factors besides resolution, let’s look at how our eyes perceive something as detailed as 4K. With any resolution, there are three major factors that decide how much you notice the difference: your viewing distance, the screen size, and your personal vision. While it’s not fair to assume that everyone has 20/20 vision (I know I don’t), it represents a good starting point. Take a look at this chart below from Carlton Bale This chart shows the relative viewing distance and screen size you’ll need to notice different types of resolutions. For 4K, to get the best experience, you’ll need an 84-inch screen and you’ll need to sit about 5.5 feet away from it. Don’t want to shell out for something that big? In the realm of 4K, a 55-inch screen is considered “small” and if you want to appreciate the difference, you’ll need to sit 3.5 feet or closer! Your mother would be furious if you sat that close as a kid. If you’ve … Read More

Virtual Reality is The Future (Sorry 4K TVs)

When a new technology emerges, it can go one of two ways: either it will claim a place in the halls of gaming greatness, or it will be doomed to fade into history. We’ve seen it time and time again. HD-DVD vs Blu-ray, motion controllers vs standard inputs, and so on. Now we’re in an age where your TV can have 4K resolution, and if you’re really feeling lucky you can also have a virtual reality headset. Virtual reality is nothing new, but this is the first time we’ve seen it hit a mainstream stride. In fact, the concept of VR has been around since the 1980’s when the term was first coined. Quite a fad to have lasted this long, but that does that mean that this attempt will be the one that sticks? Will the steady advancements in VR finally win over the masses? Join me as we discuss the future of gaming. A Brief History of Virtual Reality According to the Virtual Reality Society, virtual reality was a term that came into the public eye in 1987 when a scientist named Jaron Lanier coined the term. The concept became the focus of science fiction and other forms of film and literature as time went on. We all remember Nintendo’s foray into this realm with the Virtual Boy in 1995. After numerous headaches (quite literal ones), this attempt flopped. Since then, virtual reality has still appeared in all kinds of fictional work, but beyond some amusement park rides, it didn’t seem like something that would ever come home. I remember my first experience with VR at the popular Disney Quest attraction. Looking back, I realize how crude this technology was, but man was it awesome. It was pretty uncomfortable, though, as the headset was huge and the only sizing option was a massive crank on the back of the device that squeezed your head like it was in a vice. Jump forward to 2016 and virtual reality has finally come to fruition. You have the higher-tiers like the HTC Vive that, combined with the cost of a capable PC, will cost you one of your kidneys, and then you have the slightly less expensive Oculus Rift. Sony came out with PlayStation VR in October of 2016 and brought the most affordable option to the masses. It works with your PS4 and even better with a PS4 Pro. While still expensive, it brings real VR to your living room. Yes, the screen isn’t 4K, but we’ll get to that in a moment. At this point, VR is still very young in terms of a mainstream option. Meanwhile you have wildcards like augmented reality and Microsoft’s HoloLens. Not only that, but now Microsoft is bringing Windows 10 VR headsets out from a variety of partners. While it certainly seems like major publishers like Sony and Microsoft are all embracing VR, along with the mobile options from Google and Samsung, is this a clear sign that VR is here to stay? … Read More

The PS4.5 would be Bad: Sony Should Focus Efforts on the PS5

We’ve already covered rumors about the PS4.5 here on PS5 Gamers, and whether or not Sony is stalling for time, but now that these rumors have become more prevalent, I’m starting to get a little annoyed. Another round of rumors has stated that the announcement of this new console could come before the launch of PlayStation VR in October 2016. Okay guys, it was fun at first, but this needs to stop. We don’t need a PS4.5, it’s a waste of time. In my opinion Sony should be working on then next quantum leap in gaming, not a mild step forward that will ultimately cause more problems than it solves. Whether you agree or not, read on and I’ll tell you why. Why I think the PS4.5 is a BAD Idea! The PS4.5 is (thankfully) still a heavy rumor, but as more time goes on, it’s becoming apparent that Sony is seriously considering this. We don’t have details on what it will do, how much it will cost, and whether or not it will have exclusive titles, but these possibilities even existing is troubling to say the least. Justin Mikos posted an article on Game Informer where he mirrored my concerns about these rumors. In his article, Justin makes an excellent point about the whole argument for 4K gaming. Right now the PS4 supports 4K videos and pictures, but not games. Part of these PS4.5 rumors state that the system will support 4K gaming. There’s a few problems with that: Most PS4 games don’t hit 1080p/60 FPS because they use other resources for graphics and effects (excellent point by Justin) 4K gaming requires a significant hardware jump (which means more cost) 4K TVs aren’t mainstream Increased file sizes for 4K games would raise the hard drive space needed Developers don’t want or need the extra work PS4.5 exclusive games would shatter the market The entire point of consoles, is to provide a one-size-fits-all solution that you won’t need to upgrade for a significant amount of time. Introducing another, more powerful PS4 mid-cycle will ruin the appeal of consoles as people will feel the need to upgrade, especially if new games run poorly on the PS4. Combine this with the release of the PlayStation VR this year, and you have way too many moving parts for consumers. With the PS5 slated for 2020, the last thing we need is a confusing crack in the market during the final stretch of the PS4’s lifecycle. Furthermore, if the PS4.5 is truly designed to offer increased VR experiences, this puts even more strain on developers who have been creating games based on the PS4’s hardware. We’ve already seen how bad of an idea this is with the New 3DS which is Nintendo’s more powerful handheld. It may run games better, but titles like Super Smash Bros. and Hyrule Warriors: Legends run horribly on the older hardware, thus leaving those owners out of the loop. Sony has enjoyed massive success thus far with PS4 sales, … Read More