What you need for your new PS5!

Here we are again. The holidays are in full swing, video games and accessories are on sale everywhere you turn. For many gamers out there, this is the best time of year and there are plenty of good reasons for that. Wake up to some brand new video games, stockings stuffed with accessories, candy and possibly some energy drinks to help get us through an extended amount of play time, if all goes well. Of course there’s that major gaming purchase that a lot of people are still hoping for, a brand new PlayStation 5! Sadly the pandemic rages on and is still causing a microchip shortage across the globe, which leaves a lot of less consoles available to purchase. Not to mention the scalpers are still out there scalping… it doesn’t help matters any. Pandemic woes aside, what would you want to go with your PS5? A few games, a headset? A new screen, maybe? To get things going, here are a few things I recommend this holiday season for your PS5! I’m going to avoid recommending game titles this year. There isn’t a huge selection to pick from just yet and if I’m being quite frank, a lot the games so far have been disappointing. Looking at you CoD. You too, Battlefield… Headset! The PlayStation 5 has 3D audio and will work without a headset, but for any avid gamer, a headset should be on their list. I highly recommend Sony’s PS5 headset. It sits at a great price of $99.99 (USD) and has excellent surround 3D audio that was designed for this console. It’s a comfortable headset that has a wide range of features to pair up with your new PS5. An extra Dual Sense controller. This might not seem like an important accessory with today’s gaming market. Couch co-op still exists, but it isn’t very common, so why the need for an extra Dual Sense? Well, the Dual Sense doesn’t have the longest battery life when you’re deep in long gaming sessions. Having a spare charged up and ready to play is definitely a good way to go. Sure you could plug in the controller and use it that way, but not everyone wants to do that. While the PlayStation 5 controller is quite durable, it’s also nice to have a backup just in case something goes wrong. The biggest accessory I’m going to throw out there is a pretty big deal. It’s also the most expensive one, but worth the money. I’m talking about curved monitors. Grabbing a curved monitor that is 1ms and is at least 144hz, you’re in a pretty position. I recommend going with a 27 inch curve and as far as graphics go, I think that’s more up to you. The 1080p monitors are cheaper and offer the above features I mentioned, but if you really like your graphics to be pretty, shelling out a little extra will give you the 4k experience you’re craving. As far as the little things … Read More

PS5 Launch Celebration! We invite all gamers to join us today!

My fellow Gamers… Today is the first official launch day of the PS5 in several regions around the globe. It is a special day for PlayStation fans alike. It is a day of celebration.    I want to say to those that did not manage to secure a PS5 today, that I am sorry. And while you may not have been able to secure one today, take solace in knowing that you will get one when the time is right and that on that day, it will be as much of a celebration for you as today is for those of us unboxing the ever elusive PlayStation 5’s.    I want to take a moment to congratulate those that did secure a PS5 today. You beat the odds. You refreshed your browser with lightning speed until you got a PS5 in your cart. You waited in a que for what seemed like eternity passing, in hopes that on the other side you would be greeted with the option to purchase a PS5. You ran to the game store and placed your in-person pickup faster than the speed of light and still made it home in time for dinner… You spent countless moments thinking about this day. The satisfaction, the joyous feeling, the adrenaline caused from the excitement, it’s all real and it’s well deserved. You my friend, you are a champion that is about to jump into gen gaming without looking back! You are about to learn that “Play… has no limits!” As we learn more about the PS5 and we review the games moving forward, I want you to know that our reviews will be unbiased, fair and accurate. Whether you have a PS5 or not. Whether you play PlayStation or Xbox, we will be reviewers for all Gamers across the world. As we write our reviews, we promise to give you thought provoking content that will open your mind to things you had not considered before. Things like detail in audio and background graphics. See how that blade of grass folds over in the wind and the dew falls off? No? Well, now you do. See? Just like that.    To all of the Gamers around the world, no matter what platform it is that you play on, we all have one common desire and that is to play and enjoy video games. No matter your genre of choice, no matter your level of rage, whether you’re a casual or hardcore player, we should all take a moment to appreciate video games as a whole. Think about your favorite gaming moments. About the times you finally completed something you had been stuck on. About the challenges, the scares, the moments that made our eyes well up a little bit, even if we don’t openly admit it. Now, hold onto those thoughts for the rest of the day and everyday forward. I promise you will find yourself in a better mood and enjoying more than just the games.  Yes, … Read More

PS5 pre-orders are still not available, what to do while you wait!?

PS5 Pre-orders have seemingly come and gone a few times now, but we are still awaiting news as to whether or not Pre-Orders will open one more time before the actual release date. So, the big question here is, what to do while we wait? If you plan on getting a PS5 this year, there are still plenty of things to consider while you wait for that upgrade. Here are a few suggestions to help you bide your time. Start planning ahead. With PS5 offering support for 4K graphics at 120Hz refresh rate and not to mention 8K support, you might want to consider upgrading the television set you plan to use to get the most out of these graphical capabilities. Not only are T.V. sets something to consider, but the PS5 will also feature 3D audio. There is a slew of audio hardware that will be available to take advantage of this stellar sound setting, but keep in mind, the PS5 will not support optical audio. If optical is something you currently use or are planning on using, you’ll have to run the setup through something other than the PS5 and depending on the setup being used, it might not be ideal.  That being said, you can follow this link to our listing of the best TV and Sound Systems for the PS5 here:PS5Playstation5.com/best-tv-and-sound-system-for-the-ps5/  TV and Audio equipment aside, there is still plenty to do in the meantime. Let’s discuss gaming space. New consoles means spending more time playing games out the gate. Comfort is key when it comes to gaming for long periods of time. Have a look at your current setup and decide if it’s everything you want for your upcoming game sessions. While sitting on a comfy couch is great, there are a lot of office chairs (gaming chairs if you will) that will offer a great deal of back support for extended play time. Most will be provided with wheels and are fairly light in weight which makes moving them around the house much easier than tugging the couch or recliner to a position that you might find more comforting. Be sure to check out Amazon for some great deals on chairs made for gaming.  Sometimes when we’re playing intense game sessions, the convenience of having a little fridge next to us is the difference between winning or losing a match when the game can’t be paused. I have seen mini fridges that will hold up to 6 cans of soda or whatever you might partake in, to minis that can hold half the amount of the average size refrigerator. The amount of cold drinks and snacks you need at hand is a personal choice, but the convenience alone can be a life saver in gaming. Pun kind of intended… Keep in mind that these mini fridges can be pretty durable and not only used for beverages and snacks, but it can also be used to place some lighter weight items on top to keep … Read More

Play has no limits, but PS5 pre-orders certainly do…The great PS5 Pre-order Fiasco!!

So, we got to watch the PS5 event yesterday and it was mostly a recap of things we were already aware of. Don’t get me wrong, there were a few tidbits that hadn’t been shown before, but nothing we saw yesterday should have been all that surprising. At least not with the game lineup we catered to.  I believe the majority of us were there to watch for two things. How much will the PS5 consoles cost and when can we preorder them? Well, Sony did drop the console prices for us. Full disc version of PS5 is $500 USD and the digital PS5 drops in at $400 USD. What came as a surprise to many wasn’t the price, if anything the price was more of a relief. No, the real surprise was the fact that Sony didn’t even mention preorders.  I think for many of us, we weren’t just surprised about the lack of details, but a lot of us kind of shrugged it off like we were expecting Sony to make an announcement about preorders and we would have a week or more to prepare to spam out checkout buttons. Nope, not even close! About two hours after the event, Twitter lit up with confirmation that PS5 preorders would in fact go live sometime today at select retailers. Well, with less than a 24 hour notice to prepare to try and order online or possibly in person at stores, Walmart stepped in and offered preorders just minutes after the announcement.  So much for Sony promising that the public wouldn’t be surprised with preorders suddenly going live. While we can’t hold Sony accountable for the actions of retailers, giving us less than 24 hours to prepare to preorder was certainly on them and I think the reason it all went down this way is thanks to a false Bloomberg article claiming a massive PS5 shortage which led to Sony shares dropping more than 3.5% in the stock market. Shares have certainly risen back up after the preorders went live and the world saw just how much demand there is for next gen console hardware.  So, what happened after Walmart released preorders? Well, others followed suit of course. Target, Best Buy and GameStop opened up their pre orders along with several other major retailers in the UK. Amazon eventually jumped on the bandwagon and started adding PS5 accessories for preorder and even the PS5 went up. Sure, that all sounds simple enough, but the fact of the matter is, it was a mess in the end.  From retailer sites crashing to Amazon canceling mass preorders that were apparently not supposed to go live when they did, not everyone got the chance to preorder a PS5 and let’s be honest, not only are people upset, but they have a right to be with this one.  What does it mean to be a Gamer? This YouTube video really explains a lot about it! https://youtu.be/LfSIk0lbtDc The first wave of PS5 preorders has got to … Read More