Would you Pay $1,000 for a PS5?

An examination of loyalty and the limits of the consumer’s wallet “Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.” – Ayn Rand When you stop to think about it, the mere concept of money is a confounding thought. Why is it, that we are all so willing to place value on something that is worth nothing? What’s worse is credit cards, debit cards, and so on. These are not even actual money, but representations of it. My bank account is nothing more than numbers on a page, and yet it is my lifeblood. Perhaps we all continue to perpetuate the facsimile because we believe that at some point in our lives, we will have the power. After all, money buys everything, doesn’t it? Without diving any deeper into the psychological implications of applying value to something that has none, I’ll skip my ten page report on the misplaced faith of society and just get right to my point. If I told you that I would sell you a PlayStation 5 for a thousand dollars, would you buy it? I don’t think the answer is a simple yes or no. First off, does anyone sell it cheaper? How much disposable income do you have? Am I just buying a console, or does it come with something else? We’ll go into more detail on these and more subjects. Before we really dive in, I ask two things of you dear reader. One, hear me out. Two, don’t be afraid to voice your opinion in the comments below. This is a subject ripe and ready for debate. The Blind and Faithful Followers First and foremost, we must call out to the chosen few who have relegated themselves to buy any console Sony makes at any price because they believe wholeheartedly in the vision of Sony and more importantly in the investment that PlayStation offers. I would count myself in this group, and although Sony isn’t always right, they have never betrayed me so utterly that I found myself questioning my loyalty. What’s more is that loyalty is easy to break and hard to attain. I know I am not the only one who would follow PlayStation well into the thousand dollar realm of cost. Why, you ask? Well for four hundred dollars the PS4 is a steal for starters. Would I have paid a thousand for it? As it stands, probably not, but that doesn’t betray my claims of loyalty because I believe Sony delivered a product that justifies its costs. They don’t assign price based on games of luck and chance. There’s rhyme and reason to it, and that’s why the PS4 deserves its price tag. With the PS5, if they announced a thousand dollar price tag, they would have first showed me a product that is worthy of a thousand dollars. Loyalty may not be the driving force of all gamers, but is pushes a select few to … Read More

David Hansson Concept Design

Awesome new PlayStation 5 console designs by David Hansson. The future of the PS5 is amazing. PS5 Concept Design – Console Download High Resolution Wallpaper – Make it your desktop wallpaper! Download High Resolution Wallpaper – Make it your desktop wallpaper! Console Front View – Download High Resolution Wallpaper – Make it your desktop wallpaper! Original Concept Sketches by David – Final design in progress. Console New Features: A glossy new design with blue highlights. All PS5 concepts created by David, a talented 3D-Artist. View his portfolio here: davidhansson.deviantart.com If you want David to create more concepts, post your comments below! See Also: PS5 Console & Controller Design by David Hansson PS5 Console and Controller Sketches by Danny Haymond Jr PlayStation 5 Concept Designs

PS5 Console, Controller, & Virtual Actuality Designs

These fascinating PS5 console, controller, and virtual actuality designs & sketches were created by skilled artist Danny Haymond Jr. Danny developed these over several months putting a lot of time and effort into this. See all his best PS5 designs below. Next Generation Playstation 5 Concepts: Download High Resolution Wallpaper If you want the future plastered all over your desktop (and who doesn’t?) this wallpaper will do the trick. We’ve got everything from controller to console concepts. As you can see, our current concepts from Danny Haymond Jr.showcase a more sleek and slim version of the console for the future generation. Various rumors are stating Grand Theft Auto 6 will be on the PS5. Imagine what that would look like on this epic console. It would look fairly insane, that we can be sure of. Download PS5 GTA 6 Wallpaper Watch the video Console and Controller PS5 Concept: Download High Resolution Wallpaper We’ve discussed the concept of virtual reality a lot on this website, but the next step beyond VR is bringing it into the real world. For some, that may be augmented reality, but we like to dream bigger here. Both the console and the controller in this concept have the capacity to project holographic images, which could be manipulated via motion gestures. How’s that for motion gaming? Playstation 5 Concept Designs – Console & Controller Download High Resolution Wallpaper Playstation 5 Concept Designs – Console Download High Resolution Wallpaper Let’s take a closer look at the console itself. The key feature we’re looking at here is the aforementioned holographic capability. This allows the system to notify you of friend requests, invites, and anything else via holographic images that project from the system and controller. We’re also predicting cloud technology as a major component, which will result in faster processing and less hardware required for the console itself. Let’s take a closer look at the predicted specs for the PS5: Console Specs Hi-Fiber Networking for non local processing power RT-Superconductors and haptic holographic technology Holographic Emitter System Notification Cloud Processing e-SATA, HDMI-B (29 pin), Optical Audio ports Download High Resolution Wallpaper I’m the kind of person who doesn’t like to stop my game when a message come in. This design would allow the PS5’s holographic display to show the messages in full while you keep up your gaming. Playstation 5 Concept Designs Console – Back Download High Resolution Wallpaper These days when you look at the back of a console or a PC if you’re brave, there are a lot of slots and plugs. With the PS5’s cloud-based technology, only the basic needs will be present here. You’ve got power, HDMI for video, and a few extra plugs for auxillary or accessories like a visor or headset. Playstation 5 Concept Designs Console – Front Download High Resolution Wallpaper Playstation 5 Concept Designs Console – Vertical Download High Resolution Wallpaper Playstation 5 Concept Designs Console – Top Download High Resolution Wallpaper Traditional Holographic Gaming Experience Games will play similarly to … Read More

PS5 Price, How Much will the PS5 Cost?

Playstation Price History PS1 $299 December 3, 1994 PS2 $299 March 4, 2000 PS3 $599 + (depending on model) November 11, 2006 PS4 $399 November 15, 2013 PS4 Pro $399 November 10, 2016 PS5 $399 Digital | $499 Disc Release Date Price Update DIGITAL – $399 DISC – $499 Confirmed. We accurately predicted this years ago! It is no secret that gaming is an expensive hobby. What makes it more so is the fact that every six years or so, a new lineup of consoles releases, bringing forth another wave of items for gamers to purchase. With the heralding of a new console, the internet immediately goes into a frenzy, speculating about prices. The PlayStation 4 has already let that particular cat out of the bag, and four hundred dollars is less than what people expected. So what about the PlayStation 5? What can we expect the PS5 Price to be? Should we start saving up now? There are certainly a number of factors to consider when asking a question like this. We should start by looking at current predictions and the actions of competitors like Microsoft. We’ll also need to look at the history of the PlayStation’s pricing, do some math, (yikes!) and see what inflation rates will have to say on the matter. Without knowing the exact hardware of the PlayStation 5, we can only speculate, and speculate we shall! Let us begin! The price of the next console is the question we’re here to answer today. It seems like Sony doesn’t want to alienate gamers with a massive price tag again. If we look at the PS3 and PS4, it’s clear that they learned from their mistake with the third console. That being said, the form that the PS5 takes will drastically change the ultimate price point. Let’s look at the possibilities, shall we? Leaks and Rumors Reveal Potential Price Points We all saw the incredible reveal of the PS5 console and a bunch of games in June 2020, but what about the price? While we don’t have a solid answer just yet, multiple sources have suggested what we also believe. The first is a screenshot making the rounds of an Amazon listing, which suggests the PS5 standard will be 499 euros, and mostly like $499 USD. Take a look: PlayStation 5 Price: 499€? Digital Edition: 399€? Not bad ? pic.twitter.com/JMA3Mj39U5 — Ben Geskin (@BenGeskin) June 16, 2020 The screenshot has gone on to be discredited by Amazon, but the true source of the image has yet to be revealed. Even so, this same price point at $499 and $399 for the digital only version is something others are also sharing. Namely is the Twitter account @IronManPS5 who recently rebranded as an Iron Man themed account. As part of an open letter expounding the nature of such accounts that leak information, they also snuck in a confirmation from their perspective that the new consoles will indeed be $399 and $499 for each version: pic.twitter.com/Mx6kjsZhgV — Iron Man … Read More

The Eternal Question – How Much Will PlayStation 5 Games Cost?

Is it hard to justify spending sixty dollars on a single video game? Sometimes, mostly because games vary in both length and quality, but the same can be said for movies, music, and TV shows. Each time we choose to partake in an entertainment experience, we are throwing ourselves out into someone else’s creation. Our entire enjoyment, or disappointment, is decided solely by ourselves. In that regard, gaming and entertainment as a whole, is a purely subjective industry. Every single person isn’t going to like every single game that comes out, it’s simply not possible. We look at games like Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto, games that make billions of dollars upon each release, and simultaneously we see two very different offerings. With Call of Duty, someone like me will only play the single player campaign. Even being generous, that’s about six hours, so ten dollars per hour. If you are a multiplayer fan, then it offers far more. Then we look at something like Grand Theft Auto, a game with over thirty hours of gameplay, more if we do side missions, and we see something with far more value. Same price, two very different experiences. PlayStation 4 games will cost sixty dollars, but what about the PlayStation 5? In my previous article about the price of the system, we talked about inflation and scarcity of technology as major factors in the price of the system. These same concepts will apply to the games, but in a different way. Intrigued? Of course you are. Sorry Math, you’re not invited When it comes to inflation, especially looking into the future, it’s all up in the air. Inflation, for the uninitiated, is an economic term that refers to the supply and demand of products and how these two things affect the value of the dollar and its buying power. We essentially have two possibilities. One is that inflation stays low, which means the price of games won’t be affected, at least by that particular factor. The other is that inflation goes up and with it, the cost of games. How much could this affect the games? In a recent article about Inflation on IGN, they discussed how inflation has affected the cost of games and systems over the years. Looking at the value of a dollar then, and now, it appears that games are cheaper now than they have ever been. So does this mean forty dollars per AAA titles for the PS5? I hate to burst your collective bubble my dear readers, but probably not. Games may very well stay the same price, but considering the vast leap that technology is poised to make in the coming years, my thoughts are that this already expensive hobby is going to become more so. Not a hundred dollars a game though, right? No, not that high. You see, with PS5, I am imagining that discs will become a thing of the past. With Light Peak technology predicting the ability to facilitate … Read More

Playstation 5 Console and Controller by David Hansson

This amazing PlayStation 5 console concept design was created by David Hansson. PS5 Concept Design -Console and Controllers Download High Resolution Wallpaper – Make it your desktop wallpaper! Controllers – Download High Resolution Wallpaper – Make it your desktop wallpaper! Controllers – Download High Resolution Wallpaper – Make it your desktop wallpaper! Original Concept Sketches by David before the final design was created: Console New Features: Dynamic controller skins that change depending on the game being played All PS5 concepts created by David, a talented 3D-Artist. View his portfolio here: davidhansson.deviantart.com If you want David to create more concepts, post your comments below! See Also: PS5 Console and Controller Sketches by David Hansson PS5 Console and Controller Sketches by Danny Haymond Jr PlayStation 5 Concept Designs

PlayStation 5 Concept Designs

PS5 official and concept console designs come from some of the best designers around the world including Sony. Official Playstation 5 (New!) Sony Playstation Sony Playstation shocked the world with these concepts on June 11, 2020. Next Level Concepts! (New!) Community Some truly Next Level Fan Created Concepts of the official PS5 Console. PS5 Concept by Canadian Jedi Dan K Based on the PS5 Dev Kit Dan creates his vision of the PS5. PS5 Console, Controller, & Virtual Actuality Designs Danny Haymond Jr Unique sketches with console & controllers with virtual reality glasses. In this first collection, Danny Haymond Jr. shows off his vision for a PS5 that features a simple design, but some truly high-end features. With support for 3D holograms on both the system and the controller, the game will come to life right in front of you. Even if we can’t project 3D holograms, some sort of augmented reality solution could provide the same effect. All you would need are glasses that change your perception of the world around you. In the second collection, you’ll find a completely different concept that utilizes the cloud for instant game streaming. Sony has always focused on consoles that look sleek while also providing excellent performance. The future promises both form and function. Keep checking back here as we add more exclusive designs. Take a look at some of the ways Sony will define the look and feel of the PS5. Download these high resolution designs and make them your wallpaper, let us know which ones are your favorite in the comments! PS5 Levitating Console and Dualshock 5 Controller Danny Haymond Jr The Next Generation PS5 gaming and entertainment system. The systems unique cloud based operating system requires no physical gaming disc. Traditional PS5 Holographic Gaming Experience – Gaming comparative with current day experience – Holographic displays on console and controller give another dimension of gaming – can display maps, upgrades, etc. – buttons and analog pads are room temperature quantum locked super conductors that respond to the slightest movement. PS5 Portable – Transform Concept Kevin Tan PS5 Transform concept design The world is moving towards a portable future, and this concept showcases just that. Imagine folding the PS5 into a smartphone sized device and taking it with you wherever you go. Once you’ve reached a spot where you want to play, transform it into the image you see here and insert the disc into the now fully functional drive. Combine this with a VR headset and no place is off limits for you. Never stop playing, right? PS5 Slim Concept Kevin Tan Check out this PS5 Slim / Sleek concept design Who needs a breakable glass screen when we can have a malleable and slim console that uses an unbreakable screen and components that go with you. There’s slim, and then there’s this. Playstation 5 Console David Hansson A unique textured futuristic Playstation 5 console with 2 different angles. The PS5 may not come as a console like we’re used … Read More

PS5 Top Videos, Trailers & Concepts

Some of the best PS5 videos and concepts below! Our collection of the latest Playstation 5 Videos. We are always on the lookout for more! Please post your recommendations in the comments below! PS5 Videos PS5 Will Use AMD: PS5 Humor See Also: PS5 Pics PS5 Concept Designs DualShock 5

PS5 News and Rumors

Looking for PS5 news? You’ve come to the right place! Whether it’s specs, games, release date or any other hot rumor about the PS5, we’ll list it right here on our PS5 News page. Check this page frequently for the latest rumors about what is sure to be the next, next generation’s hottest device! Got a hot tip for us? Let us know in the comments! Current News Sony Planning a Game Pass For PS5 Game Pass has taken the industry by storm, and for good reason. It was only a matter of time before Sony rolled out something similar. In this article, we look at a new report from Bloomberg that offers some insight into how Sony will deliver their own version of Game Pass in spring 2022. Game Awards 2021 Highlights The Game Awards is always a fun time of the year, and while the awards are often overshadowed by trailers, it’s a fun event nonetheless. Find out what big reveals we saw, and who took home Game of the Year! The winner may surprise you, but I can say from experience that it’s a title that deserved the win. PlayStation 2021 Showcase Highlights Sony held their E3-style showcase in September of 2021, and they brought the heat! With new game announcements and some info about heavy-hitters like God of War Ragnarok, this is one event you’ll want to check out, especially if you missed the live stream. Find out what’s coming in the full article! Sony Officially Acquires Bluepoint Games! Bluepoint is renowned for their work on titles like the Shadow of the Colossus remake and the Demons Souls remake on PS5, so it’s only natural that Sony would want to acquire them. What could they be working on next? Some say it’s an original title, but we’ve got a list of games we’d like to see remade in our full article! How Chip Shortages are Making PS5’s Hard to Find A global shortage of chips and semiconductors is causing headaches for everyone around the world. From automotive manufacturers, to smartphone makers, and especially for those making game consoles. With chips out of stock, the PS5 is even harder to find than it would normally be. Learn more in our full article! E3 (sort of) Returns For 2021! We all remember how E3 just got completely canceled in 2020, so this year we got a virtual event instead of nothing at all. It wasn’t a return to form, and honestly a reminder of how this staple in gaming is slowly dying, but hey we got some announcements! Check out this list of trailers for titles you may have missed among all the virtual E3 options! PlayStation Store Shutting Down?! Sony started a lot of fires on the internet when they said that PS3, PSP, and Vita stores would be shutting down by the end of 2021. With countless games on these platforms never being made available physically, the decision raised a lot of issues with game preservation … Read More

PS4 vs PS5 – Compare Features

“The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create.” – Leonard I. Sweet Sony’s official video comparing performance of PS4 Pro vs next-gen PlayStation pic.twitter.com/2eUROxKFLq — Takashi Mochizuki (@mochi_wsj) May 21, 2019 The video above shows just how powerful the new SSD technology will be in the PS5. Not only will loading times be a thing of the past, but games will load their worlds faster than ever. This will lead to bigger environments, less texture pop-in, and far more detail in our games. More and more details are coming to light, so it’s time to see how the PS5 will carry on the PlayStation legacy. I may not be a time traveler, but if you continue reading, you’ll find yourself in the future, if only for a moment. I’m going to let you finish, but this stuff needs to change There were several lessons that Sony took from the PS3 when they began talking about the PS4. The first of which was the launch pricing. When the PS3 came out, it was six hundred dollars. Even now, that is a lot of money to pour into a game console. We could go into economics and the fact that the cost of living is so high, but suffice to say that choice of pricing was not wise on their part. This was remedied in the PS4, but at a cost. The PS4 released at a price of four hundred dollars, which was a far more reasonable starting point. What is official and what isn’t about next-generation PlayStation console? From sony at https://t.co/1JRZBg4LhK pic.twitter.com/eV6MWWKeWq — Takashi Mochizuki (@mochi_wsj) May 21, 2019 The only developers that could truly take advantage of the PS3 were the ones who knew how to work the infamous Cell Processor. Even with the power it had, the lack of consistent, quality titles for the system was enough to warrant a change. Did I love Uncharted, God of War, and Killzone? Of course, but I wanted every game to stand up to that level of quality. This was fixed in the PS4 with Sony choosing a very traditional, easy to develop for system architecture that more closely mimicked the style of modern PC’s. Because of this, PS4 has already been lauded by developers as a console that is far more easy to create games for. We all know that when the developer is happy, the gamers are too. Finally, the PS3 was loved for its lack of region coding and the fact that the games were easy to buy and sell. When the Xbox One originally announced that it would not allow the playing of used games, this sent the community into an uproar. People like to feel a sense of ownership with their games, which we’ll discuss later in the article, but Sony was quick to say that the PS4 would continue to be a flexible machine that could play used games and would not require an internet connection. It’s easy to see … Read More