Developers Call PS5 Architecture ‘Better Than Any Console in History’

PS5 Architecture

It has been said plenty of times in the past, but it’s worth repeating that console power is not everything. The architecture, flexibility, ease of development, and overall design are huge factors.

Say what you will about Mark Cerny and his obsession with your ears, but the man knows how to design a console. Simply look at his resume, which includes designing the PS4. Now, it seems, developers are really getting excited about what he did with the PS5.

Developers Love The PS5’s Architecture

Thanks to some new information from Jeff Grubb over on VentureBeat, we’ve learned that developers have been saying that PS5 has a better architecture “than any console in history.”

Not only does that make it easy to develop for, but it also helps developers get the most out of the hardware without excessive difficulty or needing to make sacrifices elsewhere.

Jeff Grubb mirrored this sentiment on his personal Twitter as well:

This doesn’t necessarily mean that third-party games will be significantly better on PS5 versus Xbox Series X, but it could result in some noticeable things, like how many games this generation hit 1080p natively on PS4, but only 900p on Xbox One.

Personally, I like to game on a big screen TV, so small differences like this will be noticeable. Ultimately, it just means that more developers will want to make games on PS5, exclusive or otherwise. In the end, that’s a win for me.

What do you think? How big of a difference could a superior architecture make in the next generation? Let us know in the comments!

Article by – Bradley Ramsey
Insert date – 6/4/2020

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