PS Weekly’s Holiday Special!!

The holidays are upon us once again and I’d like to start off by saying that I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful time! This year is a lot different for many people around the globe. I think we’re all happy to move onto the New year, but until then, let’s all put our troubles aside and try to enjoy the rest of our time in any way we can. Not everyone can find the silver lining in these troubling times, but for those that cannot find some joy right now, I hope it finds you soon!

With Christmas about to drop, I can only imagine how many people out there (mainly kids, but ya know, gamers alike) must be hoping there is a PS5 wrapped up under the tree. The troubles with purchasing the new console this year have been like no other. With the shortage of supply, market analysts expect to see the demand met in April of 2021, but in the meantime, many will go without. 

Now, without further ado, I bring you a little holiday parody to try and share a little laughter with everyone that has or wants a PS5 for Christmas this year. I know the frustration is real with this subject, but I hope this helps the mood a little bit. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Party On, Be safe and be you! As always, I will see you online!


‘Twas a Gamer before Christmas – An Ode to ordering the PS5 online in 2020

By Travis Wall




Twas a Gamer before Christmas, quarantined in the house.

I lay quietly with my laptop, just clicking the mouse…


The PS5 in my cart, what is the cost, I don’t care!

As I click on the checkout, I hope it’s still there. 


The PS5 was still there as I jumped out of bed

While visions of gaming danced in my head.


My family in disbelief, as I began to clap

My brain unsettled, what is this crap? 


I couldn’t checkout as my keys made a clatter!

My family rushed over and asked what’s the matter?


I opened a new window as quick as a flash

Just take money, I’ll even pay cash!


The PS5 is still available and in my cart it goes

But now it’s saying error, this online ordering really blows. 


When, what to my hopeless eyes should appear?

I’m at checkout again, with another error I fear.


So I put in my payment info, with one last click

I knew in a moment, I had to be quick!


More rapid than Eminem, the curse words they came

And I hollered and shouted bad words and nasty names!


Not Amazon! Not Target!

Not GameStop or Best Buy!

Not on Walmart or NewEgg!

Could I get one, and here’s why!

The websites keep crashing!

We can’t drive to the mall!

To hell with it! To hell with it! To hell with it all!




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