The Eternal Question – How Much Will PlayStation 5 Games Cost?

Is it hard to justify spending sixty dollars on a single video game? Sometimes, mostly because games vary in both length and quality, but the same can be said for movies, music, and TV shows. Each time we choose to partake in an entertainment experience, we are throwing ourselves out into someone else’s creation. Our entire enjoyment, or disappointment, is decided solely by ourselves. In that regard, gaming and entertainment as a whole, is a purely subjective industry. Every single person isn’t going to like every single game that comes out, it’s simply not possible. We look at games like Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto, games that make billions of dollars upon each release, and simultaneously we see two very different offerings. With Call of Duty, someone like me will only play the single player campaign. Even being generous, that’s about six hours, so ten dollars per hour. If you are a multiplayer fan, then it offers far more. Then we look at something like Grand Theft Auto, a game with over thirty hours of gameplay, more if we do side missions, and we see something with far more value. Same price, two very different experiences. PlayStation 4 games will cost sixty dollars, but what about the PlayStation 5? In my previous article about the price of the system, we talked about inflation and scarcity of technology as major factors in the price of the system. These same concepts will apply to the games, but in a different way. Intrigued? Of course you are. Sorry Math, you’re not invited When it comes to inflation, especially looking into the future, it’s all up in the air. Inflation, for the uninitiated, is an economic term that refers to the supply and demand of products and how these two things affect the value of the dollar and its buying power. We essentially have two possibilities. One is that inflation stays low, which means the price of games won’t be affected, at least by that particular factor. The other is that inflation goes up and with it, the cost of games. How much could this affect the games? In a recent article about Inflation on IGN, they discussed how inflation has affected the cost of games and systems over the years. Looking at the value of a dollar then, and now, it appears that games are cheaper now than they have ever been. So does this mean forty dollars per AAA titles for the PS5? I hate to burst your collective bubble my dear readers, but probably not. Games may very well stay the same price, but considering the vast leap that technology is poised to make in the coming years, my thoughts are that this already expensive hobby is going to become more so. Not a hundred dollars a game though, right? No, not that high. You see, with PS5, I am imagining that discs will become a thing of the past. With Light Peak technology predicting the ability to facilitate … Read More