PS5 First Person Shooter (FPS) Games

From Doom to Wolfenstein, to Call of Duty, first-person shooters are the foundation of gaming for both single and multiplayer.

Confirmed FPS Games For PS5

  • Apex Legends
  • Battlefield 6
  • BioShock PS5
  • Borderlands 3
  • Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War
  • Call of Duty: Warzone
  • Destiny 2
  • Metro Exodus (PS5 Upgrade)
  • Sniper Elite 5
  • Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Siege

Our Picks For The Top PS5 First Person Shooter Games

Our top picks for PS5 FPS games:

1. Call of Duty

Another year, another Call of Duty. While many would think that this series would have died out by now, it’s still going. We’re going back to WWII for the 2017 entry, after many entries in the near or distant future.

Activision’s CEO, Bobby Kotick, told Marketplace in 2016 that “There will always be Call of Duty games, and they’ll be played on a variety of devices.” Who knows where the series will go after 2017, but it’s safe to say we’ll see it on PS5. Personally, I like the more creative and futuristic entries, but after the hate that Infinite Warfare got, the PS5’s first entry may indeed be set in the past.

2. Battlefield

Battlefield enjoyed its own comeback in 2016 with the release of Battlefield 1, which brought the series all the way back to WWI, which is a conflict that’s rarely explored in gaming. It was a hit, and while the multiplayer shined like always, the single player was excellent as well.

I wouldn’t mind if Battlefield stuck around in this era for a few more entries, since the focus on human stories really works. Their more creative entries like Battlefield Hardline were kind of hit or miss. Still, a revamped Battlefield 2142 could be pretty cool on the PS5.

3. Star Wars Battlefront

Star Wars games are always a hit, but some are better than others. Star Wars Battlefront used to be an amazing title back on the PS2/Xbox, but now EA has revived the series with Battlefield developers behind it.

The first attempt at the reboot was pretty bare bones, with only multiplayer modes and a few single player tutorial missions to choose from. In 2017, they’ll be releasing a more full-fledged entry, with a single player campaign and everything.

Hopefully they’ll bring back the space battles, and then I could see this really turning into a major franchise. With new Star Wars movies coming down the pipeline, it’s guaranteed we’ll see some kind of Star Wars game on the PS5, and hopefully it will be this one.

4. Prey 2

The original Prey came out in 2006 and featured a Native American protagonist who is abducted by aliens and must find a way to escape the gigantic ship that is holding him hostage. I really enjoyed it, and I was desperately awaiting the sequel after the dubious “to be continued” at the end.

Sadly, a sequel to this Prey will never be. Instead, we got a fully rebooted title in 2017 called Prey, but it was entirely different. In this game, you play as Morgan Yu, a scientist aboard a space station called Talos 1. In this game, you are the “prey” as it were, of an alien species called the Typhon.

They are some seriously scary enemies, and the game has been well-received. I imagine this will be a new franchise for Bethesda that will continue onto the PS5.

5. Bioshock

This one may illicit a few eye rolls, but Prey feels a lot like Bioshock, so it got me thinking. I know that the original creators of Bioshock are off doing their own thing now, but who’s to say that someone else at 2K may not pick up the mantle? Or, better yet, that Ken Levine and his studio get the rights to franchise and pick it back up again?

This industry is full of surprises, so never say never!

6. Titanfall

The original Titanfall was a cool concept, but it was pretty bare bones when you look back on it. Without a single player to give us backstory and world-building, we were just left with a cool shooter that got old after a while.

Titanfall 2 fixed all of that, though. The campaign was excellent, the multiplayer was much more fleshed out, and the whole just felt a lot better than its predecessor. Sadly, it released during the holidays, so sales weren’t as high as they should have been, but I have hope.

EA has to see the potential in this series, and I know gamers and critics do as well. I think Respawn will get another chance to keep going, and hopefully we’ll see this series make the jump to PS5, and VR!


DOOM came back in a big way when ID Software released their reboot in 2016. The fast-paced shooter with an absolutely metal soundtrack was the shot in the arm the FPS genre needed. People loved it, and it’s clear that ID Software still has it in them to redefine the FPS genre.

There’s no doubt in my mind that we’ll see a sequel to this, but I would love to see the series really flex its muscles on the PS5. The graphics and frame rate in this first reboot were excellent, but the jump to next-gen will allow the game to run at even higher frame rates and boost the graphics to new heights.

As long as the buttery-smooth gameplay sticks around, I can’t imagine this one will be going anywhere.

8. Overwatch

Overwatch is Blizzard’s Team Fortress 2, and if there’s anything I know about Blizzard, it’s that the sequel will take a really, really long time. That’s alright, the timetable should match up with PS5’s release.

This team-based shooter has exploded onto the scene and proven itself as one of the best selling shooters out there. It even has a presence in the eSports arena, so I would bet my gamer cred on this game getting a sequel, and it will most likely be on the PS5, given Blizzard’s long development times.

9. Far Cry

Ubisoft recently announced on an investor call, that they would be bringing back Assassin’s Creed, Far Cry, and a few other franchises in their 2018 fiscal year. If Far Cry is back, then it’s bound to hit the PS5 in some form.

Ever since Far Cry 3, this series has been one excellent game after another. Say what you will about Far Cry Primal, it was still cool. This series has always been a looker in the graphics department, and it will most certainly make a splash on the PS5 with all the horsepower that brings.

10. Destiny

Activision has always said they had a 10-year plan for Destiny, and we’re just about to get Destiny 2 this year. This series has seen its highs and lows, but the sequel looks to fix a lot of issues that many people had, and come out of the gate strong.

I’m thinking Destiny 2 will ride along for the next couple years and offer DLC and expansions like the first one. Then, when Destiny 3 is announced, it will have a place on the PS5. It will most likely release on the PS4 as well, but the PS5 version will be the one to have.

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