PS5 Console, Controller, & Virtual Actuality Designs

These fascinating PS5 console, controller, and virtual actuality designs & sketches were created by skilled artist Danny Haymond Jr. Danny developed these over several months putting a lot of time and effort into this. See all his best PS5 designs below.

Next Generation Playstation 5 Concepts:
Playstation 5
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If you want the future plastered all over your desktop (and who doesn’t?) this wallpaper will do the trick. We’ve got everything from controller to console concepts. As you can see, our current concepts from Danny Haymond Jr.showcase a more sleek and slim version of the console for the future generation. Various rumors are stating Grand Theft Auto 6 will be on the PS5. Imagine what that would look like on this epic console. It would look fairly insane, that we can be sure of.

Playstation 5
Grand Theft Auto 6 on the PS5
Download PS5 GTA 6 Wallpaper

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Console and Controller PS5 Concept:
Playstation 5 Concept Design - Console & Controller
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We’ve discussed the concept of virtual reality a lot on this website, but the next step beyond VR is bringing it into the real world. For some, that may be augmented reality, but we like to dream bigger here. Both the console and the controller in this concept have the capacity to project holographic images, which could be manipulated via motion gestures. How’s that for motion gaming?

Playstation 5 Concept Designs – Console & Controller
Playstation 5 Concept Designs - Console & Controller
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Playstation 5 Concept Designs – Console
Playstation 5 Concept Designs - Console & Controller
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Let’s take a closer look at the console itself. The key feature we’re looking at here is the aforementioned holographic capability. This allows the system to notify you of friend requests, invites, and anything else via holographic images that project from the system and controller. We’re also predicting cloud technology as a major component, which will result in faster processing and less hardware required for the console itself.

Let’s take a closer look at the predicted specs for the PS5:

Console Specs

  • Hi-Fiber Networking for non local processing power
  • RT-Superconductors and haptic holographic technology
  • Holographic Emitter System Notification
  • Cloud Processing
  • e-SATA, HDMI-B (29 pin), Optical Audio ports

Playstation 5 Concept Designs - Console
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I’m the kind of person who doesn’t like to stop my game when a message come in. This design would allow the PS5’s holographic display to show the messages in full while you keep up your gaming.

Playstation 5 Concept Designs Console – Back
Playstation 5 Concept Designs - Console Back
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These days when you look at the back of a console or a PC if you’re brave, there are a lot of slots and plugs. With the PS5’s cloud-based technology, only the basic needs will be present here. You’ve got power, HDMI for video, and a few extra plugs for auxillary or accessories like a visor or headset.

Playstation 5 Concept Designs Console – Front
Playstation 5 Concept Designs - Console Front
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Playstation 5 Concept Designs Console – Vertical
Playstation 5 Concept Designs - Console Vertical
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Playstation 5 Concept Designs Console – Top
Playstation 5 Concept Designs Console - Top
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Traditional Holographic Gaming Experience

Games will play similarly to how they do today. Holographic displays on the console and controller give another dimension of gaming. They can display maps, upgrades, etc. The buttons and analog pads are room temperature quantum locked super conductors that respond to the slightest movement.

Playstation 5 Concept Designs – Console & Controller Sketch
PS5 Console by Danny Haymond Jr
Console & Controller – Download High Resolution Wallpaper

Dualshock 5 – Future Generation PS5 Controller:
Dualshock 5 - PS5 Controller
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Controller accuracy is a huge focus for both casual gamers, and for e-sports players. We’ve managed to get our controllers pretty accurate, but there’s plenty more precision to be had. The PS5’s controllers will feature quantum locked super conductors. These can detect even the most minute of movements. Your analog sticks will be far more accurate with this technology in place.

With the holographic projector on the controller, you’ll also be able to see notifications, maps, and messages directly in front of you. Check out these predicted PS5 controller specs below:

Controller Specs

  • Integrated quantum locked super conductors
  • Haptic Halographic Emitter – Allows players to manipulate 3D objects
  • Contextual Dial

Quantum Levitation Technology:

Dualshock 5 for the PS5

Dualshock 5
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PS5 – Dualshock 5 – Star Wars Battlefront
PS5 Dualshock 5 Star Wars Battlefront
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Halographic Emitter 3D Objective Overlay:
Halographic Emitter 3D Objective Overlay
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Halographic Emitter 3D Map Overlay:
Halographic Emitter 3D Map Overlay
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PS5 Virtual Actuality Visor Concept

Virtual reality only stimulates one of the senses, but this concept will allow for a more enhanced experience that stimulates all five senses. This can be done with a neural uplink, which may sound painful, but we’ll be able to establish this kind of link without the need for anything you’ve seen in science fiction. Some of you may remember we showed this initial concept back in February 2014. This was before Sony introduced “PlayStation VR” the following month in March.

PS5 Virtual Actuality Visor
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Neuroscience – Mind Control
PS5 Virtual Actuality Visor
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Mind control and gaming:

See the kickstarter project – This technology exists and can/will be applied to gaming soon enough –

The campaign was funded successfully and is currently in the testing stage. This goes to show that gamers are hungry for new ways to experience their favorite games. The controller just won’t do it anymore, so we’re looking for new and exciting ways to play games. This is one of them.

What about a PS5 application?

PS5 Concept Designs – Console and Controller Sketches
2 PS5 Concept Designs - Console and Controller
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Playstation 5 Concept Designs – Virtual Actuality
Playstation 5 Concept Designs - 3D Glasses
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3D Glasses Sketch
PS5 Virtual Actuality by Danny Haymond Jr
3D Glasses Sketch – Download High Resolution Wallpaper

PlayStation VR:

All Playstation 5 concepts created by Danny Haymond Jr, a talented artist. View his portfolio here: Be sure to e-mail him and thank him for his designs and vision to the future! What features would you like to see in the PS5? If you want Danny Haymond Jr to create more concepts, post your comments below!

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