E3 2020 Cancelled Due to Coronavirus

Update: Confirmed as cancelled: NEWS: E3 2020 CANCELLED DUE TO GROWING CONCERNS OVER COVID-19 VIRUS After careful consultation with our member companies regarding the health and safety of everyone in our industry – our fans, our employees, our exhibitors, and our longtime E3 partners – we have made the difficult decision to cancel E3 2020, scheduled for June 9-11 in Los Angeles. Following increased and overwhelming concerns about the COVID-19 virus, we felt this was the best way to proceed during such an unprecedented global situation. We are very disappointed that we are unable to hold this event for our fans and supporters. But we know it’s the right decision based on the information we have today. Our team will be reaching out directly to exhibitors and attendees with information about providing full refunds. We are also exploring options with our members to coordinate an online experience to showcase industry announcements and news in June 2020. Updates will be shared on E3Expo.com. We thank everyone who shared their views on reimagining E3 this year. We look forward to bringing you E3 2021 as a reimagined event that brings fans, media, and the industry together in a showcase that celebrates the global video game industry. If you had described the world to me, as it is now, a decade ago, I would have told you to stop watching disaster thrillers. Putting aside much of the things going wrong with the world, the crisis of the day is the ongoing spread of the Coronavirus. Now, it seems, the ramifications of this new disease have hit gaming once again. Reports from reputable sources like Ars Technica are saying that E3 2020 is going to be cancelled in the coming days. An Industry Institution, Brought Low by Time and Panic E3 has been a staple of the game industry since the 1990s, but I would be ignorant to say that it hasn’t declined in recent years. With a medicore 2018, Sony backing out of 2019, and this year looking to be bare as well, it seems this could be the final nail in the show’s coffin. Even Devolver Digital, known for their brash humor, also gave people a heads up in the form of a tweet: Cancel your E3 flights and hotels, y’all. — Devolver Digital (@devolverdigital) March 11, 2020 Of course, they usually do a digital stream anyway, but given that other sources, supposedly from within the ESA (who runs E3), are also reporting an upcoming cancellation, it seems like this isn’t one of their usual jokes. Given this, it seems like E3 2020 isn’t going to happen, at least not in the way we usually expect. That doesn’t mean we’ll be without gaming news, however. I have some thoughts on what this shift could mean. Virtual For Me, Virtual For Everyone While the writing has been on the wall for a few years now, as someone who has never been to E3 in person, I’ve always enjoyed the event as a digital … Read More

GameStop Accidentally Leaks PS5 Specs

Retailers are often the source of reliable leaks in the gaming industry. Whether it’s a rogue employee or a corporate mishap, you can bet they will spill the beans in one form or another. GameStop is the latest to make this fumble as they published unannounced details about the PS5 in their pre-registration page. It has since been updated, but you can check out a cached version here (I love the internet sometimes). Let’s find out what they leaked! GameStop’s Mistake Reveals New PS5 Specs Looking at the cached version of GameStop’s page, we can see some new spec details that were otherwise rumors until now (they still are, but this adds credibility). Some sites are reporting that the backwards compatibility for PSVR and PS4 titles is news, but Mark Cerny already confirmed that a while back, something we reported on here. Now, what is actually new here are some fresh specs: Full 8K Support A Bespoke (custom) 8-Core AMD Chipset 3D Audio SSD Storage Backwards compatibility with PSVR and PS4 Ray Tracing Capabilities While this doesn’t officially confirm that the system is more powerful than the recently revealed Xbox Series X specs, it does show that the PS5 is shaping up to be an equally impressive console. The page goes on to mention other things we already know about, namely the DualShock 5’s haptic feedback and adaptive triggers. The page has since been updated to remove the unconfirmed details, but the information is already out there. Now, Sony, can you please just give us some details! We can’t have Microsoft taking all the glory with their surprise Xbox blog post. Let us know what you think of these details in the comments! Article by – Bradley Ramsey Insert date – 2/28/2020

PS5 Price Goes up as Component Shortages Make Sony Nervous

The electronics supply chain is in a constant war over components. Everything, from your phone, to your console, to your car, is packed with electronics these days. That means that shortages will drive up costs as manufacturers try to keep up with demand. According to a new report from Bloomberg, sources believe Sony is feeling the heat from these shortages, and it’s making the PS5 more expensive to manufacture than they originally planned. Turns out Console Wars are Costly Both Sony and Microsoft have next generation consoles coming out in holiday 2020. This means that mass production is going to start soon in order to fulfill holiday quotas. Despite this, neither Sony nor Microsoft have announced the price of their new systems. This could be due, in part, to Sony spending a rumored $450 on each PS5 they build. With that kind of cost, they would need to charge closer to $500 to make any kind of profit. Now, this is nothing new. Consoles have always been barely profitable at launch. Companies use them to get people into their ecosystem, so they can sell them games. For example, estimates say that PS4 systems cost $381 to manufacture, so Sony wasn’t making much when they sold them for $399 at launch. Even so, it looks like the PS5 will need to be $499 minimum to make any sense. That’s reasonable for someone who plays games constantly like I do, but others may not see the point in paying $100 more when they can get a PS4 Pro for less, and a regular PS4 for less than that. This opinion is mirrored by Macquarie Capital Analyst, Damian Thong: “Consumers will benchmark their expectations based on the PS4 Pro and PS4. If Sony prices above that, it would like be to balance a need to offset higher materials cost, against risk to demand.” Sony hasn’t commented on any of this, but during am earnings call, Sony’s Chief Financial Officer Hiroki Totoki said that keeping the PS5’s bill of materials (the parts used to make it) under control is a focus, along with a focus on making sure they have enough to meet demand at launch. Microsoft Will Blink First The aforementioned Bloomberg article also mentions that people in the PlayStation business (who remain anonymous), have said that Microsoft’s price will play a key factor in the decision Sony makes. That makes sense, but it also means that Microsoft has more to lose here. After all, they have been in the last place of the console war, with PS4 outselling Xbox One the entire generation. While Microsoft is leaning more into their game streaming, they can’t afford to have another flop on their hands, which is why they have been more forthcoming with their Xbox Series X news and reveals. My thinking is that Microsoft will blink first and reveal the price, possibly before E3 2020. I don’t think Sony will wait until then to reveal the price regardless, mostly because they won’t be … Read More

Games to play solo on Valentines Day for the Single Player

Valentine’s Day is upon us and it is celebrated by couples all around the world. Gamer couples alike also celebrate this fun holiday in whatever gaming fashion they may choose, but what about single players? Not everyone has a player 2 to celebrate with for whatever reason, but why should they not indulge in a little bit of single player enjoyment?    For our friends that will be playing Valentines Day solo this year, I thought I would drop some noteworthy games to play alone on Valentines Day! In no particular order, here are my top 7 recommended games for you to play on your PS4.    1 Spider-Man  Insomniac games rally went above and beyond with Spider-Man. In my mind, this is easily the best Spider-Man game to date. That could be thanks to the advanced technology developers work with these days, but the story is great and the web-slinging is superb. Even if you have already played through it, Spider-Man is an awesome game to revisit.  2 Horizon: Zero Dawn Horizon: Zero Dawn was a massive hit on PS4 back in 2017. With an excellent storyline to follow, beautiful graphics that offer a superb landscape, good gameplay mechanics and some rpg elements, the devs over at Gorilla Games really brought forth an instant classic for the Action – Adventure genre. It’s only a matter of time before we start hearing about the sequel, but for now, the original will do just fine.  3 God of War I mean, how could this not make the list? Bringing us back to 2018, it should be no surprise that God of War was a huge hit for Santa Monica Studios. Not everyone liked that Kratos was bringing his young son with him on his next playable journey, but I rather enjoyed fatherhood through the eyes of Kratos. Not to mention the story would have been totally different without the boy, and it was a good storyline. Kratos is a fan favorite character for many PS4 owners and the solo campaign that God of War offers is one well worth playing.  4 RAGE 2 I mean, not everyone that is player one on Valentine’s Day is happy about it so, maybe a little RAGE is in order? This First Person Shooter delivers a post apocalyptic open world that reminds many of the Mad Max movie franchise. Cruise around in destructive vehicles and hop on out to eliminate enemies on foot weapons of mass destruction and in some cases, weapons of mass hilarity. Release some of your single player rage with RAGE 2 this Valentines day. 5 Red Dead Redemption 2 Feeling like a Desperado? Roam the Wild West on horseback and complete enough missions to keep busy for the rest of the month. Rockstar Games is considered the golden standard when it comes to telling stories and open world games in the industry. The developers spend years creating and updating their games and Red Dead Redemption 2 is no different. With a … Read More

Why You Won’t Get a PS5 Unless You Preorder – Coronavirus

Since the dawn of the coronavirus outbreak, many of us have been following the news far more than usual. With the United States ahead of the world in confirmed cases, the pandemic has come home to roost. There are currently Thousands and thousands of confirmed cases of the virus around the world. So, what does this have to do with PS5 preorders and gaming in general? As it turns out, quite a lot. Some Good News in These Uncertain Times There’s not a lot of good news out there these days, but the world of gaming does have a few things for us to talk about that offer some slight silver linings. For starters, the World Health Organization is now recommending that people play more games in general. You don’t have to tell me twice. Ray Chambers, World Health Organization Ambassador for Global Strategy, also highlighted this sentiment in a tweet: We’re at a crucial moment in defining outcomes of this pandemic. Games industry companies have a global audience – we encourage all to #PlayApartTogether. More physical distancing + other measures will help to flatten the curve + save lives. https://t.co/QhX0ssN0lH — Ray Chambers (@RaymondChambers) March 28, 2020 Next up, we have a positive story about how Sony is handling the shift towards working from home during the pandemic. Specifically, PlayStation employees are getting full pay until April 30th and budgets for equipment they need. This news also comes from a tweet by Patrick Klepek, who obtained a memo received by employees with the news: According to a memo I've been briefed on, all NA/European PlayStation employees will continue working from home through at least April 30, due to coronavirus. Workers will continue to be paid, "regardless of ability to perform remote work due to job function or responsibilities." — Patrick Klepek (@patrickklepek) March 27, 2020 Last, but not least, it seems like the PS5 launch won’t be delayed by the virus as of March 2020. Speaking to Bloomberg, a Sony representative said that it expects “no material impact” for its gaming and network services in the current fiscal year. As we’ve said before, the new console may be in very short supply if it launches on time, due to factory shut downs. We’ll of course keep this page updated with any news. In the meantime, you can find out how else the Coronavirus has affected gaming below. Sony Backs out of Two Major Events, Citing Coronavirus Concerns Near the end of February 2020, Sony announced that they would not be attending two major gaming events in the coming weeks. It started with Sony revealing that they would not be at PAX East in Boston. The company cited the ongoing virus concerns and the safety of their global workforce as reasons for pulling out of the event. Despite this, the evemt is moving forward with “enhanced cleaning and sanitation” in place across the venue. A day later, GamesIndustry.biz reported that Sony would also be pulling out of the Game Developer … Read More

How a Fake PS5 Boot Screen Captured The Internet For a Weekend

I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that collective Sony fans are ravenous for new PS5 info. After all, Sony has been pretty tight-lipped about details, while Microsoft has been throwing around trailers and announcements like they’re going out of style. Given this collective attitude, is it any wonder that the entire internet was fooled by a hoax one weekend in early 2020? This PS5 boot screen may be fake, but the hype surrounding it was most certainly real. A Look at How Rumors Spread Online It’s a testament to the internet as a construct that something like this can spread so quickly over the course of 48 hours or so. It all started with a Reddit post, as these typically do (note: The video is now listed as fake, but that wasn’t the case when it first went live). #PS5 boot up and console ???!!!!!. pic.twitter.com/ZzGQP7q4HI — Jose Miguel Esparza (@P0sitiveEmoti0n) January 25, 2020 From there, it went to Twitter and spread across the internet, where media outlets latched onto it and arguments flew across the digital sphere about whether it was real or fake. People on the fake side of things quickly pointed out discrepancies ranging from use of a Google Play logo to a QR code, which isn’t something you normally see on PlayStation hardware. The Jig is up, Now What? By the end of that cold weekend in January 2020, the original YouTube channel uploaded a second video confirming the fake PS5 boot screen. Not only that, but the video, titled “How to win the interwebs. -make a PS5 video” walked viewers through the process that went into this prank. The purpose? To see how far the rumor would go. Pretty damn far as it turns out. The process even involved a sound designer and programmer to help create something that would at least seem plausible. I honestly don’t know whether to applaud this guy or reach through the interwebs to smack him. On the one hand, it’s an impressive fake, but on the other hand, why? Just to troll people? What do you think? Did you buy into this hoax or were you sure it was a fake from the get-go? Let us know in the comments! Article by – Bradley Ramsey Insert date – 1/28/2020

10 of the most anticipated games in 2020

2020 is almost 1 full month in! With that said, it is going to be an amazing year for gamers all around the world. With the upcoming release of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, that alone makes it a great year, but there is also a stack of some highly anticipated games to drop as well.    Sadly, some of our most anticipated games have indeed been delayed to later part of the year, but still planned to release this year. Without further ado, here are 10 of my most anticipated games for 2020! In no particular order, let’s check em out.    1 – The Last of Us Part 2 Easily one of the most anticipated games by many gamers around the world, The Last of Us Part 2 will most likely be a masterpiece. The developers over at Naughty Dog really put in the work when it comes to video games and if TLOU Part 2 is anything like the first one (which it will be and then some), we are in for a treat that we will talk about for years to come. The Last Of Us part 2 will be dropping on May 29, 2020.  2 – Cyberpunk 2077 From the development studio that brought us The Witcher video game series (The Witcher 3 being the one that made it to consoles), comes what is surely going to be another smash hit. Cyberpunk 2077 will be an open world RPG game where we assume the role of a mercenary featuring incredible hacking skills, a large weapons cabinet much more. Look forward to playing Cyberpunk 2077, this coming September 17th, 2020.     3 – Final fantasy VII Remake Remember when the FFVII Remake was announced about 5 years ago? Was it longer than that? Anyway, after years of waiting, we will finally be treated to a remake that many of us wanted. I played FFVII on the original PlayStation console for years. It has always been one of my favorite games and probably my favorite in the overall series. If you have never played, you are in for a treat. If you have played, you’re in for an even bigger treat. We can look forward to getting out hands on the FFVII remake this April 10, 2020!   4 – DOOM Eternal Doom is a long running franchise that just doesn’t want to quit and to be honest, I’m grateful for that. DOOM Eternal is a sequel that picks up right after DOOM 2016. This intense First Person Shooter will be chocked full of demon hordes and it will be a massacre. Expect a fast paced and chaotic battle between you (The DOOM Slayer) and an entire planet of badass demons on March 20, 2020!    5 – Dying Light 2 When Techland developed Dying Light, it was a successful hit and garnered a huge cult following. A zombie parkour game that really plays well, looks great that hosted a really good storyline, I as … Read More

What if Nintendo and Sony went through with their partnership?

It’s a question that I have thought about many times over. It isn’t a heavily discussed topic, but it is certainly an intriguing one. What if Nintendo and Sony managed to partner up back in the 90’s and actually moved forward in the gaming industry together?  Just for the sake of “in case you didn’t know,” back in the early 1990’s, Nintendo had tapped Sony to build a CD-Rom variant for the Super Nintendo console. Nintendo then backed out of the deal and went with the company Philips, to develop for them instead. From there, Sony further developed their CD-Rom and the PlayStation was born.    Sony has always been a very different company than Nintendo. From the moment the first PlayStation console dropped, Sony was offering content that was more mature for gamers. Nintendo was and still is considered the more family friendly console.    Sony carved a space for the PlayStation brand in the gaming industry and changed everything. Sega was seemingly pushed out of the console making space and became a third party developer after the Sega Dreamcast failed to make sales needed to keep the company a float.  We watched as Nintendo began to struggle and Microsoft entered the gaming space with the highly successful Xbox, thanks to the release of the PlayStation 2, which still holds the record for most units sold as a single console. The PS3 had a staggering start when it released one year after the Xbox 360 and came with an extremely high price tag. What may have very well ended another company, Sony came back with additional models of the PS3, lowered the unit price and did manage to outsell the Xbox 360 in lifetime sales.    While Sony and Microsoft battled it out for the market, Nintendo did manage to comeback with the Wii console and of course, dominated sales in regard to handheld devices. Since then, Sony has dominated the market with the PS4 and both Nintendo and Microsoft have managed to stay in the game… No pun intended, but it is fitting.    Now in present day, we prepare  to see the Playstation 5 revealed and by holiday this year, the ongoing battle for top console sales will start over once again. With that, I circle back to PlayStation’s beginning. What if Nintendo didn’t back out of the deal it had been working on with Sony? Let’s speculate, shall we?    There are many possibilities to what could have happened. In all actuality, we will never know, but here is how I imagine things could have gone down. After Sony had gone ahead and announced a partnership with Nintendo, the big N, graciously confirms said partnership. With excitement in the air, Nintendo and Sony make waves in the gaming industry. The tides are turning and not only does this partnership excite gamers around the world, but SEGA is getting excited too!.    SEGA was far ahead of the curve when it came to video game tech. Maybe … Read More

Sony is Skipping E3 2020 as Rumors of a February Reveal Resurface

When Sony revealed they were skipping out on E3 2019, I was shocked and hurt. I love E3, despite the fact that it’s been in decline over the years. That doesn’t change the fact that it’s a national holiday in my household. Unfortunately, Sony isn’t coming back for 2020. The official announcement comes in the opening weeks of 2020 as Sony confirms it will not be attendance at E3 2020. Among this, talk about a potential reveal at a PlayStation Meeting 2020 has resurfaced as it looks more likely than ever. All of this, and a new tease from Sony’s own Jim Ryan. Let’s dive in! Sony Says “No Thank You” to E3 2020 Sony Skipping E3 2019 made us all feel like it was a result of them not having any PS5 stuff to show, but that’s clearly not the case this year. After all, the PS5 is confirmed for holiday 2020. So, why would they skip E3 again in 2020? In a statement provided to Gamesindustry.biz, they had this to say: “After thorough evaluation SIE has decided not to participate in E3 2020. We have great respect for the ESA as an organization, but we do not feel the vision of E3 2020 is the right venue for what we are focused on this year. We will build upon our global events strategy in 2020 by participating in hundreds of consumer events across the globe. Our focus is on making sure fans feel part of the PlayStation family and have access to play their favorite content. We have a fantastic line up of titles coming to PlayStation 4, and with the upcoming launch of PlayStation 5, we are truly looking forward to a year of celebration with our fans.” As the article notes, Sony announced the original PlayStation at E3 in 1995, and we all remember the absolute thrashing they gave Microsoft at E3 2013. It seemed like E3 was always going to be a tradition for this kind of big hype, but Sony seems to prefer doing their own thing. The ESA, who organizes E3, responded with a statement of expected optimism about the show, but without one of the big three in attendance, it just feels like a hollow attempt to hype up an empty show (Microsoft notwithstanding). With E3 2020 out of the running, where and when will we see the PS5’s official reveal? There are a few options. PlayStation Meeting 2020: When and Where? The PS4 and PS4 Pro were both revealed at specific Sony events. So, it’s safe to assume that will be the case again with this generation. Back in August of 2019, we reported on a rumor that Sony would have a PlayStation Meeting on February 12, 2020. To me, this is the most plausible approach, especially now that they’ve decided to exit E3 2020. It’s also worth mentioning that Sony is holding an Experience PlayStation event in their Sony Square NYC space from January 14th-16th of 2020, but I don’t … Read More

PS5 Concept by Canadian Jedi

The future rather the PS5 is here! Check out this sci fi version of how he sees the PS5 in his head. He took inspiration from the leaked dev kit that came out. Created using Dreams. Thank you Dan! CanadianJedi explains this PS5: My PS5 concept inspired by the leaked dev kit. Had to make another small tweak no one but me will ever notice. I love Dreams. Anyone have any requests for sculpts or suggestions for this sculpt? #MadeInDreams #PS4share #DreamsPS4 #PS5 #conceptart pic.twitter.com/j24QFZuKry — Dan K (@CanadianJediYT) January 10, 2020 Are you into this design? What would you keep or change?