Playstation 5 Console

A Playstation 5 concept design by the talented David Hansson. These designs go for a contrast between black and white on the controller. The two-tone design works really well for these next generation controllers. The controllers here are a little more elongated than the design we currently have, but the general shape remains the same. Sony is already hard at work on the next gaming console generation. What do you think it will look like? Show David some love and share with your friends so others can check out his work!

Playstation 5 Controllers

PS5 controller concepts by David Hansson. These DualShock 5 designs resemble the current controller, but they have some excellent new additions that could make your experiences feel more immersive. In the first picture, we can see the lights around the edge of the analog sticks. The second set of images offers a glimpse into a controller with a display across the surface. Imagine if the controller could change its color or texture to match the world of your game? Say you’re playing Destiny. The controller could display glowing lines across the seams or light up when your special is ready to be used. If you’re playing a game like Fallout, the screen could make the controller look like an old and rusted piece of metal on the surface. What do you think the next generation controller / Dualshock 5 will look like, and what features would you like to see on it?

PS5 Console, Controller, & 3D Glasses Sketch

A PS5 concept sketch design by the talented Danny Haymond Jr. These sketches show off a new design for the DualShock 5 and a design for PlayStation VR 2.0. The console has a slim design with a pad for displaying holographic images. The VR headset is a much slimmer design than the one we have now. From the looks of it, it’s also wireless. While this type of technology is possible, it’s likely we won’t see a wireless VR headset until after the launch of the PS5. Do you think the next generation console will look like this? Show Danny some love and share with your friends. See the full PS5 Design here

PS5 and Dualshock 5

Beautiful PS5 renders by popular game console design artist Danny Haymond. These designs showcase a more subdued approach that resembles the PS4 slim design. The polished finish could potentially be a magnet for fingerprints, but I’ve preferred this finish over a matte finish. The DualShock 5 in these designs adopts a rounded screen in the center that could also double as a touch pad. A high-quality touch screen in the center of the controller could open up a lot of potential game mechanics such as health bars, maps, and plenty more. See the full PS5 Design here

PS5 Slim / Transform

Kevin Tan has taken it next level with these forward thinking concepts. With the success of the Nintendo Switch, portability is on the rise. These designs showcase potential layouts for a PS5 that goes with you. The slim design looks similar to cutting edge televisions that are paper thin. The transform design is far more simplistic and open than you would probably expect, but there’s no denying the futuristic look that it provides. The exposed disc is really stylish, but it would also leave it vulnerable to the elements. What do you think about these designs? Which would you like to see a final render on? View PS5 Transform Concept View PS5 Slim Concept

PS5 Console and Controller by David Hanson

Amazing new PS5 design by David Hanson.This design showcases a potential DualShock 5 controller in the picture as well. The hexagonal lighting on the system would be a departure from the more subdued lighting that we’re used to seeing, but it looks striking in this concept design. Do you think the PS5 should have a design that departs drastically from what we’re used to, or should Sony stick to what works? What about the controllers, should they receive an overhaul? Let us know in the comments below! See all the renders of this PS5 Design here

PS5 – Holographic – Future Generation

This PS5 design Incorporates the benefits of hi-fiber networking for non-local processing power, rt-superconductors and haptic holographic technology to deliver an exclusive gaming encounter. This kind of stuff may sound like science fiction, but it’s not outside the realm of possibility. A company called Looking Glass has already been working on holographic displays. They are joined by another recent contender called Holovect which launched their product on Kickstarter. Their focus is currently on “volumetric vector images.” The difference right now, is that Looking Glass creates images within a box, while Holovect creates free-floating images in the air. While these don’t represent the kind of holograms shown in these concept images, they are the beginnings of technology like this. View the full PS5 design here

PS5 Floating Sphere

PS5 Sphere Design and DualShock 5 controller. This would be a much smaller design that prior consoles. The levitation could be done with magnetic fields or even quantum locking. A console this small would most likely be digital as there’s no room for a disc. This design would work well for a cloud-based console. Games would be streamed directly to it, making the PS5 a sleek and simple console. Add some sort of portability and it would give the Switch a run for its money! The major obstacles here would be a steady internet connection that can support cloud streaming. Any drop in the connection would cause the game to run poorly or exhibit lag in the controls. This would be annoying for single player, but it would absolutely ruin multiplayer gaming as it would cause an uneven playing field. View the full PS5 design here

Why Sony Should Delay The PS5 Release

While many gamers want the next big thing as soon as possible, this is not always the case with consoles. New owners of the PS4 or Pro probably don’t want the PS5 to come out right away. While Microsoft may be ahead with the Xbox One X, the PS4 doesn’t need its successor just yet. The PS5 is the console we want, but it’s not the console we need right now. Join us as we look at five reasons why Sony should delay the release of the PS5! 5 Compelling Reasons to Delay The PS5’s Release If Sony offered you the PS5 tomorrow, would you buy it? What if you had to give up all of your PS4 games, or your PlayStation VR? Many of us wouldn’t be willing to make that trade. The PS4 is alive and well, and PlayStation VR is settling into a nice stride. Here are our top 5 reasons for Sony to hold off on the PS5: 1. Don’t Rush the PS5 to Market First and foremost, Sony should not try and rush the PS5 to market. The PS4 has been out for several years, but the Pro and PSVR are just now finding their place in the gaming world. Putting out something new at this point would just rob this generation of its remaining potential. New consoles usually come out when the flood of titles has slowed to a trickle, and sales of the system start to slow down. This is when the market starts to stagnate, and the time comes for a new jolt of innovation. The PS4 is not here yet. Major releases like God of War, Last of Us Part II, Days Gone, and Death Stranding are still a ways out. These represent the next wave of epic titles for PS4, and with even newer titles announced in 2017, the PS4 has no shortage of power and innovation left in it. The most important takeaway here, is that the PS4 is not on its way out. If anything, it’s still growing at an incredible speed. Sony is a business above all else, so they will make the right call here and wait until the market is ready for a new system. 2. Break Sales Records As of December 2017, Sony has sold 70.6 million PS4 systems and 2 million PlayStation VR headsets. Last generation, Sony and Microsoft finished neck-and-neck, but this time around the PS4 is well ahead of Xbox One in sales. The Xbox One X could potentially close the gap, but early reports don’t make it seem like Microsoft’s new console is all the rage. If anything, Nintendo may win the war for sales this generation. The Nintendo Switch has already outsold the Wii U’s lifetime sales in Japan and continues to sell like hotcakes. The PS4 still has a ways to go before it conquers the PS2. As the greatest selling console of all time, the PlayStation 2 sold a whopping 155 million units. The PS4 is almost … Read More

PS5 is Coming in 2021, PS4 to Sell 100 Million by 2019 According to IDC Analyst

While the PS4 Pro and the Xbox One X are pretty young in the grand scheme of consoles, they are not next generation machines. We are still waiting on the PS5 to usher in the next generation of gaming, it’s only a matter of time. While some predictions have said this would be as soon as 2019 or 2020, a new prediction from IDC analyst Lewis Ward claims the PS5 could release as late as 2021! Would it be best for Sony to wait that long, or should the PS5 release sooner? Let’s discuss! PS5 in 2021 and 100 million PS4 Consoles Sold by 2019 GamingBolt spoke to Lewis Ward, IDC research director for gaming and VR/AR. During this interview, they asked him when he thinks Sony would launch the PS5. His response was this: “Right now I think PS5 and the next-gen Xbox will arrive in 2021, but that’s really just a tentative placeholder in my forecast.” On top of this prediction, Ward also said that he believes the PS4 will reach the 100 million units sold milestone by 2019. The PS4 has already sold 70 million units as of December 2017, so it’s certainly possible that they could reach this lofty goal, given the current lineup of first-party titles. PlayStation VR is no slouch either. As of this same time frame, the little VR headset that could has sold over 2 million units. Since you need a PS4 console to use virtual reality, the sales of this headset could also boost system sales. Of course, if Sony wants to break the PS2’s record, they’ll need to shoot even higher. That system sold 155 million units during its lifespan, making it the best-selling console of all time. With this new prediction in place, let’s see how it stacks up against other predictions we’ve seen. Comparing PS5 Release Date Predictions Over at our Release Date Page, we keep an eye on all the predictions coming in from analysts and industry titans. Lewis Ward says 2021, but what does everyone else think? Here’s the breakdown: Our prediction: November 15th, 2020 Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot: 2019-2020 Wedbush Securities Research Analyst Michael Pachter: 2019/2020 IDC Analyst Lewis Ward: 2021 Wall Street Journal’s Takashi Mochizuki: 2018 Analyst Damian Thong: 2018 Right now, Lewis Ward is the latest with his prediction one year ahead of everyone else’s. Some analysts even seem to think that the PS5 is coming as soon as 2018. What do you think? When should Sony release the PS5? Let us know in the comments! Sources: Gaming Bolt Article on Lewis Ward Prediction PS4 and PSVR Sales as of December 2017 Related Articles: PS5 is Waiting on Xbox One X Ubisoft CEO: PS5 is a Minimum of Two Years Away Could the PS4 be a Console/Portable Hybrid?