PS5 Confirmed – Sony has Confirmed the PS5 is Coming

PS5 Concept Design By Danny Haymond Jr In April of 2019 Mark Cerny officially announced the PS5. The day we all hoped for! Before that Sony’s president and CEO, Kenichiro Yoshida has confirmed that there are plans for a successor to the PS4. Sony Interactive Entertainment America boss, Shawn Layden, officially confirmed that PS4 Pro won’t be the last we see of the PlayStation brand. Sony Interactive Entertainment chief exec John Kodera announced in May 2018 that the “PlayStation 4 is entering ‘final phase’ of its lifecycle.” And of course numerous sources have indicated to us the same. The PS5 is coming, it is going to happen and it will be the best damn gaming console the gaming world as ever seen! For years we predicted a 2020 release date. Let’s find out what Sony’s planning, shall we? PS5 Confirmed, 2019 or 2020? Speaking with the Financial Times, Sony president and CEO, Kenichiro Yoshida, confirmed that the company has plans for a successor to the PS4. In response to questions surrounding the growing smartphone gaming market, he said quote: “At this point, what I can say is it’s necessary to have a next-generation hardware.” While at the time he didn’t confirm the name “PlayStation 5,” this type of confirmation from a high-level executive is really all we needed to remove any remaining doubts about the future of the PlayStation brand. Another update from Sony in regards to the PS5 came from the head of Sony Interactive Entertainment, John Kodera. During a 2018 Sony Corporate Strategy meeting, he told reporters that the PS4 was in the “final stage” of its lifecycle. This could have meant a lot of things, but he went on to clarify some of Sony’s intentions when it comes to the future of the PlayStation brand. Wall Street Journalist reporter Takashi Mochizuki offered everyone a hint with a tweet from the event: SIE head Kodera told analysts and investors that the period until March 2021 would be when PlayStation to "crouch down once" to grow further in the future. hmmmmmm. — Takashi Mochizuki (@mochi_wsj) May 22, 2018 Sony is planning on biding their time so they can really come out with something spectacular. The amount of time seems to be about three years from 2018, leading up to March 2021. It’s impressive that Sony is showing restraint and not rushing the PS5, but 2021 seems like a long time to wait for a new console. Since consoles typically release in the holiday months, we believe the PS5 will come out in November of 2020. This would be slightly before the period described by John Kodera, but it’s less likely that Sony would wait until holiday of 2021 to release a new console. Of course, there’s always the chance that the PS5 comes out in March of 2021. The Nintendo Switch had a similar release date in the beginning of the year and has since enjoyed impressive sales. This would be a major change from prior releases, but it’s … Read More

What PlayStation’s E3 2017 Tells us About The PS5

E3 2017 is here, and now that Sony’s press conference is over, there’s still no word on the PS5. While we already predicted this, analysts such as Damian Thong were convinced that the PS5 would be releasing in 2018, and at this point that seems nearly impossible. Still, E3 2017 gave us a few juicy pieces of information, including a look at Microsoft’s Project Scorpio, which has been revealed as the Xbox One X. Join us as we look at the implications of this year’s announcements and what they mean for the PS5! 5 Things E3 2017 Told Us About The PS5 1. Sony’s Not Ready to Talk Next-Gen The words “PlayStation 5” were not uttered during Sony’s press conference. In fact, nothing about hardware was even discussed. This year, it was all about the games. Sony is happy to continue riding on their wave of success. After all, the PS4 has sold 60 million units and that number continues to grow. Furthermore, the PS4 Pro and PlayStation VR have been selling very well. It’s not time to take that next step, and Sony knows that. While some may have thought the Xbox One X would force their hand, they remained quiet on the next-gen subject and let the games do the talking. 2. The PS5 Won’t be Coming in 2018 Despite predictions from analysts, the PS5 isn’t coming in 2018. Manufacturers tend to announce consoles at least a year in advance. Even if Sony wanted to discuss PS5 at E3 2018, they wouldn’t be releasing until 2019 at the earliest. Why, you ask? Well, for starters the PS4 Pro isn’t very old at all, and there’s no reason to ditch it yet. PS4 gamers are happy for now, because they’ve got the best games on any platform, and the quality just continues to grow as time goes on. The PS4 isn’t ready to sing its swan song, and VR isn’t matured enough to release another headset just yet. This is why we’re still sticking with our 2020 release date. 3. The Xbox One X Isn’t Next Gen (But PS5 Will Be) The Xbox One X is an impressive console from a hardware standpoint, but when compared to the highest levels of PC technology, it’s not truly next generation hardware. Furthermore, it’s so focused on 4K and HDR that it’s not being used to its fullest potential. While it’s more powerful than PS4 Pro, it’s functionally the type of system. It’s meant to do 4K and perhaps some graphical enhancements in specific titles, but it doesn’t have the sheer “wow” factor that a truly next-gen system would offer. This is probably why Sony is letting Microsoft have the win with the power play, because they’re working on PS5 and it’s going to make Xbox One X look like a child’s toy. 4. VR is Still a Safe Bet For The PS5 Sony’s support for PlayStation VR has been strong, and their press conference this year announced some interesting new titles. … Read More

PS5 VR Games

Tired of real life? Yeah, us too. Thankfully, VR is here to save the day! These are the games we’ll see teleport us to new and exciting worlds.. Our Top Picks For Virtual Reality (VR) Games on The PS5 1. First Person Shooters Thanks to Farpoint and the PlayStation VR Aim Controller, first person shooters have found a home in VR. While Farpoint may not be perfect, it’s an excellent example of how shooters that we know and love can find new life in VR. While it will take a while for mainstream franchises to fully commit to VR, experiments are happening, and if Farpoint is any indication, hopefully other developers will bring their experiences into the virtual world. 2. Horror in VR Horror games have found a brand new life in virtual reality. What used to kind of scare you on a TV, will now terrify you in VR. When the horror is in your face and all around you, there’s no escape. Resident Evil VII proved that this could be done, and done very well. Other titles like Until Dawn: Rush of Blood, and even Here They Lie have all shown promise for how horror can truly reach new heights of terror in virtual reality. 3. Wave Shooters Another genre that has seen a resurrection from VR, is the wave shooter. Games like Pixel Gear, Dick Wilde, and Lethal VR have all proved that wave shooters can take different approaches and utilize the immersive nature of VR to great effect. Even horror games like The Brookhaven Experiment have gotten in on the wave shooter craze. I think we’ll see these types of titles on the PS5 as well, but perhaps with more mobility. 4. VR Fitness The stereotypical VR gamer is one that sits inside the headset and never moves, but that’s really not the case. While it can be hard to move around a lot in VR with the wired headset we currently have, a wireless headset on the PS5 could solve this issue. There was a brief rush of fitness games when motion controls first became a thing, but I think a more capable and wireless headset on the PS5 could easily bring about immersive and fun fitness titles. View all the PS5 Game Categories Action and Adventure Games Board Games Casual and Party Games Driving and Racing Games Fighting Games First-Person Shooter Games Horror Games Pinball Games Role-Playing Games Shooter Games Sports Games

PS5 Sports Games

Settling a bet? Perhaps you just need to see your favorite team win the big game? These are the sports game we’ll see on the PS5. Confirmed Sports Games For PS5 Poker Club Blood Bowl 3 Madden NFL 21 NBA 2K21 Our Top Picks For Sports Games on The PS5 1. Madden Madden has had its ups and downs, but it’s the reigning football game to go to when you’re looking for an NFL experience on consoles. Could we see this contract end and another contender step up? It’s possible, but for now, we have to assume that Madden will continue to be the football game of choice on the PS5. 2. NBA 2K The NBA series has done really well in recent years. Without unique features like story modes, career modes, and phenomenal graphics, basketball gamers have had nothing to complain about on the PS4. Here’s hoping the series can continue to innovate into the PS5 era. Things like VR, further graphical enhancements, and other features will go a long way towards making this happen. 3. MLB The Show Another uncontested champion in the sports arena is the MLB: The Show series. These games always nail the baseball simulation and have done an incredible job of adding new features every year. We’ll definitely see this one on the PS5. 4. PES/FIFA Soccer games (or football depending on where you’re from), are another mainstay of console gaming. Fifa and Pro Evolution Soccer (PES) go at it every year, and we’ll definitely see this war continue on the PS5. View all the PS5 Game Categories Action and Adventure Games Board Games Casual and Party Games Driving and Racing Games Fighting Games First-Person Shooter Games Horror Games Pinball Games Role-Playing Games Shooter Games VR Games

PS5 Shooter Games

These are the games for the arcade lovers, the open-world enthusiasts, and people who love destruction and mayhem. Twin-sticks, third-person, just give me a gun and let’s do this thing! Confirmed PS5 Shooter Games Control: Ultimate Edition Fortnite Returnal Our Top Picks For Shooter Games on The PS5 1. Grand Theft Auto VI The king of all shooters, Grand Theft Auto, is still riding high on its fifth entry, but that hasn’t stopped people talking about the sixth game in the series. Rockstar will absolutely release a new Grand Theft Auto game, but it would make sense for them to do it on the PS5. GTA V isn’t going anywhere, and the online community is healthier than ever. Meanwhile, there’s another game they’re working on we should talk about… 2. Red Dead Redemption Rockstar’s other baby, Red Dead Redemption, is getting a sequel on the PS4 and it will probably break all kinds of new records. There’s a major shortage of westerns in gaming, and Rockstar is looking to meet that need and exceed all expectations. When Red Dead Redemption 2 releases and sells like it’s made of gold (and it will), Rockstar will most likely start on plans for a third game on the PS5. 3. Twin-Stick Shooters Arcade shooters are still coming down the pipeline for the PS4. It’s a genre that people love, and bullet hell enthusiasts have a lot to choose from on current consoles. This classic genre could use some fresh ideas, but don’t be surprised when we see these kinds of games on the PS5, running in 4K and possibly even in VR as well. 4. Metroidvanias Another popular genre, is the Metroidvania game. These games are typically side-scrolling in nature, but utilize a large open map that typically involves backtracking and using new abilities to unlock additional areas. It’s a tried-and-true formula that many indie developers have used, and will continue to use. Again, it’s something that could always benefit from a new approach or a fresh twist, but it’s also one of those evergreen genres that we’ll most likely see on the PS5. View all the PS5 Game Categories Action and Adventure Games Board Games Casual and Party Games Driving and Racing Games Fighting Games First-Person Shooter Games Horror Games Pinball Games Role-Playing Games Sports Games VR Games

PS5 Role-Playing Games (RPGs)

Got 100 hours to spare? Even if it takes all year, these games will give you the most bang for your buck, and take you on a journey like none other. RPG Games For The PS5 Anima: Song From The Abyss Atelier Ryza 2 Atomic Heart Cris Tales Cyberpunk 2077 Diablo II Resurrected Demon’s Souls Final Fantasy XVI Godfall Gothic Hogwarts Legacy Lords of The Fallen 2 Maneater Warhammer: Chaosbane Slayer Edition Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood Our Top Picks For Role-Playing Games (RPGs) on The PS5 1. Final Fantasy It took a long time, and it was delayed on numerous occasions, but Final Fantasy XV finally released on the PS4, and it was well-received! This fantasy game mixed with a modern reality was a unique approach for the series, but it paid off well. While we probably won’t see a Final Fantasy XV-2 or anything, this series still has legs. Who knows what Final Fantasy XVI will be like, but I guarantee you it will appear on the PS5. 2. Elder Scrolls Years after its release, people are still talking about Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Say what you will about Bethesda and their bugs, these games still manage to sell like hotcakes every time. In fact, Skyrim itself was remastered in 2016, bringing it to the forefront of everyone’s minds. Bethesda tends to alternate between Fallout and Elder Scrolls, so the next one up is Elder Scrolls VI. While there’s a chance we’ll see it on the PS4, it’s more likely they’ll take a few years to get it ready and release on the PS5. 3. Fallout When they’re not doing Elder Scrolls, Bethesda is working on Fallout. Fallout 4 wasn’t the best entry in the series, but it was a solid RPG/shooter with some cool DLC. Since we’ll most likely see the next Elder Scrolls before we see a Fallout 5, this one is a surefire title on the PS5. With talks of making Fallout 4 in VR, we could also potentially see the successor appear in virtual reality on the PS5. 4. JRPGs Return We’ve seen a decent rise in JRPGs on the PS4. Games like Persona 5 and Final Fantasy XV have brought these titles into the mainstream, while games like Tales of Berseria, and smaller titles like Nights of Azure are still carving a niche for themselves. I think the PS5 will open the floodgates, and we’ll see a new RPG renaissance not seen since the days of the PS2. Not because of the horsepower or the hardware, but because gamers and developers will reach a point where it makes sense to bring these types of games to a wider audience. It’s already happening, slowly but surely. 5. Diablo IV Anyone who knows Blizzard knows that they take their sweet time with new releases, but it’s usually worth the wait. When Diablo III released on PS4, it was excellent. The local co-op play was great, and the controls transitioned perfectly to the DualShock 4. I … Read More

PS5 Pinball Games

For the gamers who used to drop tons of quarters into mastering classic pinball machines. Thanks to these developers, they live on. Our Top Pick For Pinball Games on The PS5 1. Zen Studios to the Rescue! There’s not a whole lot of Pinball games out there, but Zen Studios has long been the provider of quality pinball games. Whether it’s the Zen Pinball series or the VR-enabled Pinball FX2, you can find pinball tables that cover a wide range of themes and plenty that are based on licensed properties. Want a Walking Dead table? They’ve got you covered. How about a Star Wars table, or a Marvel one? Yes, and yes. These tables are always detailed and full of different functions and objectives for enthusiasts. I imagine this talented developer will make an appearance on the PS5 to fill that pinball-shaped hole in your heart. View all the PS5 Game Categories Action and Adventure Games Board Games Casual and Party Games Driving and Racing Games Fighting Games First-Person Shooter Games Horror Games Role-Playing Games Shooter Games Sports Games VR Games

PS5 Horror Games

Fear isn’t a word in your vocabulary. You don’t mind blood, gore, intense violence, or any of those things. You want to be shocked, horrified, and scared out of your mind. These are the games for you. Horror Games For The PS5 DARQ Complete Edition Dead by Daylight Dying Light 2 GhostWire: Tokyo In Rays of The Light In Sound Mind Martha is Dead Monstrum II Observer: System Redux Quantum Error Resident Evil Village Returnal Scorn Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines 2 Our Top Predictions For Horror Games on The PS5 1. Frictional Games (Amnesia, SOMA) Frictional Games are known for their Amnesia titles, but they’ve also branched off into existential horror with their PS4 title SOMA. It’s clear they’re not afraid to try different stories and settings, so I imagine we’ll see something brand new on the PS5 from them. They’ve managed to scare me in all kinds of ways, so it will be interesting to see how they manage to up their game on the next generation. While their current title, Amnesia: Rebirth comes to PS4 in fall of 2020, they have yet to say if this new entry will come to the next generation, or if they have something else cooking up for the PS5. 2. Silent Hill The cancellation of Silent Hills was a major blow to the gaming industry. Kojima and legendary director Del Toro were both on the project, and it was looking incredible. Konami clearly has a screw loose, but I’m holding out hope that they come to their senses, or at the very least let someone bring back this classic series. With Resident Evil coming back, it’s only fair that Silent Hill gets a chance too on the PS5. 3. Until Dawn Until Dawn was an excellent homage to classic horror stories, and the Butterfly Effect system blew me away with the various ways the story could be influenced by your choices and actions. Even the VR spinoff was really fun, but Until Dawn is a game that begs some sort of sequel. Whether it’s new people or some kind of continuation from the first one, this game needs to have some sort of presence on the PS5. 4. The Evil Within We’ve already heard rumors about a sequel to Shinji Mikami’s The Evil Within, but this series is a welcome addition to the horror catalog. While the first one had some rough edges, its heart was in the right place, and the unique story made for some really interesting twists, turns, and revelations. The PS5 could truly lend the cinematic feel to this series that the creators were going for in the first one. We need to see it on the PS5. 5. Summoning The Indie Developers Independent developers (indies) have been making some of the most interesting horror games this generation, and that will absolutely continue on the PS5. Smaller teams and studios are making titles like Lone Survivor, Sylvio, and Claire, all of which are unique and interesting takes on … Read More

PS5 First Person Shooter (FPS) Games

From Doom to Wolfenstein, to Call of Duty, first-person shooters are the foundation of gaming for both single and multiplayer. Confirmed FPS Games For PS5 Apex Legends Battlefield 6 BioShock PS5 Borderlands 3 Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War Call of Duty: Warzone Destiny 2 Metro Exodus (PS5 Upgrade) Sniper Elite 5 Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Siege Our Picks For The Top PS5 First Person Shooter Games Our top picks for PS5 FPS games: 1. Call of Duty Another year, another Call of Duty. While many would think that this series would have died out by now, it’s still going. We’re going back to WWII for the 2017 entry, after many entries in the near or distant future. Activision’s CEO, Bobby Kotick, told Marketplace in 2016 that “There will always be Call of Duty games, and they’ll be played on a variety of devices.” Who knows where the series will go after 2017, but it’s safe to say we’ll see it on PS5. Personally, I like the more creative and futuristic entries, but after the hate that Infinite Warfare got, the PS5’s first entry may indeed be set in the past. 2. Battlefield Battlefield enjoyed its own comeback in 2016 with the release of Battlefield 1, which brought the series all the way back to WWI, which is a conflict that’s rarely explored in gaming. It was a hit, and while the multiplayer shined like always, the single player was excellent as well. I wouldn’t mind if Battlefield stuck around in this era for a few more entries, since the focus on human stories really works. Their more creative entries like Battlefield Hardline were kind of hit or miss. Still, a revamped Battlefield 2142 could be pretty cool on the PS5. 3. Star Wars Battlefront Star Wars games are always a hit, but some are better than others. Star Wars Battlefront used to be an amazing title back on the PS2/Xbox, but now EA has revived the series with Battlefield developers behind it. The first attempt at the reboot was pretty bare bones, with only multiplayer modes and a few single player tutorial missions to choose from. In 2017, they’ll be releasing a more full-fledged entry, with a single player campaign and everything. Hopefully they’ll bring back the space battles, and then I could see this really turning into a major franchise. With new Star Wars movies coming down the pipeline, it’s guaranteed we’ll see some kind of Star Wars game on the PS5, and hopefully it will be this one. 4. Prey 2 The original Prey came out in 2006 and featured a Native American protagonist who is abducted by aliens and must find a way to escape the gigantic ship that is holding him hostage. I really enjoyed it, and I was desperately awaiting the sequel after the dubious “to be continued” at the end. Sadly, a sequel to this Prey will never be. Instead, we got a fully rebooted title in 2017 called Prey, but it … Read More

PS5 Fighting Games

Whether it’s online or with your friends in the same room, fighting games are the foundation of any great gaming competition. Confirmed Fighting Games For PS5 Guilty Gear Strive Mortal Kombat 11 Our Top Picks For Fighting Games on The PS5 1. Street Fighter Street Fighter is absolute classic, and it’s been riding high as a PS4 exclusive with Street Fighter V. With major appearances at E3 and PSX, this series is pretty healthy after all these years. I imagine we’ll see it’s sixth entry on PS5 with new characters, and perhaps even a new art style. I know, blasphemy, but with all that horsepower, it would be pretty cool to make things more realistic looking. 2. Tekken Speaking of realism, Tekken has always been known for its hyper-realistic graphics. With Tekken 7 hitting PS4, and even some VR content included with it. Fighting in VR? Don’t get too excited, it’s more of a bonus than a full feature. Even so, if the concept sticks, we could see a VR fighting game with Tekken on the PS5. I’m thinking a wireless headset, those glove controllers Sony has a patent for, and a lot of space required so you don’t punch your TV. Regardless, I’m betting we’ll see Tekken 8 on the PS5. 3. Mortal Kombat/Injustice Netherrealm Studios has been riding high with the release of Mortal Kombat X and Injustice 2, both of which were very well received. Now that they’ve nailed down the finer points of their new engine, I think it’s time we tried that Mortal Kombat/DC crossover again. Yeah, the first time didn’t go so well, but that was the old engine. Someone over there, ideally Ed Boon himself, must be thinking the same. Regardless, Mortal Kombat and Injustice are riding too high to not make an appearance on the PS5. 4. Marvel vs Capcom Marvel vs Capcom made some huge waves when Sony announced Marvel vs Capcom Infinite. This is another one of those series that has been begging for a sequel for years. Assuming this new entry is well-received (and it will be), then it will propel this fighting series onto the PS5. Again, the art style here could really benefit from some additional horsepower, even if it’s just additional effects or higher frame rate combined with 4K. I wouldn’t mind seeing the return of consumer arcade sticks either. 5. Guilty Gear This is one of those niche fighting games that always manages to come back. While we haven’t seen one in a little while, Guilty Gear is bound to make a comeback on the PS5. It’s also possible that we could see its sibling, BlazBlue make a comeback as well. View all the PS5 Game Categories Action and Adventure Games Board Games Casual and Party Games Driving and Racing Games First-Person Shooter Games Horror Games Pinball Games Role-Playing Games Shooter Games Sports Games VR Games