PS5 vs Xbox: The Fires of War Reignite!

The time is once again where two gaming powerhouses are set for an epic battle. The next generation consoles from Microsoft and Sony are coming. By all accounts, both of them will be on store shelves by the end of 2020. Very little has been confirmed, but as of January 2019, we have plenty of rumors that help us see where these two consoles are going. Sony absolutely crushed it this generation, so will Microsoft manage to bounce back? Let the battle begin! The State of The Gaming Union While Microsoft officially confirmed they’re working on a new console at E3 2018, Sony has been more subtle with their confirmations. Even so, we know that both companies have something up their sleeves. A massive reveal of information about the PS5 appeared on Reddit in November of 2018, courtesy of /u/RuthenicCookie. They were accurately able to predict Sony’s decision to skip E3 2019 over 24 hours prior to the official announcement. This was joined by several comments that described PS5 dev kits in the hands of developers, impressive specs, a $500 price point, and confirmation of a PSVR 2. None of the information was official, but the accurate E3 prediction made this one rumor that seemed possible. Meanwhile, rumors about the next Xbox have been heating up since Phil Spencer confirmed the company was working on their next generation hardware at E3 2018. The current rumors point to a Project Scarlett, which describes a family of devices. It’s rumored that there will be two consoles, currently named Project Anaconda and Lockhart respectively. Both of these fall under the Scarlett umbrella. Anaconda is going to be a beast of a console like the Xbox One X, with a higher price point. Meanwhile, Lockhart will offer a standard console that costs less and has less power. Think of it like a successor to the Xbox One S and the X. Given the current rumors, we have two consoles coming from Microsoft to replace both their current offerings, while Sony is going to focus on one main console and VR. The next question on everyone’s minds are the specs. Let’s see how the two consoles will stack up. Power Matters People are pushing for higher resolutions, faster frame rates, and better graphics than anything we’ve seen. Those kinds of demands require a lot of power to make a reality. On the PS5 side of things, there’s still a lot of speculation for the PS5 specs, but our Reddit friend did mention something in their leak. They confirmed a Ryzen 8 core. This is referring to the processor, which will be manufactured by AMD. These processors sell for close to $300 on their own for high-end PCs, with 3.6 GHz speeds and 4.0 GHz turbo. Now, in the past, consoles are manufactured with a chipset that combines your processor and GPU into a single APU. An exclusive from TweakTown revealed that an anonymous source suggested the PS5 could in fact have its own dedicated GPU. … Read More

GTA VI on The PS5: 10 Places We Would Love to Visit

Rockstar delivered another hit with Red Dead Redemption 2, but we all know what’s coming next from the acclaimed game developer. While we most certainly won’t see it for a few more years, Grand Theft Auto VI, abbreviated as GTA VI, is coming to the PS5. The settings of these games is always an important decision. Should the new title go somewhere new, or revive a fan favorite in glorious 4K? These are ten places we wouldn’t mind visiting for the next entry in the GTA series. 10 Places Rockstar Could Choose For GTA VI’s Setting Some of these places are backed by substantial rumors. Others are complete speculation, and a few are wishful thinking. Rockstar usually creates a map of their own based on real world locations. Given this, if they decide to use one of these locations, it will most likely be under a different name. For example, Liberty City is based on New York. So where will GTA 6 take place?Let’s check out the best places the world has to offer for a Grand Theft Auto experience! 1. Vice City (Miami, FL) Our first pick is a GTA classic. The original GTA: Vice City was released on the PS2 and remains one of the best entries for a number of reasons. The setting, which was a fun twist on the 80s version of Miami, Florida, added a lot of color and style to proceedings. Not only has this setting been teased in the past, but a report from The Know revealed that a trusted source claims this is indeed going to be the setting of the next game. The game is currently dubbed “Project Americas” according to them. They even went on to predict that it would delve into the drug trade of the time and have the player visiting South America on occasion as well. Plenty of potential stories to work with here, which makes this one of the most likely settings for Grand Theft Auto VI. 2. The Entire United States What’s wrong with dreaming big? Other games this generation have tried to pack the entire United States into a single map (I’m looking at you The Crew), and had somewhat successful results. With the power of the PS5 at their back, Rockstar could finally connect all of their cities together into a super map. Imagine being able to visit San Andreas, Liberty City, Vice City, and possibly other locations as well without ever switching games. It would certainly be amazing, but this kind of decision wouldn’t leave much for future titles to go on. They would have to plan for the long-term if they wanted to use a map as large as this. 3. Chicago How would you like the next Grand Theft Auto to take place in the Windy City? It retains a lot of the scenic views that have inspired other locations, but it also has its own unique sights and a rich history to boot. If Rockstar decided to use this … Read More

Fake PS5 Photos Take The Internet by Storm

The image above looks pretty real, doesn’t it? When this and a few other images surfaced on Russian tech site Rozetked, people lost their minds. The first images of a PS5 prototype would certainly be a juicy leak, but don’t judge this book by its cover. The same site reported shortly after that they were fakes. It wouldn’t be outside the realm of possibility, especially given the fact that multiple sources have claimed PS5 development kits are out in the wild. Despite the hoax, there’s no denying that they’re pretty convincing. Would these images have fooled you? Let’s take a look and see. Fake PS5 Prototype Images Look Like The Real Thing This Russian site has been the source of tech leaks in the past. Their last credible leak was prior to the release of the Google Pixel 3 smartphone. When the site posted these fake PS5 images, their source claimed the console was running in bootloader mode. The same source also said the console’s appearance would change before it ships. Both these things are true of development kits for past consoles. Typically, a development kit has a simple design and looks more like a PC tower than anything. It’s simply the guts of a console in a standard housing. Combine that fact with the source’s provided firmware screenshot (pictured below), and it’s easy to see how this could have fooled anyone. For a hoax, the anonymous source went through a lot of trouble to make it look real. From the PlayStation logo, to the glossy design, it looks like something would produce. Then again, it’s a lot of work to put into a dev kit, so there were probably some red flags from the beginning here. What do you think of these images? Would you have fallen for this hoax, or could you see right through the illusion here? If you were able to spot the red flags, let us know what tipped you off in the comments! Article by – Bradley Ramsey Posted: 11/29/18 Recent Articles: Sony is Skipping E3 2019 PS5 is a “Monster” According to Reddit Leak Sony May Overhaul the PSN For PS5’s Release

PS5 is a “Monster” According to Reddit Leak

Another day, another round of PS5 news! As we march closer to the inevitable announcement, you can expect us at PS5 Gamers to be on the frontlines seeking out the latest tidbits of information. Thanks for a Reddit user by the name of RuthenicCookie, we may have our first solid pieces of information about the PS5. RuthenicCookie first stepped into the spotlight when they accurately predicted that Sony would not be attending E3 2019 prior to the official announcement. They made this prediction on Wednesday, November 14th and the announcement wasn’t confirmed until the following day, 11/15. With this accurate prediction under their belt, they now have our attention. Let’s see what they had to say about the PS5! A Gold Mine of Potential PS5 Information It’s always smart to take these kinds of things with a pinch of salt, but when I discovered that RuthenicCookie predicted Sony’s E3 2019 announcement, it seemed like they could be on to something. Right off the bat, claims are made that confirm what we reported on earlier this year: PS5 dev kits are out in the wild. The following screenshots were taken from this Reddit thread on November 19th, 2018. They are here just in case something were to mysteriously happen to this leaked info. There’s a lot to break down here, so let’s dive right in: #1 – The PS5 is coming in March or November 2020 First up we have the release date. According to RuthenicCookie, this is going to be either March or November of 2020. The later release date would be a full seven years after the PS4’s launch if you’re keeping track. March would also make sense, given that Nintendo saw a lot of success with the Switch launch around this time of the year. It would also be just in time for tax return season, where people often have extra spending money. #2 – Sony Will Announce the PS5 in Mid-2019 As far as announcements go, the predictions state that we should expect a small reveal in the middle of 2019, with a full reveal at PSX later that year. If you’ll recall, we reported on Sony cancelling this year’s PlayStation Experience, so it would be nice to see the event return. #3 – The PS5 is a “Monster,” Will Retail For $500 While the Redditor declined to say much about the PS5’s specs, they did offer a few interesting details. The system will allegedly use Ryzen 8 core processors and will support 4K gaming at 60 fps, which is the goal of PC gamers using today’s technology. They also dropped a $500 price point, which makes a lot of sense and is line with our PS5 price predictions. #4 – PlayStation VR Returns, Better Than Ever Last, but not least, it sounds like Sony may be investing even further into virtual reality. The PSVR headset has been showcasing strong sales numbers, and an upgraded version with the PS5 would also be in line with our predictions. … Read More

Sony Skipping E3 For The First Time Ever – What This Means For The PS5

The Electronics Entertainment Expo, known fondly as E3, is an institution of gaming. In 2019, the show will reach its 25th anniversary, but it’s going to be a bittersweet celebration. Sony has announced that they will not be attending E3 2019. That means no press conference, no presence on the show floor, and no bombastic announcements like we’ve seen in year’s past. After previously cancelling this PSX 2018, I didn’t expect this to come next, which begs the question: what now? Sony Releases Official Statement I’ve long described E3 as “Christmas for Gamers,” because it’s always this energetic celebration of gaming in all its forms. It also happens to be the place where the biggest announcements come in the form of orchestral performances, world premiere trailers, and guest stars. Some have said that E3 is on the decline. It’s true that less and less publishers have been showing up in recent years. Nintendo, for example, has not had a stage presence at E3 for several years. Even so, Microsoft and Sony always brought their A-game, so I just always assumed it would be there each year. In an official statement to Game Informer, Sony offered some details behind the decision: “As the industry evolves, Sony Interactive Entertainment continues to look for inventive opportunities to engage the community. PlayStation fans mean the world to us and we always want to innovate, think differently and experiment with new ways to delight gamers. As a result, we have decided not to participate in E3 in 2019. We are exploring new and familiar ways to engage our community in 2019 and can’t wait to share our plans with you.” In February of 2019, Sony offered some addition clarity on their plans for a post-E3 world. PlayStation’s boss, Shawn Layden, sat down with CNET and spoke at length about their reasons for skipping E3. While his answer was long, it essentially boiled down to the fact that the world of gaming and trade shows have evolved with the rise of the internet, and E3 failed to evolve with it. It’s true that E3 has remained largely the same over the years, but Shawn went on to talk about Sony’s focus on less titles with higher quality and longer development times. As a result, he claims they wouldn’t have anything substantial to show by June of 2019. While I’m not sure if I totally believe that, it offers some additional detail as to why E3 will be lacking a bombastic Sony press conference in 2019. This puts a lot of pressure on PSX in the fall to deliver. As I’ve said before and will probably say again, I have a soft spot for E3, so no amount of promises will make this any easier to accept. Even so, with the cancellation of PSX and now this, Sony is taking a big step away from the limelight. I think you know where this is going… Should We Brace For PS5? Sony’s E3 2018 presentation was one of … Read More

The PlayStation Network May Undergo Massive Changes For PS5’s Release

When Microsoft first introduced Xbox Live, it was the pinnacle of online gaming with a console. During the PS3/XB360 era, it was no contest. Yes, the PSN was free, but Xbox Live had more players, a better user experience, and strong servers. Sony stepped up their game with PlayStation Plus and a new requirement to pay for your online gaming. Could we see another evolution for the PS5? It’s looking pretty likely. Let’s explore the evidence and a few predictions while we’re at it. The Future of PSN is Cloudy Indeed In this generation, the PSN and Xbox Live are both stellar ways to play online (but PS+ offers better free games each month, hands down). Some new rumors have suggested that Sony may be considering another major change in their infrastructure for the PS5. Check out this tweet from Windows Central editor Jez Corden: “Heard a few rumors Sony might be working on a big infrastructure/platform update for PSN in time for PS5. They’re not resting on their laurels when it comes to cloud it seems.” What could this mean? Well, it could be a few things: Sony is strengthening their servers/security The PS5 is going to offer cloud computing We may be streaming our games on PS5 PlayStation Plus is getting new features Those are some of the implications that come to mind first, but if they are indeed making major changes, the results could be far more substantial. That being said, we also have to consider another major policy change that happened recently when it comes to cross-play. Yes, that’s right, Sony announced via the PlayStation Blog that they’ve finally decided to allow cross-play between Xbox, Windows, Mac, Switch, PS4, Android, and iOS players in the wildly popular battle royale game, Fortnite. This has been a long time coming, but Sony was very steadfast in saying that they believe Fortnite is best played on PS4, so they will not support cross-play. Despite this, the company eventually caved, most likely due to pressure from the community. The blog post offers some additional hints that could point towards these rumored changes to the PSN. In the post from John Kodera, President and Global CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment, it reads: “We have completed a thorough analysis of the business mechanics required to ensure that the PlayStation experience for our users remains intact today, and in the future, as we look to open up the platform” That last part is important. “Open up the platform.” It’s clear that Fortnite has paved the way for more games to work across platforms, which would result in a lot more people playing together. A change like that would warrant an update in the PSN infrastructure. Could this be the beginning of a future where you play with your friends regardless of the console you’re on? Name Changes on The Horizon? Playing with your friends is a step in the right direction, but what about changing your PSN ID? Mine isn’t so bad, but … Read More

Opinion: Did Sony Show us PS5 Games at E3 2018?

Is it just me, or did Microsoft actually beat Sony at E3 2018? While Microsoft was keen to announce a bunch of titles, Sony’s press conference was messy and ill-paced. Not only that, but they didn’t really announce anything exciting or reveal any major release dates. It all felt odd at best and concerning at worst. What could have caused Sony to mess up their game? I have a sinking suspicion that they were looking for a way to skate by for another year so they could focus on the future: PlayStation 5. Let’s discuss some of the facts and a few opinions on why I believe we secretly saw PS5 games at E3 2018. 3 Arguments For Why We Saw PS5 Games at E3 2018 I had a lot of mixed feelings about Sony’s E3 2018 press conference. They tried something different with multiple settings, and a focus on specific titles, but the whole thing fell kind of flat. This was due, in part, to a lack of interesting announcements. We saw gameplay from games like Spider-man (which did release already), Ghosts of Tsushima, Last of Us 2, and Death Stranding, but we learned very little about when we’ll get to play them. Sony didn’t even give us a release window. It was very uncharacteristic of them, especially after the knockout presentations from prior press conferences. Here are three pieces of evidence that support our theory that Sony was showing PS5 games at E3 2018: 1. PS5 Rumors are at a Fever-Pitch One possible explanation is that Sony found themselves in an awkward position. The PS5 is coming sooner than later, and it’s more likely that most of the main studios are working on their debut titles. Of course, they didn’t want to announce the PS5 this year, why would they? The PS4 and the Pro are selling like hotcakes, so any kind of announcement surrounding new hardware could threaten their sales and cheapen the remaining titles coming out this fall. So, they chose to remain silent. Despite this, the PS5 rumor mill has been working overtime. From job postings surrounding a possible next-gen Call of Duty to claims that PS5 Dev kits are already out in the wild for developers to work on PS5 games, we’ve been seeing a lot more talk about the PlayStation 5 in 2018 than any year prior. Even Sony executives are talking about the future openly, all of which adds fuel to the flames. Things were so hot leading up to E3 that Sony even had to come out and say they’re not announcing any hardware this year at the annual conference. After the misfire that was this year’s conference, Sony can’t afford to not blow everyone away next year, which is why it feels like we’ll see our first PS5 announcements next E3 or perhaps even before then at a pre-E3 showcase. 2. Those Graphics Though… The second piece of evidence is one that could go either way. The PS4 and the … Read More

PS5 Could be Codenamed ‘Erebus’ According to Unreal Engine 4

If there’s one thing Sony does really well, it’s codenames. Whether it was the epic “Morpheus” used for PlayStation VR or “Neo” used prior to the announcement of the PS4 Pro, they’re undeniably cool names to mask the true nature of the project. In some cases, they also have a deeper meaning that helps us understand the nature of the beast as it were. Thanks to a user by the name of Gemüsepizza on resetera, we may now have the codename for the PS5: “Erebus.” Join us as we look at the meaning behind this name, and how one clever gamer uncovered the truth inside of Unreal Engine 4. The Truth, Hidden Deep in Code Gemüsepizza, a user on the website resetera, posted some interesting screenshots of code from within Epic’s Unreal Engine 4 that showcased what could be the first sign of PS5’s official codename. This would be the codenamed used internally at Sony and with game developers prior to the console’s official announcement. Take a look! So, here we see the current devices supported by this prevalent game engine listed out. Everything from Windows, to Switch, and of course PS4 and Xbox. The one we’re really interested in is the last entry. It’s simply named “Erebus.” In a subsequent screenshot, we see the name used alongside other code referring to the PS4: Of course, this could be the codename for something else, but the discussion in the forum surrounding the meaning of the name “Erebus” got me thinking. As mentioned by the users, Erebus is the Greek god of darkness, but if we look at a poem by Hesiod known as Theogony, things get more interesting. This poem details the genealogy or birth of the gods in Greek mythology. Now, Erebus was indeed one of the first primordial gods to exist before everything. In fact, according to Greek myth, first came Chaos; then came Gaia, Tartarus, Eros, and then Erebus. Notice something there? Erebus was the FIFTH god to be born in Greek mythology Now, that’s either a massive coincidence or Sony is once again trying to be sneaky with their codenames. Given the number association, I’m also willing to bet this isn’t referring to Project Scarlett, which is Microsoft’s next-generation console. A developer on Epic’s own Fortnite game, took to Twitter to try and deflect these rumors with an explanation: FYI references to 'Erebus' in UE4 code only refer to the codename for the Switch version of @FortniteGame before we announced it. — ᗩᖇᒍᗩᑎ (@arjanbrussee) August 30, 2018 While this could be the end of the whole rumor, people are still pointing out that the use of the name refers to a console, not a game. Also, we can see the Nintendo Switch referenced already in the code, so why the duplicate? It doesn’t quite add up. If Unreal Engine 4 already has code to prepare for the PS5, it would also support earlier rumors that developers have PS5 dev kits, and have had them for some … Read More