Nintendo Starts Work on New System: Is Sony Far Behind?

In December 2014, Shigeru Miyamoto, one of the major game developers at Nintendo, dropped what some consider to be a bombshell announcement: Nintendo is already working on its next console, the successor to the Wii U. Miyamoto admitted that they were still in the early planning stages, but that a dedicated team was working on new hardware while the majority of Nintendo was focusing on making software for the Wii U. Is it possible that Sony is doing the same thing for the PlayStation 5? If Sony wasn’t working on the PS5 now, you can bet they are getting in gear after Miyamoto’s announcement. We recently brought you news about the New Business Creation Department at Sony, whose sole purpose is letting ideas from any branch at Sony flourish. It’s safe to say that plenty of new ideas revolve around the PlayStation 5, giving Sony the groundwork it needs to build a powerful new console with some innovative features. We can safely assume that Sony is already looking for ways to maximize the next console’s graphical powers; with Sony currently on top in the console wars, they will need something unique to keep their momentum strong when they unveil the PlayStation 5. Like Nintendo, we can assume that Sony has a small “think tank” of its top researchers and developers testing out new ideas that would make the PS5 one-of-a-kind. However, it’s also safe to assume that whatever Sony is working on depends on the trends of the next few years. A lot is riding on virtual reality, and with Morpheus yet to be released for the PlayStation 4, it’s uncertain if it will catch on with the gamer populace. Sony is likely not investing in these ideas too heavily, because if virtual reality is a flop and the PS5 is being planned around it, it could set the console back years as Sony would need to restructure the whole system. At this stage in the game, the focus is likely to be squarely on graphical output, seeing if any improvements can be made to the DualShock 4 – small details that will definitely play a part in the next console, as dictated by the history of gaming. For instance, it’s a given that there will be a DualShock 5, as the controller is now synonymous with the word PlayStation. We don’t expect Sony to make an announcement any time soon stating that they are working on the PlayStation 5; right now, the PS4 is still selling great, with Sony securely in first place in this console generation. Nintendo likely made this announcement because the Wii U contains a number of faults that have landed it in third place in the console wars, and Miyamoto is likely trying to assure its fans that Nintendo is already looking to fix its mistakes. The only thing we can be certain of is that Sony is intensely watching the PlayStation 4, noting what works, what doesn’t, what the players enjoy and what they … Read More

Will the PS5 Utilize Quantum Technology?

“How little we know of what there is to know. I wish that I were going to live a long time instead of going to die today because I have learned much about life in these four days; more, I think than in all other time. I’d like to be an old man to really know. I wonder if you keep on learning or if there is only a certain amount each man can understand. I thought I knew so many things that I know nothing of. I wish there was more time.” ― Ernest Hemingway, For Whom The Bell Tolls Knowledge is not something that you possess. It is a flowing river of information that runs over you, under you, and through you. What you know now is only in this moment, and in the next, you will become something different. We are not computers, geniuses, or masterminds of any kind. We are observers being swept along through time’s currents and though we have a pen, paper, and maybe a camera to record what we see, ultimate we can only know what is right in front of us, and everything else is fleeting. Sorry if I made your head spin there, but that’s the kind of thought I had today when I was reading about the concepts of quantum entanglement and more importantly, a recent breakthrough in the field. Until this morning, I was fairly certain I knew how the world worked. Not in a profound and scientific way, mind you, but a lofty kind of understanding that made me feel, I don’t know, comfortable. Then I read this, and suddenly I was uprooted from my place under the tree of knowledge. It started raining apples and it was all I could do not to run for cover. We are not the owners of knowledge my friends, we are simply custodians of its gifts and temporary tenants of the information therein. What we know now will be challenged, changed, and turned into something else entirely. Nothing is set in stone and we need to accept the fact that every discovery, every breakthrough, and every step we take forward is nothing more than the shuffling gait of a toddler taking their first steps. Alright Confucius, What’s The Point Here? On a very basic level which is fueled by my minimal understanding of the concept, quantum entanglement represents a phenomenon where two particles become “entangled” at which point they suddenly become exact copies of one another. Whatever characteristics they had individually are now gone. They exist as a single identity and what’s more, if you change something about one of them, the other one mimics the change instantaneously, no matter how far apart they are. This change happens so quickly that is completely ignores the laws of space and time. It literally occurs without a single measurable increment of delay. Einstein actually first explored this phenomenon, but he didn’t think it was possible. He called it “spooky action at a distance.” … Read More

New Rumors Suggest the PS5 Will Use 3D Stacked RAM

“Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them.” – Steve Jobs Technology is all about efficiency. It’s about creating something that is smarter, stronger, and more powerful than we could ever be. The first computers must have wowed the people who saw them, but they are mere cavemen compared to the demigod-like power of the devices we wield today. We are constantly searching for that next breakthrough, that next schism that further separates us from these all powerful beings that we have crafted. Of course, these computers have not turned on us because although we have given them true power, we left free will dangling in front of them like a proverbial carrot. We consistently chase this ever fleeting goal of ultimate efficiency by improving the processing power, upping the storage capacity, and streamlining the interface. Logic dictates that a plateau exists where we can go no further, but each passing day further cements the fact that we are far from such a place. As the opening quote suggests, technology can be a tool for doing wonderful things. We gamers exist because enough people saw the potential for technology to create a new medium of entertainment. This website exists because of those people, and the PS5 will exist because that dream will never die. Technological Breakthrough: 3D Stacked RAM Researchers at Rice University have developed a way to create what is known as 3D stacked RAM, or also commonly known as resistive random access memory (RRAM). This kind of memory has been around, but the cost of manufacturing it was too expensive, so no one really pursued the concept. In theory though, this method of chip manufacturing can create single postage stamp sized chips that can hold as much as a terabyte of data. Currently, 3D stacked RAM is being considered as an alternative for smartphones which still use flash memory. Like flash memory, it doesn’t need a constant supply of power to store data. Flash memory however, uses transistors to store bits of information, and this new type of RAM uses resistance to store data which means less space is required. It also operates a hundred times faster than flash memory, so there’s that too. Normally, to create 3D stacked RAM, there has to be a lot of high-temperatures and extreme voltages present. This new method developed by the folks at Rice University allows the process to happen at a low voltage and at room temperature which honestly sounds too good to be true. Without going into ridiculous amounts of scientific jargon, I’ll explain how the process works. It starts with a layer of silicon dioxide that has a bunch of tiny holes that are each five nanometers wide. Very, very tiny. This layer is sandwiched between two thin layers of metal that serve as electrodes. When a voltage is applied, the metal migrates into the … Read More

PlayStation 5 or PortMachine 5? How Many Game Ports Can We Expect at Launch?

One of the biggest current complaints with the PlayStation 4 is that it has a lack of games. While this may not necessarily be true, it’s easy to see why PS4 gamers are upset: Most of the released games are ports of either recently released PC or PS3 games. In many cases, it’s the same exact game you might have played two years ago but with a new coat of paint, i.e better graphics. It’s a new phenomena, something we didn’t see a lot of when the PlayStation 2 or PlayStation 3 first launched. It makes sense in a sense to bring some of these titles forward. Classics like The Last of Us and God of War III should be experienced by any and all PS4 gamers, especially if sequels are going to come out on the new console. Without backwards compatibility, the only option is to remake them for the new console. While some of these ports are graphical upgrades and little more, we’re seeing ports including new features, all of the original DLC, and other incentives. Take for example the DMC: Devil May Cry remaster on PS4. This game was brought forward in terms of graphics, but the developers also tweaked and changed numerous complaints that people had with the original release of the game. There’s a good and bad side to these remasters, and while people may complain that they are buying the same game twice, they aren’t forced to do so, and people who have never played these titles are offered a better experience from the get-go. Why Is This Happening? Depending on who you ask, the overwhelming answer is likely to be “greed.” Gamers think that backwards compatibility is stripped out of systems on purpose, so developers and publishers can sell you the same game twice, effectively doubling their profits. In reality, backwards compatibility is stripped out so the cost of the system can remain low, and the feature isn’t one the majority of users will likely use, according to research. There are two main reasons why this trend is occurring on the PS4 and why it will repeat itself on the PS5. Easy Profits It takes time to make games, especially for a new system; it’s not uncommon for companies to take two or three years to create a killer app on brand new hardware. In the meantime though, companies need money, and what better way than to re-release a previous game, especially one where most of the work is done? On the PC, games look better than their counterparts just because of newer hardware, so when consoles finally catch up, it’s easy for publishers to port said PC game to the consoles – especially when they share the same architecture. Companies will feed you lines about how this is “the definitive version” and its “remastered” for the new system, but in reality you’re getting the same game that has been on the PC for years and all the DLC. It’s easy profit. It’s … Read More

What PS5 Launch Titles Will You Be Playing?

The best part about buying a shiny new video game console isn’t the new hardware, the social networking features, or its online capabilities. No, it’s the games: The heart of the console, the reason why we stand in line at midnight and fight our fellow gaming brethren at a chance to be a part of the future. Systems can live or die based on the strength of its launch line-up; too few games, and your audience quickly runs out of things to play, too many bad games, and your audience realizes they wasted their money and word of mouth quickly turns negative. While we can’t name any specifics about what you’ll be playing when the PS5 launches outside of a few examples, we can use history to see just what will be available when the system launches. PS5 Sports Titles A mainstay of the gaming scene, sports games have been available since the first video game console was launched. These days, sports games are so popular that they are featured upfront and center in every video game console launch. Expect to see the likes of Madden, the NBA2K series, and FIFA front and center for yet another video game launch. These games will likely follow the time honored tradition of having better graphics but cutting features to make it in time for launch. Like always, we can expect a version of MLB: The Show on PS5 a few months after the launch. PS5 First Person Shooters The FPS genre is one of the strongest in gaming today, consistently hitting the types of sales numbers that make other publishers green with jealousy. Expect to see the yearly titans, Call of Duty and Battlefield, available at launch, along with any other big name franchises that may rise to power during the lifespan of the PS4. If we’re being optimistic, maybe we’ll see Titanfall appear at the PS5’s launch? PS5 Action / Adventure If the Assassin’s Creed series keeps trucking along at a yearly basis, it’s a given we’ll see one of those at the PS5’s launch. Outside of that? Well, that will depend on what big names emerge in the current generation. This is the space to watch, as anything could fill this genre as we get closer and closer to the PS5’s launch. PS5 First-Party Titles Expect to see three or four first-party games from Sony that really show off the power of the console. Sony is going to be looking for games that demonstrate what the system is capable of, games that get jaws dropping much like Killzone: Shadow Fall did on the PS4. We won’t likely see mistakes like Knack take the stage, instead seeing time-honored classics such as Gran Turismo, Uncharted or possibly God of War lead the PS5’s lineup. Sony will want to put their best foot forward when it comes to the PS5 and they have the portfolio of games to do just that. PS5 Indie Games Expect to see a ton of indie games at … Read More

PS5 Coming Sooner Than Expected

The PS5 Could Be Here Sooner Than You Think AMD Presentation Hints at Shorter Console Cycles “The strongest of all warriors are these two — Time and Patience.” ― Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace Some people look at others who anticipate the PlayStation 5 and what wonder why they must dream of the next console when the current one is out and in our hands. How closed minded to think such things, for the PS4 is not the destination. It is a step on a journey to constantly grow and evolve the world of gaming. A journey that Sony has set us upon and while we enjoy the steps, no one watches their feet as they walk. No, typically we look ahead to see what’s coming, and to make sure we don’t run into anything. The PS5 is that next step. A freeform abstract concept that will have life, but no one, save for those deep in the trusted circles of Sony, knows when. Still, even the most illusive of secrets leaves a trail. Sometimes its a slip of the tongue, a misplaced document, or in this case, a trail of sweet, sweet bread crumbs. Hope you don’t mind getting your hands a little sticky because we’re going to follow this trail all the way to the motherlode. You’re Beautiful, All the Way Through The PS4 marked an exciting change in consoles. As much as I hate to admit it, PC has always been on top of the world of gaming because of the ease of structure and simplicity (from some perspectives) of development. In short, it was hard to develop console games that met the quality of the PC counterparts. Then came a new console build like a PC and while Sony was tight lipped about the specifics of the parts therein, as soon as people got a hold of it, they were able to find out who helped build the masterpiece. The PS4’s processor was a custom built machine of absolute beauty. The manufacturer? None other than AMD, a world renowned creator of PC hardware. These specialized piece of hardware combined a CPU, GPU, as well as a memory controller and video decoder. In other words, it was like that scientific graphing calculator your friend had loaded with games when he should have been doing his work. Oh, that was just me? Okay, well, something had to get me through math classes, alright? Interesting, Very Interesting Now that we know who made the PS4’s processor, it only makes sense to sit outside their window and watch them sleep. Maybe they talk while their sleeping and they’ll reveal a secret about the new processors they have to be working on for Sony. I’m talking metaphorically of course, I tried finding the CFO Devinder Kumar’s number in the phonebook, a task that should be relatively easy with a name like that, and no dice. Lucky for me, and my arrest record, the nice man recently spoke at the Bank of … Read More

The Changing Face of the PlayStation Network

The brand that once started as just a game console has come a long way. The original PlayStation, a game console that could read music CDs as just a side effect of its storage medium, has now evolved into a multi-pronged beast of an entertainment center. It was a gradual shift, one that seems so obvious in hindsight; the PlayStation 2 was an affordable DVD player for the masses, the PlayStation 3 a Blu-ray player with the same ideals. With the PlayStation 4, the focus this time around isn’t on pushing physical media, but on digital media, representing a trend towards the future and a new successor: The PlayStation 5. How will the PlayStation Network shape the future of one of the most prestigious gaming brands? A New Way of Consuming Media Long has the PlayStation brand been a receptacle of media, a means to an end to play your content but never a producer of it outside of games. This has begun to change, with original content beginning to trickle out on the PlayStation 4 by the end of this year/ Provided things scale as Sony expects them to, the PlayStation Network on the PS5 could be a digital powerhouse. After all, Netflix started small with original programming as well, growing to be a juggernaut in the field. House of Cards, Orange is the New Black, Arrested Development, Marvel original properties such as Daredevil; Netflix is just as much of a powerhouse provider these days as FOX, AMC or FX. If you’re a fan of good, quality content, you’ve likely got Netflix on speed dial. This is where Sony is hoping to be, as it’s where the money is at. It will start small, with content like Powers on the PS4 showing some promising potential. Years down the road, Sony could have a whole block of original programming, providing it for free to PlayStation Plus members. Families will own a PS5 not just for games, but for its television and movie offerings. It will no longer be a gaming console, but an entertainment device. It will still have games, but it will no longer be a gaming console, but rather provide something unique for every member of your family. A New Way of Sharing Games like Destiny have shown us that the future is being connected, something the current PlayStation Network strives to achieve with features such as Sharing. Right now, the PlayStation Network is simply a secondary social media network, a compliment to industry juggernauts such as Facebook and Twitter. However, it could be something more. Much more. Imagine a PlayStation Network that was the social network for all things gaming. Get the latest updates from your favorite developers. Read your friends gaming posts on their feed. Watch as gaming videos go viral inside of the network. The PlayStation Network is no longer a compliment to Facebook, it is its own universe. It’s a way to keep up with your friends gaming exploits while reading about how their … Read More

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