PS5 – The UK Heist

Welcome back to another drop from PS Weekly! You know, with how difficult it has been for many people to purchase a PS5, you hear a lot about scalpers. These folks are relentless when it comes to making an extra buck, but there are some people out in the UK that are willing to take steps that go far beyond using bots online.    There are apparently gangs in the UK that are more than willing to risk their lives to steal a PS5 right off a delivery truck, while driving at high rates of speed. A tactic referred to as “the rollover,” is where vehicles approach a delivery truck and box it in while forcing it to maintain speeds of around 50 mph. While boxed in, they use rope to secure themselves to the truck and cut the truck’s latches off and open the doors. Once inside, they start tossing the goods out of the truck and to the other vehicles that box the truck in.    The gangs target all kinds of valuables and the ever elusive PS5 has managed to make their list. Speculation for industry employees believes that there are insiders feeding these gangs information to let them know when there is a large number of valuable goods in one specific truck. Anything from jewelry to the PS5 console, these gangs are clearly not to be trifled. Imagine you’re waiting for a PS5 to be delivered and you find it isn’t coming because a gang went all fast n furious on the delivery truck? Crazy!   So many PS5’s have been stolen in the UK, that companies are giving customers that had their PS5’s stolen before they received them, priority to purchase before others as they restock. I know they expect the shortage to come to an end sometime this coming Spring, but we’re a few more months pure crapiness for those that really want a PS5 and have to keep dealing with scalpers, gangs and liars.    Speaking of the UK, the PS5 was the UK’s largest console launch of all time. It isn’t a real surprise here, but it is certainly notable. In Europe as a whole, the PS4 sold 706, 948 consoles in week one, but the PS5 sold around 723,341 consoles in week one. PS5 has dominated the Xbox Series X and S since launch in the UK and the rest of Europe and will likely own this console generation just like the PS4 owned its respective generation in regard to sales and popularity. The Xbox Series X is a cool console, so don’t think I’m not knocking it. I’m just pointing a few things out is all.    In straight up gaming news, highly anticipated Cyberpunk 2077 is set to release on December 10th, for real this time. Unfortunately, the PS5 upgrade won’t be happening on release, so you’ll have to play the PS4 version, but it will be PS4 Pro enhanced and have a little extra boost from the PS5 … Read More

Demon’s Souls Remake Review – PS5

Demon’s Souls… Before the Dark Souls series grew the popularity it has today, there was Demon’s Souls on the PS3. I didn’t personally know a single person that enjoyed Demon’s Souls, but for me, it was a perfect fit. I didn’t mind dying repeatedly to learn my lessons and figure out how the game works. I sunk many hours into the original and the remake had managed to suck me back in.    Demon’s Souls is just as it sounds. You are the slayer of Demons and other unruly creatures that need to be eradicated in order to bring peace and safety to the land of Boletaria once again. This is no simple task and this is no simple game. It is riddled with challenges and secrets that will call for a second, third or fourth playthrough, but this game is not for the faint of heart.    Developer Bluepoint, has recreated the cult classic and they did do an excellent job keeping it true to its roots, but I am going to get this out of the way now. My personal opinion in regards to it being a PS5 exclusive, is that it really doesn’t live up to what I would expect from a next gen release. It is definitely a step up in regards to playability and graphically when compared to it’s PS3 predecessor, but feels like it would have been a better fit for the PS4 system and played with backward compatibility on the PS5.    The game features a choice between fidelity and performance mode. I didn’t honestly see any difference in the graphics when playing on fidelity mode, but I did see a difference in gameplay when using performance mode. I highly recommend performance mode when playing. If there is any value to fidelity mode, it doesn’t compare to perks of performance when it comes to faster/consistent frame rates.    The cinematics are excellent and very polished in detail. Watching a cutscene is generally short and is really where the next gen feeling comes in. When playing the game, it is nice to look at, but at the same time, it does again, look like a game that was released a few years ago. I know, I know, graphics don’t make up an entire game, but we can’t mention a PS5 exclusive without mentioning the graphics and being a PS5 exclusive makes the graphics a tad bit more important than usual this time.     In regards to audio, I have to say that not all of the sound effects lineup in the game. Audio is a huge part of immersion and I really expected to hear something special from this game. I felt like some of the sound effects had a delay. The sound of my footsteps would continue for a second after I stopped walking. The sound of an enemy groaning or breathing heavily would make it appear as if they were right beside you, when in fact they were quite a ways away. … Read More

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales Review on PS5

It has been a crazy week these last 7 days. With the release of the PS5 and a slew of new games, I can’t remember a time where I have been busier. That is why it has taken so long for my Miles Morales review. I am playing through a handful of titles right now and it’s not easy to juggle with so many at once. Anyway, let’s move onto the review, shall we?    I just finished my first playthrough of Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales and I have to say, regardless of the short amount of time it actually takes to complete everything, this is top notch for me. Not even going to beat around the bush here. This game is an easy 9.5 out 10. EASY!!!   You don’t have to be a fan of Spider-Man to know when there is a good game in front you, but being a fan of the friendly neighborhood spider, that just makes the game that much sweeter! Not to worry, no extra points here simply because of the game title.    The game is as fluid if not more so than its predecessor Marvel’s Spider-Man from 2018. There is something to be said about an open world game that really feels open. Swinging around in the city of New York can be distracting just by how fun it is. One minute you’re web slinging around to your next objective and the next thing you know, you’re dropping in on a crime in progress and wipe the floor with some bad guys. Just another typical day in the life of Miles Morales.    This game really hits home graphically. My opinion is that graphics are important. They aren’t everything, but in combination with a story, mechanics, frame rates, etc., it is an equal part of the equation. Insomniac did a stellar job with Miles Morales’ look. Playing the game in performance to keep faster frames running is great. It looks great and runs as smooth as you would imagine on the PS5. Playing in fidelity mode however, that’s where the game really hits it’s sweet spot. Fidelity mode gives the game better lighting and detail that you really need to take the time to experience. I would recommend playing through the first time if fidelity mode and then run a new game+ on performance. Best of both worlds, but of course, play however you want, just enjoy playing.    The story is really well written. I always love a good story and Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales is no exception. I often find that games have a good storyline and they more often than not, ruin what could have been a great ending. Either by pulling too much of a cliffhanger (like Call of Duty Ghosts… What the hell happened? We may never know.) or they just botch the end and it doesn’t really make much sense. With Miles Morales, it is such a good ending. I won’t spoil it, but I will … Read More

Next Gen in short supply until April? PS5 bugs and more in PS Weekly #7

Welcome back to another issue of PS Weekly! I have to say that it has been a crazy week for all of us here at PS5 gamers. With the release of the PS5, a handful of new games, the upgradeable games to PS5 and not to mention the PS Plus Collection, it feels like there just isn’t enough time to cover everything in just 5 days. So, before we cover this news update, I’d just like to say that we have a lot of content coming to the website, but please bear with us while we roll it all out. We’re a small team, but we’re dedicated to giving you the fact, real opinions and distinguishing between the two. Without further ado, let’s move onto the news!    The PS5 console had its first release drop on Thursday, November 12th, and to nobody’s surprise, the console completely sold across all retailers within minutes of each store going live. With scalpers hard at work securing orders and jacking up the resale price more than double on average, there is rightfully a lot of frustration from Gamers that actually wanted to buy a console for themselves. One thing that the entire gaming industry seems to agree on, is that we can expect next gen consoles to be in shortage until April, 2021. That is of course just a prediction, but seems viable. In the meantime, the PS5 is set to launch this Thursday (Nov. 19th), in Europe, Asia, South America, South Africa and the Middle East. There will likely be a shortage in all regions, so if you’re hoping to buy on release day in any of these regions, start preparing now. Congratulations to all that will be playing on day one in these regions. It’s a pretty big deal!   Speaking of the PS5, the first post launch update for the PS5 console was released today. The update is mandatory, but pretty small. It comes in at under 900mb, but we don’t have any patch notes at the time of writing this article aside from the note that says it improves system performance. So, nothing special to actually tell you, I hope I didn’t get anyone’s hopes up.   With every new console release, there is bound to be some issues. While I personally haven’t had any bad experiences with my PlayStation 5, that doesn’t mean that others aren’t. There have been a slew of reports that some of the consoles are plagued with buzzing noise coming from the console. While Sony has yet to comment on the issue, I have read several complaints myself that have come with attached video of the sound buzzing. No one actually knows what is causing the noise, but many seem to think it has something to do with the units cooling system. One of the examples shown in the video was someone playing Bugsnax, a fairly small game title that won’t push the limits of the console. After playing a minute of Bugsnax, the … Read More

PS5 Launch Celebration! We invite all gamers to join us today!

My fellow Gamers… Today is the first official launch day of the PS5 in several regions around the globe. It is a special day for PlayStation fans alike. It is a day of celebration.    I want to say to those that did not manage to secure a PS5 today, that I am sorry. And while you may not have been able to secure one today, take solace in knowing that you will get one when the time is right and that on that day, it will be as much of a celebration for you as today is for those of us unboxing the ever elusive PlayStation 5’s.    I want to take a moment to congratulate those that did secure a PS5 today. You beat the odds. You refreshed your browser with lightning speed until you got a PS5 in your cart. You waited in a que for what seemed like eternity passing, in hopes that on the other side you would be greeted with the option to purchase a PS5. You ran to the game store and placed your in-person pickup faster than the speed of light and still made it home in time for dinner… You spent countless moments thinking about this day. The satisfaction, the joyous feeling, the adrenaline caused from the excitement, it’s all real and it’s well deserved. You my friend, you are a champion that is about to jump into gen gaming without looking back! You are about to learn that “Play… has no limits!” As we learn more about the PS5 and we review the games moving forward, I want you to know that our reviews will be unbiased, fair and accurate. Whether you have a PS5 or not. Whether you play PlayStation or Xbox, we will be reviewers for all Gamers across the world. As we write our reviews, we promise to give you thought provoking content that will open your mind to things you had not considered before. Things like detail in audio and background graphics. See how that blade of grass folds over in the wind and the dew falls off? No? Well, now you do. See? Just like that.    To all of the Gamers around the world, no matter what platform it is that you play on, we all have one common desire and that is to play and enjoy video games. No matter your genre of choice, no matter your level of rage, whether you’re a casual or hardcore player, we should all take a moment to appreciate video games as a whole. Think about your favorite gaming moments. About the times you finally completed something you had been stuck on. About the challenges, the scares, the moments that made our eyes well up a little bit, even if we don’t openly admit it. Now, hold onto those thoughts for the rest of the day and everyday forward. I promise you will find yourself in a better mood and enjoying more than just the games.  Yes, … Read More

PS5 orders go live tonight at GameStop! Here’s how to secure one at launch! PS Weekly #6

First off, today is Veterans Day in the United States and I want to make a moment to appreciate the United States Veterans and US Servicemen both past and present. Thank you for all you have done for the nation. Without the courage of those men and women, I would not have the freedoms I have today and for that my family and I, as well as everyone here at PS5 Gamers are grateful.    UPDATE: Right before I went to publish this article, GameStop emailed me to let me know that they will have PS5 console sales go live this evening on They did not offer me a specific time other than saying “this evening.” Get ready to order online, but read up on our tips on how to secure a PS5 console for release day! Best of luck!     I pushed off this week’s PS Weekly by one day to pay respects to the holiday listed above, but we will be back next Tuesday without regular news updates. The time has arrived for the first wave of PS5’s and we are less than 24 hours away from the official release day! Whether it’s being wicked up at the store or delivered to the home, Gamers everywhere are getting on the hype train! Choo-Choo!! Exciting times indeed!   Now, a warning for those that were not able to preorder a PS5. If you or someone you know is hoping to snag a PS5 on release day at the stores, plan accordingly. It was announced that (at least in the U.S.A.) stores would not sell the consoles in person. You will need to place your order online and pick it up in the store. I’m sure there will be some delivery options, but the point being that it won’t do you any good to camp it out at stores overnight. Some stores will likely disregard this policy and sell consoles in person without an order ahead of time, but for most, this won’t be the case.    My advice to you is to set up several phones, tablets, laptops or computers and log into the websites you want to buy from and wait it out while spamming that refresh button. If you’re looking to purchase from Walmart, they are offering 4 different times on November 12th, for you to get a chance to purchase online.    PS5 consoles will be on sale at at 12:00 pm, 3:00 pm, 6:00 pm and 9:00 pm Eastern time. This is where the constant refreshing comes into play. I don’t really know how early you should start checking, but I would be ready at least 30 minutes before these times start. The PS5 could go live early, so it’s good to be there already. If you get into a que, stop refreshing. Otherwise, keep it up until you see it is available and put it in your cart for checkout.    You might want to check online and social media sites … Read More

PS5 releases in 9 days – PS Weekly #5

To kick this off, I just have to ask… Can you believe the initial release of PS5 is just 9 days away? This is going to be an amazing day for fans that pre-ordered a PS5 and possibly even more amazing for those that manage to snag one in store if they weren’t able to get a pre-order in. Best of luck to everyone involved!    Speaking of the highly anticipated PS5 console, PlayStation 5 preorders managed to surpass PS4 pre-orders in the United States within 12 hours versus the first 12 weeks the PlayStation 4 was up for pre-order.   During an interview with Reuters, PlayStation CEO Jim Ryan said that not everybody that wants to buy a PS5 on launch day will be able to get one, but he also says the company is working very hard to supply the demand. The PS5 is easily going to break records in regards to sales and will be a super hot product during the holiday season.    Moving on, the first game drop for PS Plus subscribers monthly for PS5 owners has been revealed. The game Bugsnax will be available for free on November 12th, the day of the console’s release. This is a PS5 exclusive and while not everyone seems to be satisfied with the drop, I personally think it’s a decent start. PS4 owners that subscribe to the Plus service will get their hands on Middle-earth: Shadow of War and Hollow Knight: Voidheart. Those games will also be available for PS5 owners, respectively.    In other game news, Days Gone got a hefty update recently that will prepare the game for backwards compatibility on PS5. Owners of the PS5 console will also be able to play the game in up to 60 FPS and in dynamic 4k. Days Gone released with mixed reviews from critics and consumers alike.   Friday the 13th the game got some big news. The dedicated servers for FF13 the game are shutting down. The game will be receiving its last update later this month that will include a host of fixes that will include the dedicated server shutoff. Owners of the game will be able to continue playing private matches as well as peer to peer, but the days of playing randoms will come to an end. It was a good run. Seriously, there was a lot of running…   Cyberpunk 2077 has been delayed into December. While it was merely delayed for a month to ensure they could produce enough physical copies, some have speculated that the title is actually being held back because of next consoles. With the delay, some of the developers at CD Projekt red have been receiving death threats over the pushback and lets be honest here, not cool. Anyone making threats (whether they mean it or not) to developers over a game is ridiculous and unacceptable at best.    Upcoming game Resident Evil Village is getting the next gen treatment on PS5. The game will support Ray … Read More

PlayStation Weekly Issue #4

Welcome back to another issue of PlayStation Weekly! The best place to get caught up with PlayStation news!  Out the gate, I’m going to tell you that it was kind of a slow news week in the gaming sector. I mean, there are lots of little tidbits here and there, but not really note worthy info to be read here. That being said, there was one major news break that has caught a lot of attention since yesterday. That news break is the delay of Destruction Allstars! One of the few PS5 exclusive launch lineups.   Not to worry, though. This is actually pretty good news for future PS5 owners. Destruction Allstars is getting a delayed release into February, 2021, but not due to the game needing more work. It would seem that Destruction Allstars is getting delayed because of low preorder numbers. But that’s not all. Destruction Allstars will also be released as a free PS Plus title in February! It will be available for free for 2 months for Plus subscribers and then it will go back to stores for whatever price tags Sony hands it.    While this news might not seem to go much deeper, it does. With the news of Destruction Allstars being delayed, many gamers that had preordered PS5’s with the game bundled in, had concerns about what would happen with their preorders? Now, it seems like the solution should be simple. Get the cost of the game taken off the overall price or swap it for another title, but GameStop sent out some alarming emails that could have been better explained and will hopefully be updated and sent again with clearer terms.    While I haven’t heard about how other companies are handling the situation with their bundles, I can say that GameStop sent out emails to customers to let them know that their orders have been delayed. Dun, dun, duuuunnnnnn!!!!  The problem here is that email doesn’t specify exactly what happened or how things will move forward. A lot of folks got in touch with GameStop customer service to inquire about said email and things aren’t 100% concrete as of yet because GameStop hasn’t released a statement yet, but many gamers are claiming that GameStop told them they would cancel only the game and the rest of the console bundle would ship on time.    I haven’t heard any news of preorders being cables over this, but I have a feeling that people are going to make the mistake of canceling their preorder online as they might assume the console bundle won’t ship until sometime in February, 2021. Do not cancel your preorders people! GameStop is a little slow to the punch when it comes to clearing things up and the email was likely an automated message to give you a heads up that more details are on the way.    If GameStop ever does make a public comment on the issue, I’ll be sure to let you know, but I’m in … Read More

Playstation weekly – Issue #3

Hello and welcome to another issue of PlayStation Weekly! As I said last week, there are going to be lots of PS5 news updates as we get closer to the release date of the console and this week is no different. Let’s get to it and go over the latest news updates!  The Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War beta has reached its end after getting an extra day extended. While some love it and others hate it (a common cod trend), worry not CoD fans! There will be plenty for you to do until November 3rd, 2020. Modern Warfare has some special tricks and treats for you in Verdansk starting today! Dubbed “Haunting in Verdansk”, you’ll get to trick or treat around Warzone and get special limited time items as well as the chance to purchase some spooky new skins based on the Texas Chainsaw Massacre’s main villain Leatherface as well as Saw’s Billy the Puppet and much more. Don’t forget that Warzone is free if you want to check it out. Traditional Multiplayer will also be getting a few festive game modes as well.  In straightforward PlayStation news, PS4 owners received the latest update for console version 8.00. The update caused mass outages for different services that didn’t affect everybody, but certainly seemed to have an effect on the majority. Anywhere from not being able to access PSN servers at all to not being able to see your friends list, Gamers across social media cried foul and made it clear they weren’t too pleased with the errors. The good news is, it seemed to be cleared up within a day or so and things are back to normal for most. The bad news is, people are still complaining and seem to let it go. “I remember one time I had planned my day around using my PS4 to play some online games. There was an update and like the arrogant fool I was, decided to download and install it and figured it would be just fine. I was wrong… seconds turned into minutes. Minutes turned into hours. I spent a while 24 hours without sleep, just sitting there while I checked the status of services. Sony took an entire day of my life away and I’ll never get it back. I’ll never let it go…” If this is you, let me give you a small piece of advice. 1. Let it go. 2. Next time something like this happens, you have a choice to do other things. Maybe look into those other choices instead of spending a day being miserable and stressed over something you have no control over?  Moving along, we have learned several new things about the upcoming PS5. For starters, the internet seems frustrated with a party chat recording policy that is apparently being looked into by Sony and could possibly be scrapped before the PS5’s release. With update 8.00, our PS4’s notified us that if we join a party chat that is hosted … Read More

PlayStation Weekly – Issue #2

Hello and welcome back to PlayStation Weekly! This is where you can catch up on the latest news for all things PlayStation and other notable video game news. In issue 2 of PlayStation Weekly, catch up on PlayStation Trophies updates, More info about the PS5 and more! Let’s get started!  Concerned about the process of transferring your PS4 games to the PS5? Worry not! As it turns out, Sony has confirmed that PS5 owners will be able to transfer their data from PS4 to their new PS5 over WiFi. As this is currently a feature available to us now when transferring from one PS4 to another over WiFi, it shouldn’t come as a surprise as much as it should come as a relief. Transferring your games and save files from PS4 to PS5 will be much quicker and easier than going through each game and save file individually.    Speaking of PS5, the internet was treated to a full PS5 tear down that revealed quite a bit about the upcoming console. To start, we found out the panels on the PS5 are easily removed. This is exciting news because instead using sticker skins to deck out or consoles, we will be able to choose from tons of different custom designs that are sure to flood the market. While Sony hasn’t mentioned any first party plans to create and sell custom designed shell casings, the third party market is already making plans to do so and in all seriousness, we can probably count on Sony to do the same thing. You can watch the full video tear down here: In regards to the size of the console (does size really matter? Zing!), the size and shape is meant to help the cooling of the PS5 work more efficiently. With all the bells and whistles under the hood, it matters because many of us that love our PS4’s, are also bothered by the sound of what most of us describe as a jet taking off. Time will tell, but it does seem that Sony has managed to put together a solution for this problem.    The PS5 has dust catchers to help keep your console clean and make maintenance easier! It’s pretty simple to clean up. Pop off your covers and vacuum the dust catchers. I personally think this is a great idea as I already regularly maintain my console to keep it clean and clear. My advice is to clean it regularly before the dust builds up.    And this shouldn’t surprise anyone at all, but there is an expandable storage option that will of course, allow you to expand the storage in your PS5. I know there was some speculation on the web that we would be stuck with only 825 gigs of memory, but it was a hard pill to swallow in this day and age. Having a next gen console release with no option of expandable storage would surely be ridiculous in my mind.    PS Trophies have gotten … Read More